Incoming text Message


When they got back to Hanbin’s house, He immediately went to take a shower. He trusted Donghyuk to wash his clothes and everything, which, Donghyuk did. While in the shower, Hanbin was thinking about Jiwon. Why was he there? How did he know? These are thoughts that Hanbin had all the while showering. He washed himself 3 times, scrubbing until his skin was red, he washed his had multiple times over and over again, and washed his face, under his nails, and behind his ears. When he got out, his body was a bright red color but, he felt comfortable. He felt clean once again. He went to his room, and into his closet to find what he was going to wear. He had his clothes organized according to color, and then color into season, and then season into type, I.e. Shorts, jeans, long sleeve, short sleeve, sweater. But, the temperature in his house was alright, so, he ended up going to his dresser, for his pajamas. He first put on his underwear, and then proceeded to put on his Pajamas. He was wearing a pair of joggers that had mickey print, and he put on a gray t-shirt. It was only 2PM, but he knew he would not be going back out today. Donghyuk wouldn't let him anyway.


Hanbin walked downstairs to find Donghyuk putting his clothes into the dryer. “Thank you” he said shyly, looking down. Donghyuk sighed, walking over to hanbin. “I used the sanitizer” he said, as he wrapped his arms around Hanbin. Hanbin leaned in closer. “Thank god for Jiwon, right?” Donghyuk said as he pulled away. Hanbin sniffled and nodded. “I think you should give him a call, or text or something to say thank you, dont you think?” Donghyuk said looking down at hanbin with puppy eyes. Hanbin nodded pulling away from Donghyuk to go get his phone. When he came back, he handed his phone to his friend. Donghyuk then put Jiwon’s number into the contacts. “I have to go now, i got called to work.” Donghyuk said as he rubbed hanbins arms up and down. “You going to be okay?” Donghyuk asked. Hanbin nodded. “Okay…” Donghyuk said wearily. He gave Hanbin a kiss on the forehead before headding out. When Donghyuk was gone, Hanbin went to sit on the couch. He stared at the contact name, Jiwon, for 20 minutes, before finally deciding to start a new text message.


/Hey, It’s me, Hanbin,  the freak from earlier. I just wanted to say thank you./ the text said. He sent it and put his phone down. He realized he never got his food, so, he decided to go make something, grabbing his phone he made his way into the kitchen. He received a text back from Jiwon. /Youre not a freak ;((((( But No problem. My brother sometimes has breakdowns, and i just, well, i know what I saw and I knew how to handle it. I wouldnt let someone in need just suffer/ the text back said. Hanbin bit his lip, and wrote a reply. /Oh, im sorry. I understand. Well, thank you/ he said and set his phone down. He started making him self some pancakes. Everything in his mind told him no. But, he couldnt help it. His stomach would hurt later he knew, but, he needed them, the pancakes.

His phone buzzed on the counter, and he looked at it. Another text from Jiwon. /Hey, uh, if you ever need someone to talk to, im always available. Im here, you dont really know me, but, im willing to be here for you? Get to know you?/ it said. Hanbin felt his chest constrict again. Why me? Why did Jiwon want to get to know him? What was special about him? He sent his reply, /Oh, uh, i dont want to sound rude, but, why? Why me?/ he replied. A text soon came back /Well, because youre cute, and you seem like you need someone to talk to/ he said.


(a/n) okay, this is such a short chapter. but, the next chapter is going to consist of nothing but text messages between hanbin and Jiwon. I hope you guys enjoy that. And, im sorry about the shortness ;/// dont hate me 

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Chapter 6: Love it
love__kjk76 #2
Chapter 6: Can u update this story please
Alice_K26 #3
Chapter 6: Akkkkk its soo gooddddd
Chapter 5: Omg im a new subscriber hiii~ I really really really love how you portrays hanbin's disorders in this fic!! It's a really great story and Im really excited for the next chapter!! Fighting!! Take care of yourself!! ♡
KimBarbie #5
miss this fic so much pls update soon
KimBarbie #6
Chapter 5: Please update soon <3
yayaluna #7
Chapter 5: Uh ojh nice moves ihhihi hanbi. Should open himself to J ihihi
KimBarbie #8
Chapter 4: it's interesting..pls update soon
ThreeBit #9
Chapter 3: Your story is really interesting~~~ and the characters are somehow suitable for real B.I and Bobby and Donghyuk is such a sweetheart
Please continue <3
KimBarbie #10
Chapter 3: love this fic <3 pls update soon