
Typical Mr. Darcy


(Just imagining them  above as Taeyong and Jaehyun XD)



It’s warm.


It feels warm.


Warm like the feeling of someone’s arms circled around your waist, protecting you from the cold. Taeyong hated the cold and it was so kind of Mark to let Donghyuck spoon him again. The last time he got drunk, Taeyong asked his hoobae to spoon him. He literally dragged him to his bedroom and didn’t let go of him until the morning came. And that left Mark in a very bad mood because he had to sleep alone that night.


Has he been going to the gym? I clearly remember his arms to be a little lanky.


Maybe he had been because his arms feel different. Taeyong felt the hands which were placed on his waist. The hands feel bigger than Donghyuck’s and warmer.


Taeyong opened his eyes abruptly in horror. Reality had hit him like a splash of cold water. Half awake, Taeyong gazed around and absorbed the unknown surroundings. It took him a minute to realize that he was not inside his own bedroom and he slept with someone. Taeyong shifted his gaze on the hands resting casually around his waist. He’s scared to turn his head and find out who’s the owner because he’s pretty sure it’s a guy’s hands.


How drunk was I last night? How the hell did I ended up here?


Taeyong bit his lips nervously as he moved his eyes around the room. It looks like an expensive penthouse compared to their small apartment.


He decided to get out from there as soon as possible despite his severe headache. Taeyong can still feel the lingering effects of hangover at the back of his head. He slowly moved the stranger’s hands from his waist and took the blanket around his shoulders and arose from the bed carefully.


When Taeyong was a step away from the bed, he finally caught sight of the stranger sleeping next to him. It was the blonde guy who sat two chairs away from him last night!


Oh my God! Did I do something with him last night???


Taeyong screamed internally.


Especially after he felt the loose sweater he was wearing, which definitely wasn’t his and he was only in his boxers.


He can’t even remember half of the things he did last night.


Uh oh.


Taeyong rubbed his head exasperatedly. He collected his clothes scattered on the floor hurriedly and tried to make no sounds at all. He knew he had to leave before the blond guy wakes up. Thankfully, the latter slept like a log.


Lee Taeyong, you idiot! You will never drink again, you hear me?!


Taeyong tip toed to the door and opened it carefully. It made a slight creeking sound. He nervously turned his head to check the blonde guy but thank heavens, he’s still a sleep. He then got out from the bedroom and closed the door with such care.


The penthouse was really huge and Taeyong wondered where was the main door. He trekked the room carefully as he passed the kitchen when someone spoke so suddenly, scaring the out of him.


“Who are you?”


Taeyong jumped in surprise and stopped on his track. He turned around and found a lady in a maid uniform.


She stared at Taeyong suspiciously.


“I will asked again, who are you and why are you sneaking around?”


Taeyong waved his hands nervously. “No. It’s not like that. I’m just… uh….”


Taeyong bit his lips, have no idea what to say and he had to come up with good reason.


The lady spoke formally, her voice laced with venom. “If you can’t explain why you’re here, I’ll call police and report you for trespassing.”


Before he can even open his mouth to defend himself, a hoarse voice interrupted from the hall.


“It’s okay Vic. He’s my acquaintance.”


Taeyong tilted his head to get a better view.


The blonde guy finally woke up.


The housekeeper bowed automatically and said, “Good morning, Sir. I have your breakfast ready. Do you need something?”


“Not really. You can go now, Vic.”


The housekeeper bowed again as she excused herself. She still glanced suspiciously towards Taeyong as she left the penthouse with the private elevator near the living room.


He even has an elevator inside his house!


Taeyong orbs widened in amazement but got hold of himself when he saw the blonde guy walked closer to him.


“Why are you leaving so soon? After what you did last night?” The blonde guy muttered. He sounded annoyed.


Taeyong started to say something but before he could even start explaining, his stomach growled loudly.


The blonde guy raised a sardonic eyebrow with a smirk playing on his lips.


“Eat first. I won’t take no as an answer, it’s an order.”


He made his way inside the kitchen and Taeyong had no choice but to follow. His headache from was still there and now he’s starving. Worst combination ever.


Taeyong scanned his eyes around as he followed the blonde guy. The kitchen is so clean, much to Taeyong’s delight. He admits, he has slight OCD tendencies which annoys his Hoobaes sometimes.


The smell of toast and freshly brewed coffee floating around the area.


Taeyong was still standing awkwardly, clearly lost when the blonde guy spoke.


“Which one do you like?”


“Wh-what?” Taeyong replied, quite surprise.


“I asked you which one do you like. Don’t let me repeat things. You will regret it.” The blonde guy shifted an intense gaze towards Taeyong.


That intense gaze sent a shiver to his spine. He tried to focus and understand what the blonde was saying. The latter held a toast on one hand and a butter knife on the other. He pointed towards some jars.


“Nutella please. Thank you.” Taeyong said slowly and the blonde guy spread the chocolate jam on the toast.


“Here. You can sit there.” The blonde guy put the plate of Nutella toast and orange juice to the kitchen table near Taeyong.


Taeyong muttered another thank you and finally sat. He put his scattered clothes on the chair next to him.


“Drink the juice first. It will be good for your hangover.”


Taeyong nodded and took a gulp of orange juice. After that, he took a bite of the toast. He was so hungry but he felt uncomfortable with the way the blonde guy was watching him over the rim of his cup, not breaking the stare even for a second.


“So…” the blonde guy finally broke the silence after sipping his coffee.


Taeyong waited nervously, stomach knotted uncomfortably.


“So, were you planning to sneak out quietly? You know, I can sue you for ual harassment after what you did last night.”


Taeyong choked after his statement.


ual harassment?! I should be the one reporting about it when I woke on his bed without my own clothes!


“Excuse me?!” Taeyong raised his voice.


The blonde guy raised his eyebrows as response.


“I don’t remember what the exactly happened last night but I clearly remember that these aren’t my clothes. Did you undressed me?”


“I didn’t have much choice.” The blonde guy answered nonchalantly.


Taeyong automatically crossed his arms in front of his chest and shouted in horror. “What did you do to me?!”


The blonde guy stared in amusement.


“Do you really not remember a single thing last night?”


Taeyong shook his head vigorously.


“Even when you asked me to spoon you?”


Taeyong jaws dropped.


Did I ask him to spoon me? A stranger? I must be insane!


“Did I?” Taeyong muttered.


“Yes, you did. At first I thought you were a conman, pretending to be drunk then running way with your victim’s money. But then you passed out. On me.” The blonde guy deadpanned.


“I’m not like that!” Taeyong denied vehemently. “I went there with my hoobae… and-and his boyfriend. They are ce-celebrating their first anniversary and… they forced me to join the-them. Then they said they needed to go to the toilet and I was left alone. I got thirsty that’s why I ordered a drink. I’m a light drinker and the bartender said it was just a lemonade! I didn’t even had my phone or my wallet because I gave them to my hoobae!”


Taeyong rambled, clearly in panic.


“Whoa, calm down! Are you having a panic attack?” The blonde guy questioned and for once, concern written amidst his impeccable features.


“I-I’m... I talk too much when I’m nervous.” Taeyong confessed.


“Do I make you nervous?” A playful smirk tugging on his lips.


Taeyong felt his face burning. He shifted his gaze towards the blonde guy. He finally got to stare at his face completely. The guy had dark brown eyes that shone with natural beauty and Taeyong couldn't help but stare. His thick eyebrows were furrowed. He had a sharp nose and his lips were slightly parted, showing off rows of white teeth. His skin was pale but glowing. He’s slim and muscular too. His tousled blonde hair looked so fluffy, it framed his oval face perfectly.


He’s beyond attractive.


Taeyong shook his head, trying to clear out his mind.


“Can you just tell me what actually happened last night?”


“You approached me and told me you were feeling cold. Then you asked me to spoon you. After that, you threw up on my fancy pants and fainted. I tried to look for your ID but you had none and no one seems to know you, so I took you here. You regained consciousness and suddenly, you dragged me to my bed. Pulled my arms around your waist. And about your clothes, it was covered with vomit. You changed your clothes by yourself when I gave you my sweater. That’s it.”


The blonde guy explained casually.


Taeyong laughed, but it wasn’t his amused laugh; it’s an incredulous one, as if the information he just received was too outlandish to be true. He must be insane!


“But… why didn’t you resist? Why did you let me dragged you?” Taeyong countered.


The blonde guy let out a small chuckled. “Simply because I am a gentleman.”


Taeyong bit his lips, unsatisfied.


“Why do you keep on biting your lips?” The blonde guy frowned, as if it was something disturbing him.


“It’s a habit of mine.”


He shot a glare and Taeyong said nothing.


“Anyway, do you really feel cold when you get drunk?” The blonde guy gave a judging look.


Taeyong nodded slowly. “Yes. Unlike most people, I feel cold when I get drunk. You can ask everyone around me.”


Taeyong bit his lips again.


You can ask everyone around me? Lee Taeyong, get a grip! It’s not like we would keep in touch!


“Stop that.” The blonde guy said demandingly.


Taeyong’s forehead wrinkled in confusion.


“Stop biting your lips. It’s kind of… distracting.” The blonde guy growled in annoyance.


Taeyong shifted uncomfortably on his chair before he finally stood up.


Time to go, Lee Taeyong!


He bowed first and said hurriedly.


”I’m sorry for all the troubles I caused you. I promise we won’t see each other again. Thank you for everything.”


Taeyong took his clothes and went straight to the private elevator. He’s pretty sure the elevator is the only way out of here. The elevator doors opened. He pressed the button leading to the ground floor. The metal door was closing when the blonde guy appeared in front of Taeyong and held the closing door.


“Wait, tell me your name.” He said in the same way when he told Taeyong to stop biting his lips.




His brown orbs stared at him impatiently.




Taeyong stopped.


Wait. Why should I tell him my name? What if this guy turns out to be a serial killer despite his good looks?




Fake name, Taeyong decided for his safety from this stranger.


The blonde guy narrowed his eyes at Taeyong but then he said slowly, “I’m Jae.”


His lips form a small smile after that as he walked backward to let the elevator door to close.


Taeyong noticed the dimples on the blonde guy’s cheeks. It looks cute despite his sharp features. Taeyong’s heart beating a little faster. He leaned on the elevator, inhaling the lingering scent on the blonde guy’s sweater he’s wearing.


When he arrived at the ground floor, Taeyong recognized his surroundings. Marble floors, chandeliers, floor-to-ceiling windows. The blonde guy’s penthouse is in Seoul premiere apartment complex. That guy must be freaking rich!


By the time he sat inside the taxi, Taeyong clutched his heart when he remembered the stranger’s name.




Taeyong sighed in exasperation. There possibility of them meeting in the future is highly unlikely. He couldn’t understand why the mere thought of that made him feel a little disappointed...


Donghyuck paced around worriedly for the inside his small apartment while Mark, his boyfriend was lying on the couch eating chips while watching TV. He switched the channels until it landed on a soccer game.


Donghyuck glared in annoyance as his boyfriend let out loud complaints when one of the players received a foul.


He walked towards the couch and grabbed the remote to turn off the TV, ignoring the protest from his boyfriend.


“Get out.”


“What?” Mark asked innocently, still munching on those damn chips. The crumbs smeared on side of his lips.


“I said get out. I’m stress because Taeyong Hyung is missing and you’re not helping at all!” Donghyuck’s voice was halfway to a screech at this point.


Mark pulled Donghyuck’s arms that made his frowning boyfriend stumble, landing onto his lap.


“What the…,” Donghyuck grumbled as he struggled from his boyfriend’s grip. But Mark locked his arms around Donghyuck’s waist, tightening his hold, as he nuzzled his nose on Donghyuck’s neck.


“Taeyong Hyung will be fine. Please trust me and stop panicking.”


Donghyuck let out heavy sigh. “I’m just worried. What if he got kidnapped?” He regretted leaving his Hyung alone last night.


“Let me distract you.”


And by distraction, he means peppering Donghyuck’s face and lips with soft pecks. The latter squirmed under his boyfriend’s touch when he heard the sound of the door opening.


“Seriously guys, get a room.” A scoffs came in.


Donghyuck and Mark jolted in surprise when they saw the black haired guy. Looking a little messy but perfectly fine.


Most importantly… alive.


“TAEYONG HYUNG!” Donghyuck stood up and jump on him with a bone-crushing hug.


“Oh my God, you’re alive! We were so worried about you!” Donghyuck said and glancing at his boyfriend. Mark nodded his head in agreement.


“Well, it looked like you completely forgot about me earlier,” Taeyong whined referring to the scene he saw first when he arrived.


Donghyuck grinned cheekily.


“Anyway, where were you last night, Hyung? What happened?” Mark piped in.


“Oh my God! Did you hook up with a stranger?” Donghyuck gaped.


“One night stand? Is he hot?” Mark continued curiously.


“You’re finally not anymore?” Donghyuck gawked and his eyes getting teary like a proud mother.


Taeyong shook his head in frustration.


“Guys, stop. I’m so tired and I need more sleep. And before jumping into these ridiculous conclusions, please just go down and pay for my cab because I don’t have my wallet. Adios.”


Taeyong left the dumbfounded couple and continued towards his bedroom. He locked his bedroom door when he finally got inside then he threw himself on his bed. Taeyong was unable to fight off the tiredness, drifting into a light slumber.


Jaehyun never felt this way. He hate how a complete stranger occupied his mind today. The way he drunk, the way he asked to be spooned, the way he bit his lips, and even the way how his body fit perfectly into his embrace. Damn his attractive face.


Jaehyun just finished showering when he heard a knock on his door.


Jaehyun wore a black wifebeater before he opened the door, still drying his wet hair with towel.


“Sir, Head Secretary Cha is waiting for you in living room.” Victoria, his housekeeper, informed.


Jaehyun nodded and made his way towards the living room.


The tanned guy in suit stood up and bowed when Jaehyun appeared.


Jaehyun nodded and sat comfortably on the sofa.


“So, I came here to inform you that we finally hired a new secretary for you. We are certain that this guy is suitable for the job.”


Jaehyun straighten up. “Really Hakyeon hyung? A guy?” He repeated in disbelief.


“We hired a guy since no woman applied for the job.” The tanned guy slightly frowned and added, “And it was no wonder because of that throwback we had with Nam Dahyun’s case. It caused quite a riot back then.”


Nam Dahyun was Jaehyun’s former secretary. She clearly was incapable of doing her job and one day, he got so annoyed, he purposely mocked her.


“I bet your IQ is the same with the temperature outside, Secretary Nam.”


And guess what, it was winter. Nam Daehyun was flared up and she tried to burn down the office. Luckily, she had no chance to do that.


“It’s not my fault. She’s the one who’s incapable of doing her work.” Jaehyun said nonchantly.


Hakyeon sighed. “She’s actually had good skills. The HR department took hiring seriously with every employee. But you, you are a special case. That’s why we hired this guy. He’s well-detailed and neat. Perfect for you.”


Jaehyun crossed his legs. “Tell me more.”


Hakyeon opened his postman bag and took out a folder.


“All his profile is inside it. His name is Lee Taeyong.”


Jaehyun opened the folder and his eyes widened in disbelief.


“Hey Hakyeon hyung, are you sure this guy’s name is Lee Taeyong?”


“Yes. Is there anything wrong?”


Jaehyun smirked. He’s 100% sure that this was the spoon guy from last night.


The attractive stranger.


“Jae, do you know him?” Hakyeon questioned suspiciously.


Jaehyun shook his head, maintaining his straight face.


Hakyeon raised his eyebrow but said nothing. Then he stood up and bow. “That’s all. I’ll leave now.”


Jaehyun also stood up and escorted Hakyeon to the private elevator.


After Hakyeon left, Jaehyun went back to read the files about his secretary-to-be. One thing Jaehyun is sure, that Lee Taeyong guy lied about his name but thanks to fate, he will meet him again.


Jaehyun felt the excitement spark inside his body.


“One hot cappuccino with vanilla syrup and one blueberry scone.” A customer ordered. After another sleep, Taeyong woke up feeling fresh. He was lucky he had more time before his shift at Steamin’ Mugs Coffee Shop starts. He decided to be a part-time barista while waiting for calls from the companies he applied.


He just finished serving the customer. Since there were no sight of new customers, Taeyong left from his post and approached Donghyuck and Mark who sat in the corner with Lee Taemin, the boss of Steamin’ Mugs.


“He didn’t come home last night? Did he hook up with stranger?” Taeyong heard Taemin questioned curiously.


Donghyuck guffawed. “No way, he probably got too drunk.”


“I’m pretty sure he’s still .” Mark added nonchalantly.


“Seriously, why is my state of ity is being discussed?” Taeyong deadpanned. “And yes to confirm your theories, I was too drunk so nothing happened.”


Taemin scooted from his seat giving Taeyong some space.


“Mind to telling us where did you go last night then?” Taemin asked.


Donghyuck and Mark leaned forward eagerly. They haven’t heard the whole story from their Hyung since he went straight to sleep.


Taeyong pursed his lips but finally answered. “A luxurious penthouse inside the expensive apartment complex in Gangnam.”


Taemin whistled and it made Taeyong’s cheeks flush deep red.


“Hyung, don’t do that.”


“Hyung, just because you’re unemployed doesn’t mean you have to sell your body now.” Donghyuck exhaled dramatically.


“Yah!” Taeyong barked.


“Babe, you know Taeyong hyung is too much of a prude to do that.” Mark said as he circled his arms over his boyfriend’s shoulder.


“Why, thank you Mark.” Taeyong said, sarcasm dripping from his mouth.


Donghyuck rolled his eyes and a playful smirk formed into his lips.


“Who is he? Is he handsome? He’s pretty rich if he lived in that place you mentioned.”


“I don’t really remember. I was drunk,” Taeyong lied, not wanting to give details about the blonde guy because he knew that he won’t ever meet the guy and it made his heart aches a little.


Donghyuck shot a disbelief look but Taemin suddenly interrupted.


“Anyway Taeyong-ah, how’s your latest interview? Any calls?”


Taeyong facepalmed. “Hyung, I almost forgot! They told me they will send me an email around this time. Can I use your laptop?”


His boss nodded kindly and Taeyong took the laptop from the nearest table and checked his email.


“How is it?” Donghyuck is the first to ask before sipping his red velvet latte.


Taeyong checked the email carefully. His hearts beating fast, especially when he saw a sign of new message.


It’s from NCT Enterprises Group.


Taeyong opened it with shaking fingers:


Dear Mr. Lee Taeyong,


NCT Enterprises Group are pleased to announce that you have been offered the position in Secretary Department.


After reading your applications and getting to know you during your interview, we have determined that you would be the best candidate to fill this job. We love how organized you are and you’re educational background is impeccable.


All the terms of your employment are negotiable. We expecting you in NCT Enterprises Group main office on Monday at 8 AM to meet up with the Head of Secretary Department, Cha Hakyeon.


We hope you will consider this opportunity. Thank you for your attention.




Wendy Son


Head of Recruitment Department


NCT Enterprises Group


“YOU DID IT! YOU GOT THE JOB IN N.E.G!” Taemin shrieked and embraced Taeyong with a suffocating hug.


“REALLY?!” Donghyuck and Mark together, they took the laptop to read the mail.






“Hyung… I can’t breathe!” Taeyong wheezed.


“Oh sorry! I’m so happy for you!” Taemin freed his employee and grinned widely.


“Thank you everyone and if it wasn’t for Mark, I wouldn’t have known about this job opening.” Taeyong thanked wholeheartedly.


Mark winked. Wendy Son, the head of HR Department from NCT Enterprises Group is actually Mark’s cousin. She’s the one who told Mark about employment.


Taeyong smiled widely to himself.  He finally has a job! A decent job in NCT Enterprises Group, the famous and big company in town.


He will earn more money and maybe… he can rent a new apartment. Escape the loud weird noises (ahem, and groaning) from Donghyuck and Mark’s room every single night!


Author’s ramble corner: Thank you for RedLux9 my amazing beta reader for this chapter too❤❤ ANYWAY MNET WHY YOU MADE INTERNATIONAL FANS CAN’T VOTE FOR PRODUCE101 TRAINEES??? I’m sorry I’m so annoyed with the rules. Hope Korean fans can give their votes to my fav Kang Daniel, Bae Jinyoung, Lai Guanlin (he's improving much day by day) and Hong Eunki (seriously this guy can dance beautifully) <3

Comments, upvotes, and subs are really appreciated :D just tell me what do you think about this chapter I will loved it❤❤ -EMMA-


Characters Profile:


Lee Donghyuck 22 yo

-  Currently 3rd year student in Seoul Uni majoring in business

- Taeyong’s hoobae slash roommate. Admiring Taeyong but sometimes dissing him too XD

- His family lived in Jeju Island and he rented his small apt in Seoul at the exact time when Taeyong is currently searching for a cheap place too. Then they decided to live together.

- He had boyfriend, a Canadian-Korean guy named Mark Lee.

- Donghyuck is cute and funny yet his temper is no joke.

-  ually active in which sometimes they forgot Taeyong’s presence around them XD


Mark Lee 23 yo

- Currently the 4th year student in Seoul Uni majoring in English literature.

-  Likes soccer so much.

-  He's from Canada and currently he lived in Seoul with his cousin, Wendy Son

-  Donghyuck’s boyfriend.

- Totally whipped and loved Donghyuck so much XD

-  ually active in which sometimes they forgot Taeyong’s presence around them XD



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AkaAika44 #1
Chapter 4: Um, so, will you continue this? BECAUSE I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH:''')
janniezhong #2
Chapter 4: Hai! I just read the entire thing and thought it was hecka good, and then got to your note in the 4th chapter --- I can't message you cuz of your privacy settings or something, but I'd totally be willing to be your beta reader! U.S.A. born and raised English speaker here XD
Hadi_Fer #3
Chapter 3: Omg, author-nim please continue this!! It's interesting
Chapter 3: Please update author-nim I really love your story. I hope you wont be abandoning this one T________T ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Afyl_lee #5
Please update... omg ?
Tsuhugi #6
Please an update at least... Becausd I am still waiting hahaha I love already ur fiction so much
patty_c #7
Chapter 3: I just want to know, are you gonna update this story ?
I'm dying to know what will happen next ㅠㅠ
I didn't how much i re-read this story ㅋㅋㅋ hope you will update this soon author-nim
PrinceFrost #8
Chapter 3: I miss jaeyong and this story sm, so i re-read this. Still waiting. I hope you can update soon
77mi77 #9
Chapter 3: update soon pls~~
Tsuhugi #10
Girlll I need the next chapter so bad lmaooo