Chapter 1

Just One Little Miracle (On-Hiatus)

Luhan and Sehun lived a perfect life. A perfect house. A perfect love. A perfect relationship. Perfect everything.


Until one news came up and everything went spiraling down.


Sehun begs for one little miracle but Luhan begs for a little more time.






Chapter 1


Luhan lived a perfect life. Everything was perfect, he’d never think that anything could ruin his perfect everything, he’s got everything he could ever ask for, especially the man he dreamed and loved.


The sun rays beamed between the little space of the pristine curtain, warming up Luhan’s face. Slowly and gently, he fluttered his doe eyes open. Lining his vision was soft-looking jet black hair, he slowly reached for it and ran his little hands through. It was one of the best way to start his morning, knowing his love was always beside him when he wakes up.


“Good morning, love,” Luhan adoringly looked at his husband, He is so adorable when he sleeps. Hovering his little finger over his husbands eyebrow, slowly straightening it out, and gently tracing it along his tall, straight and perfect nose bridge then along his sharp looking cheekbones but when Luhan always touches it, it’s as soft as a baby’s, then brushing it along his long black eyelashes then lastly his pink, soft, plump lips. His finger lingers over that part of his husbands face a lot longer than the others because his lips was always his favorite part of his husbands body, it always tasted sweet, almost like honey.


Sehun gave a soft ‘hmm’ when Luhan was finished from tracing his face, it was his Luhan’s daily morning routine. He slowly fluttered his eyes open and every time he does, he always feel like his breath would always leave him because here was his husband, looking beautiful, breath-taking, unreal and so pure. He always wondered if he saved the world in his previous life to deserve someone so beautiful as Luhan.


He took his time in memorizing his face, even though he’s seen his face countless of times, woke up to him countless of times but just like Luhan, it was his daily morning routine to rake his eyes through those beautiful features God has blessed his Luhan.


Those soft, beautiful, fluffy honey-caramel hair of his falling over his beautiful, sparkling eyes. He always drowned in those brown sparkling orbs of his. His perfect little button nose, one of his feature that always make him look feminine, even his face is small and Sehun just loves how it fit in his hands every time he cups his little face to give him a kiss, speaking of kiss, Luhan’s rosy lips, those sweet, soft, ribbon-shaped lips, he loves kissing those. Sehun’s reminder of Luhan being real and his is that little scar on his bottom lips, it just adds to his beauty and the fact that he is real.


When Sehun finished admiring Luhan, he gave him his usual reply with his husky morning voice, “Good morning too, love.”


Luhan smiled and gently kissed Sehun’s nose, “Nana said breakfast is ready.” he whispered and slowly sat up to stretch away the ache of last night’s quiet activity. In the pile of messy clothes on the floor, Luhan just opted to pick up Sehun’s big white dress shirt and let himself be engulf in Sehun’s scent and gingerly put on his white briefs.


Sehun just admired how adorable his husband looked, his dress shirt almost eating his husband’s entire frame.


“Come, let’s eat. I smell bacon and pancakes!” Luhan practically dragged Sehun out their master bedroom’s door, good thing Sehun was dressed in a wife-beater and his Chopper printed boxer shorts. What? Can’t a 24 year-old married man wear his husband’s gift?


“Hmmmm~ that smells good Nana~” Luhan sing songed while sitting down at the stool near island where Nana was fresh fruits.


Nana was and still is Sehun’s Nanny, Sehun practically grew in his Nana’s arms because his parents were too busy with work to even make him milk in his baby bottle but that doesn’t mean they didn’t care about their child, they just couldn’t grabbed the time, his Nana was already nearing the age of 70 but still worked around like she’s still 50. Nana wore everyday clothes because that was what Sehun told him when he turned 18 because Nana is practically a part of the family, and Nana didn’t have any children or husband to return to and Sehun convinced her to just stay with him until he grows old. She just laughed at Sehun’s convincing. Nana was practically his mom and dad, in a way.


“Oh good that you two are up.” Nana smiled, wrinkles at the corner of her eyes showing. Sehun was thankful that he made his whole master bedroom soundproof or it would have scarred the living daylights out of his Nana from his and Luhan’s activity last night... Or every night.


Sehun joyfully ate his breakfast while watching two of his favorite people in the world just chatting away about randoms things he doesn’t know or maybe he’s just too busy admiring to understand what the both of them are saying.


When Sehun fnished, he stood up and brought his plate to the sink and washed it while the two didn’t seem to notice Sehun standing up, after Sehun cleaned his plate and let it dry by the rack, he approached Luhan from behind and back hugged him.


“I’m going to shower now, Lu.” Sehun whispered at the crown of Luhan’s head and kissed it. Luhan just looked at Sehun’s retreating back.



“I’ll see you later, Lu.” Sehun kissed Luhan fully on the lips before grabbing his car keys by the fish bowl on the table near the door and bolted out the door without waiting for Luhan’s reply.


Luhan went upstairs and grabbed his phone by the bedside table. He texted Sehun what he was about to say to him before he ran out the door.


To Hunnielovelove


Hun, I’ll go to Baek’s today, gonna meet up with Kyungsoo there cause they said they missed me, I already told Nana. I’ll take care, i promise! Love love love you!


And Luhan pressed send. Luhan doesn’t expect a reply because he knows Sehun is driving right now and he’ll probably be busy too when he steps out of the car and into his office. And so Luhan decided to just shower.


After what seemed like 30 minutes of scrubbing and singing-off-tune-on-purpose, Luhan stepped out of the bathroom in his cotton and fluffy white robe, and proceeded to change into his outfit for the day which just consisted of an oversized blue shirt, fitted denim jeans and his almost worn out grey low-cut converse. He instinctively grabbed onto his phone and checked if Baekhyun was already sending him text messages with letters in capslock but to his surprise, Baek wasn’t sending any messages like his capslock button was broken. Instead...



From Hunnielovelove


Okay love. How long r u gonna stay wid them? Eat lots if ure gonna stay ovr til lunch. Love love love you too :*


And Luhan couldn’t stop his face from smiling that it feels like his face is going to split into halves.


He stormed down the stairs, even though his head felt like there were needles mildly poking it, Must be because I came rushing out from the hot shower to the cold room, ah, I’ll just take some paracetamol.


He excitedly went to the garage just beside their two-storey house, but before he left he made sure to pass by Nana’s room and kiss her goodbye and whispers of ‘I’ll go now’ and ‘take care’, just before he fully went out the door he shouted ‘Don’t ever open the doors to strangers,okay?’


Luhan opened the gate and quickly got into his black Honda Civic and drove out letting Nana close the gate behind him.


Luhan drove through the street with precision because he basically went through more than a hundred times, passing by the familiar antique bookshop next to the music shop, he wonders why the music shop opened next to the bookshop and how do people from the book shop tolerate the noise just next door?


After a few seconds he saw that familiar little old pastry cafe he went with his friends back in college. He stopped just in front of it and quickly went into the cafe. The interior never changes and Luhan never gets old of it, the walls were painted with what used to be pastel blue and he sees those little white bird cages hanging from atop which look rusted making the age of the cafe obvious in some way. Little white columns with a pot of plants on top were standing on oppposite corner of the little wooden counter, a cork board on top where letters that are big enough to read are probably taped. Luhan ordered their usual, the cafe owner/cashier smiled and went to the back and shouted ‘Trio usual’. She’s a woman in her mid-30s and she opened the store just way back 5 years ago when they were in their 2nd year of college.


After minutes of waiting the owner handed Luhan two white paper bags with their logo in the middle ‘Cafe 1220’. Luhan paid and quickly went into the car to head to Baek’s.


When he arrived at the front of the apartelle, he went rushing through the stairs, excited to see his two friends even though he just saw them 2 days ago.


“Kyungsoo-yah! Baekhyun-ah! I’m here!” Luhan shouted after just opening the door and he heard two voices from the living room saying they were in there.


Luhan with quick steps went into the living room and settles the paper bags on the center table then joined in the pile of limbs sprawled on couch where another two small males were crying because they were watching a filipino movie with freaking korean subtitles on it, he asked Kyungsoo what the title was and said ‘Camp asdfg’.


He clearly did not get that because Baekhyun was too busy crying over the part where the campers were burning things, that hurt their heart the most and they just wanted to move on from everything.


He instantly got hooked where the gay said, “When we broke up, I just walked out, I didn’t look back... I didn’t look back because I thought I couldn’t take it... if I did, I might just ran back to him.... But now I realized, I wish I looked back... I should have looked back.... So that I could see for myself if he cried... if he’s hurting as much I am... if it was difficult for him too... I should have looked back.”


He didn’t know why but his heart was wrenching because of it.


When the movie was finished he instantly asked Kyungsoo what was the title of it even though Kyungsoo just said it like 45 minutes ago.


“Camp Sawi” Camp Sawi, he thought. The name sounds funny but the movie was pretty good.


“Can I get a copy please?” Baek handed him his hard drive, “Make sure to return that to me the next day,” Luhan just rolled his eyes and waved his best friend off.


“Oh yeah, I bought our usuals.” Luhan said as he reached for the paper bags in front of them. Baekhyun instantly beamed.


“Yaaaaaay! Okay Lu, I take that 1 day deadline ‘bout my hard drive, you can return it after 2 days.” Luhan just laughed and took out the boxes containing their favorites.


Baekhyun’s box was divided into two inside, the other side was filled of his favorite croissants and the other was his favorite double patty burger. He lifter the bun to make sure there were no cucumbers inside because when the owner switched chef one time and he ordered his usual... You already know what happened and so Baek didn’t order for two weeks. He broke his resolve because his best friends kept eating their favorites in front of him, IN FRONT OF HIM I TELL YOU! THEY EVEN MAKE HUMMING SOUNDS AND THEIR LIPS. That concluded Baekhyun that they were really his best friends.


Kyungsoo’s box was filled with churros and 2 little plastic container containing the dip, the dips were choco hazelnut and the other was sweet red strawberry. He instantly bolted to Baek’s kitchen and brought out the plain yogurt and let’s say those three dips makes him happy. DON’T JUDGE A HAPPY KYUNGSOO.


Luhan’s box was well. Pretty plain and full. Chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. Or so you people thought. This is his favorite because every time he bites into it, there, lies his favorite fruit in the world. A big plump strawberry in the middle of the cupcake. When Luhan first thought it was just plain choco cupcake but when he took a bite in it, he bit into something a little harder than the moist cake and there he tasted the familiar sweet tang of his favorite fruit. And it ultimately became his favorite dessert.


As they bite into their snacks, they just keep chatting. After 2 hours had gone by, they noticed it was lunch already. They all agreed to eat lunch outside.


Before going out the door, Luhan texted Sehun.


To Hunnielovelove


Hunnie~ we’re going to eat lunch outside. Don’t worry, i’ll eat lots! I’ll even send you a picture of my plate! Love love love you!


He returned his phone in his pocket and ran to his best friends, smiling.


✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖



MY THROAT HURT LAST FRIDAY AND I TEND TO GET FEVERISH WHENEVER THAT HAPPENS (i blame the ice cream and not drinking water before going to sleep ((which is my fault)))


i've left hints about the plot of the story, and we're only in the first chapter lol what am i doing

if you ever figure some of it out.... tHEN YOU'RE A FREAKING SHERLOCK!


you guys can talk to me in twitter ^^ don't be shy, i don't bite~ not unless you're made out of chocolate.



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I noticed that....I should have added fluff to the tags too...


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