Gone Baby Gone

Into the 5fire...

Into the 5fire!



Mi Cha/Mischa's POV



"Ahhh aigoo!! How could I have slept so long on the train? Aish!"  I said in frustration, cursing myself under my breath as I hit my head

lightly. I quickly scrambled to find a ticket machine to purchase another train ticket, and found myself stopping dead in my tracks. In

front of me in the underground pedway wasnone other than my Prince Choi Siwon.


Well it wasn't the real person, of course, my Prince was too busy to take the train, but in his place before my eyes, was a gigantic poster

of him advertising "Pepero" (It's like Pocky). His warm brown eyes locked onto mine as he placed a Pepero by his seductive lips. I felt

my face flush as I put the back of my hand on my cheek. A flutter in my heart took hold of me uncontrollably, and I felt my knees

buckle a little. This was the effect Prince Choi Siwon had over me. I walked closer to him, step by step, with my hand reached out to

touch those beautiful lips. I am so close.


Then BAM! Something with the ferocity of a fighting bull runs into me, or rather runs over me should be more fitting, and the next thing

I knew, I was on the floor, writhing in pain as my kissed the floor. Aish! Even my cellphone was knocked out of my pocket, but I still

ached where I landed when I tried to get up, so I stayed put just for a second longer. What a beast! I look over to Prince Choi Siwon to

make sure he wasn't damaged, or at least, in as much pain as I was. I widened my eyes as I saw the poster gone. Gone. Disappeared.

Abracadabra and Poof. I stared in amazement at the now blank wall who did not look a thing like my beautiful Prince. Who would do

such a thing? A crazy fan maybe...but then I got my answer.


"Ah Ahjumma, you shouldn't have been in my way. I could have seriously gotten hurt, you know?" said an unfamiliar voice, as three pairs

of clicking black heels approached where I was resting on the floor.


"What did you just call me?" I yelled back. I slowly looked up at the figures who owned the three pairs of black heels. A trio of girls, still

wearing their school uniforms, so very obviously skipping school, looked down at me with a snarky experssion on their faces without the

least bit of remorse or sincerity.


"Ah ahjumma, are you so old you're going deaf too?" said the girl in the center, who from the sound of her voice was the same girl who

called me ahjumma the first time. The nerves of these girls! I stood up, dusting myself off,  looking them dead in the eye, no way in hell

was I stepping down from this! I could feel my blood boil as they snickered between themselves. I wanted to take them down right now.

I had faced way more meaner,tougher girls than these wannabees here. One by one. Slowly. I was going to take them all down until they

apologized . I glared at the girl in the center, who i noticed was actually quite pretty, despite her awful attitude." Oh I'm so scared by your

eye smiles. Ahjumma! ," she scoffed.


All of sudden I hear "It's You" by Super Junior, and I realize it's my cellphone ringing. I scramble to pick up my cell phone, almost tripping

along the way, and I shot the trio of girls a glare as I heard them snicker again. I went to a quiet corner behind a pillar where they

couldn't see me, and opened my cell phone.


"Hello? I'm kind of in the middle of something right now. Can this wait? I'll call you back," I said as I peeked over the pillar to see if the

girls were still there. Boy, were they going to be sorry they picked a fight with me. Then from the corner of my eye, I see something I don't

believe. The girls had my Prince's poster held captive on the floor and were now drawing all over his beautiful face using red markers.

Those  fricking bi-


"Hello? Mi Cha-ssi? Mi Cha-ssi are you there? MI CHA-ssi!!!!!!!" I immediately  pull my cell phone away from my ear.


"Ouch! Yes I'm here! You don't need to scream whoever this is that is calling me," I said rashly. I could hear the anger rising in my voice

as it wavered to stay steady, not that I intended to sound angry on purpose. This was too much. My eyes were glued on the trio of evil

witches, and I started listing off all the nasty things I could to do to them one by one.


"Mi Cha-ssi! Where are you right now?" asked an unfamiliar male voice.


"Ah? I"m at Daegu underground train station.  Why? Who is this?" I asked tentatively.


"Aigoo, you're so far! Do you realize what time it is right now you babo (idiot) ?"


"Yah!" I screamed at my cellphone. First those girls calling me "ahjumma" and now this person is calling me "babo", why was my life so



"YAH! BABO! BABO! I said do you know what time it is?" the voice screamed back in my ear. The nerve of this guy, Prince Choi Siwon

  would never scream at a lady, or call her babo.


"Of course I do! It's..." I said, trailing off as I checked my watch. " 1:35!!!!!! Oh my god, I completely forgot about the meeting."  Onlookers

passed by me curiously as a scream escaped my mouth.


"Mi Cha-ssi!  You have to get to the QES Entertainment building as soon as possible or else you're kicked out from the group!" Dread

and shock washed over my face.


"You mean I won't be able to debut?" I gulped, swallowing hard onto each word.


" I don't know the details, but just try to get here as soon as possible. I'll try stalling for you as long as I can. Now go!"  He hung up

urgently, before I could even thank whoever he was, but I knew the rest was going to be up to me.


I immediately grab my large leather tote and start running to find the nearest automated ticket machine available, but I accidently lose

my footing as I step on a banana peel, that I didn't see there before, and I was headed straight to the floor again, this time face first.

Thankfully my arms shielded me from most of pain, but it still hurt like heck. Then out of nowhere, A rush ofcold liquid runs down my

hair to my face. It stung a little when it ran down my face, and I could smell the reek of alcohol all over me. I whipped my head in the

other direction and found the same trio of girls snickering at me. I was getting tired of this. I wasn't 15 anymore. I stood up, brushing

myself off with the upmost dignity despite all my clothes being drenched. I grab my large tote bag and start running to get a ticket,

feeling a little defeated, a little upset and frustrated, but largely, disappointed in myself for putting something as petty as this fight before

my dream in becoming a star.


So then I ran and got myself a ticket, not caring who saw me or judged me, and got to the platform just in time to catch the train. And then

I prayed and prayed.


Hyun Su/Ace's POV

(ok not the best pic of jaejoong, but I don't know to crop the second part of this pic out, so he looks like he's holding his laugh as

well as like he's about to sneeze)



I looked over at the clock mounted on the wall. It was almost 2:00 now. Whoever was missing was late for almost half an hour, but one of

the men in the room, by far the youngest of the four I would think, kept on continually pleading the salt and peppered haired man in the

center of their entourage, to keep waiting. I figured he was the CEO of this agency by the way everyone else seemed to cower a little

beside him.


I yawned, and wondered how long would it take for the person to show up, or better yet, how much longer could the CEO could wait for a

rookie he could easily replace. I was woken up from my thoughts as a slam shook through the room by a hand colliding down onto the

table. The young boy on my right nearly yelped, while the girl on my left sat there with the same blank expression she had coming into

the room.


"I'm not going to wait for this person any longer! This meeting has to commence. We're already behind schedule," the CEO exclaimed



"Wait! I swear she's coming-"


"Geun Suk-ssi! You've been saying that for the past twenty five minutes," he argued, narrowing his eyes at the young man beside him.

"It is one thing to wait for someone, and a whole other to waste other people's time." That I happened to agree upon. We were just

wasting our time sitting here looking pretty.


The CEO grabbed a pen from his pocket and took out a page from the stack of papers, and I think everyone in the room, stupid or not,

knew what he was about to do next.


A lightning bolt suddenly flashed before my eyes as the door finally swung open, and I had expected to see a caked up snob that had

made us wait for forever on purpose, but boy were my expectations wrong. And for the first time in awhile, I found myself unable to

control my urge to laugh.


And it never felt so good.





Sorry I know it kind of ended abruptly, but the next chapter, they'll be actually getting stuff done. :D

Look forward to it!

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Chapter 3: this was great so far!!! i loved all the perspectives. and tbh the jaejoong pic is just fine~~~ he's pretty no matter what hehehe
i don't know if you're still updating this story or not but i hope you update x.x
Chapter 3: please update soon (;
Chapter 3: please update soon (;
please update soon, I like these kinds of stories. like a behind the scenes to kpop. lol.
Aww poor U-Ae! And poor Ace D: