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Taehyung looked at the clock and paced about in his apartment. It’s been three hours since you left with Namjoon and he wasn’t hearing back from you. He was starting to get worried, but he didn’t want to disturb you by sending endless texts. 


Taking a deep breath, he told himself that he would send you text once the clock hits 10 PM. If the date had gone well, he knew you would call him telling him everything that had happened. 


He tapped his phone against his chin and waited for the ten minutes to go so that he could contact you. 






You wrapped the blanket around you wanting nothing more than to erase what had just happened. Streaks of black tears raced down your cheeks, ruining the makeup you had done. 


Your mascara and eye makeup all on your cheeks, your lipstick ruined, you tried to stop crying but it wouldn’t stop. You shut your eyes and told yourself to forget. 




“You look… Cute,” Namjoon said, grinning as he held the door for you. You smiled up at him and thanked him. 


Namjoon got into his seat and started to drive off. You looked back at your house and found Taehyung standing by the window. His jaws clenched, eyebrows furrowed, and a frown that replaced his boxy smile. 


“You live with him?” Namjoon asked you suddenly, making you look at him. 


“Oh, no. He came over to check on me. We were friends since middle school. To be honest, it’s my first date ever so he came over to help me out.” 


Namjoon only nodded.


“Anyways, where are we going?” You asked.


“Hmm… I thought we should grab dinner first… Unless you already ate?”


“Sounds good!” You agreed. “What are we going to do after that?”


Namjoon shrugged, his eyes not leaving the road. “We’ll think about it.”


You smiled, “I still can’t believe I’m in the car with you…” 


Namjoon laughed, “Why’s that?”


“Uh… Cause you’re like one of the most liked guys at our college? I’m just that one nerd… I don’t understand why you asked me out.”


Namjoon smirked, “You’ll see…What do you want to eat?” He changed the subject. 


“I’m good with anything.” 



Till dinner, everything was good and going smooth—except for the odd feeling you kept getting whenever you thought about Taehyung’s expression after you left. However, mid-dinner was when everything went down the drain. 


You went to use the restroom and when you walked out, you saw Namjoon on the phone. You didn’t mean to over hear what he was talking about… But you have ears, how can you NOT hear? 


“No, no babe… I love you, I just can’t go tonight. I have work to do…” You heard him say into the phone. Hoping you misheard something, you stepped closer. He hung up after quickly ending the conversation with the person on the phone then he dialed another number. 


“Baby, did you eat yet?” Your eyes rounded… Was he…. Just, playing around with you?


“Oppa can’t go tonight. I have work to do… I’ll be there tomorrow night so my baby girl doesn’t feel lonely.” 


You ran back to the restrooms and locked yourself into a stall. Something was wrong. You were hearing things. You were a 100 percent sure you’ve mistaken what he had just said. Kim Namjoon… He was the coolest guy at school. He was known to be unbearably dashing and extremely hot. He was nice to everyone and had a clean reputation—he didn’t drink, he didn’t smoke… Basically he didn’t do anything. 


You reached in your pocket for your phone, but stepped out when you realized it was in your purse on your seat. You needed to talk to Taehyung. 


“I can’t, hyung… I’m full all week.” Namjoon was talking to a close hyung of his, not noticing that you were practically standing behind him. “Tonight? I told you… I got one of our school nerd’s to come out. I can’t tonight… Yeah, I’m not into them, but you know sometimes nerds have more to offer outside of school. They can be rough and hot. She’s a good looking nerd. Pretty, big eyes, and nice body. What else do I need for the night? Tomorrow I have to go to Saebom’s house and the night after I have to go to Arim’s. Stop asking me to play video games with you. Go find yourself some girls, or come tomorrow night—I’ll send you Saebom’s address… Alright, the nerd should be coming out anyti—“


You threw the glass of water from a neighboring customer at the back of his head, cutting Namjoon off. Namjoon groaned and rubbed his wet hair, “Who the fuc—“


He stopped when he saw you standing there with the empty glass in your hand. “What’s wrong…?” 


“‘WHAT’S WRONG?’” You shouted on the verge of tears. “Did you just ing ask me ‘what’s wrong’?!” 


Namjoon spread his arms and slowly walked towards you, “Listen, love…. Let me explai—“


You walked over and struck him across the face. “Shut the up.” 


Grabbing your belongings, you stomped out of the restaurant. Namjoon stood there for a second watching you leave before digging a fifty dollar bill out onto the table and scrambling out after you. “Wait! Y/N!!! You… No, I… Let me explain this! You don’t understand!” 


You hailed a cab and hurried in. “Please, step on it. Go!” You asked the driver. 


Namjoon caught up and tried to open the door. “Y/N!” You heard him, but you didn’t look at him. He kept tapping the window before the cab took off. 


“!” Namjoon gritted and pulled on his perfectly gelled hair. 

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