Days of Woe
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An array of colours breathe life into the bustling market of a Saturday’s morning.  There’s flowers and food, and items of all sorts that are packed into the square of their town.  The aromatic trail of coffee tails their path, along with the delicious waft of baked sweets and early breakfast. It’s all new to Byul. She’s captivated by every minor detail that the market has to offer. Whilst her mother on the other hand, is an expert of sorts, easily strolling across stalls and greeting familiar faces. The market itself is quite loud, however it does little to frighten young Byul. She gleefully basks in the laughter and joy from all sides to her. She savors it, recording each precious moment as her own. 


In amongst the stir Byul pauses to admire the flowers and unintentionally halts her mother. Though, this does not bother Dahyun, but instead it pleases her.  Unlike most frantic mothers, that dragged their children across the market, Dahyun wanted Byul to enjoy the experience.  “Which one’s your favourite?” She asks bending down, leveling herself to meet her daughter’s height. Byul eagerly points to the multi-coloured roses. “They look so pretty Mum, I’ve never seen rainbow ones before!” She exclaims, still taken by the peculiar nature of the roses.  Although Dahyun was aware that the roses weren’t actually rainbow, she was not one to shatter a child’s innocence, especially not one of her own. The story of artificially coloured flowers was for another day. “Hi, I’d like a bunch of seven from this selection of roses. Thanks.” Dahyun swiftly requests, with a little pinch to her daughter’s cheek. Some may consider the act as spoiling one’s child, but the terms ‘spoilt child’ was not in this mother’s vocabulary. For most instances, the desires of Byul were met. And yet surprisingly despite the circumstances Byul had a heart of gold. She emulated everything good and wholesome, and was yet to be tainted by the darkness that leached at the edges.


As Dahyun takes her time to deliberate between strawberries or bananas. Byul’s hand tightly clasps hers, small fingers fiddling with the ring on her mother’s finger. “You’re wearing a very pretty dress.” The stall owner compliments with an endearing smile. The stranger’s comment pricks Byul’s ears, and has her complete attention. Dissimilar to Dahyun, Byul wasn’t at all shy. She looks up, and dazzles the stranger with a toothy grin. “Thank you, my mum bought it for me,” She proudly boasts, as she tugs at her mother’s hand.  Dahyun awkwardly exchanges smiles with the owner, only to suffer another blow of embarrassment. “Well your mother definitely has excellent taste, to match her beautiful looks.” Whilst, Byul giggles pleased by the compliments, Dahyun’s cheeks flush bright crimson against the pale of her complexion.  “Thank you. You’re too kind.” Dahyun politely excuses. “Not at all, I’m Momo by the way, pleased to meet you.” She greets, with the offer of a handshake. Byul mirrors this, and she too offers her little hand.


However, Momo shakes her head and rejects the small gesture of her little hand. Instead she beckons Byul to come behind the stall with her. Byul quickly checks for the approval of her mother, and with Dahyun’s quick nod she saunters to stand beside her new friend.  “Here take your pick, consider it a gift sweetheart.” Dahyun can’t see what Momo offers her child, but she sees her daughter deliberating. It seems to be a difficult choice, as she notices Byul’s signature nose crinkle. Her tiny hands then rise and she’s weighing her options as if they were in her hold. At last, she comes to a decision as her frown finally breaks into a smile. Byul’s hand reaches out below, and an apple surfaces in her grasp.  She beams at her choice, and Momo encourages the child to take another, and so she does.


Byul re-approaches her mother with two apples in hand. Dahyun asks her with a warm smile, “Is one of them perhaps for me sweetheart?” Byul looks up at her mother for a few fleeting seconds, before taking a quick bite of one apple, and then quickly of the other. The smile on Dahyun’s face freezes, as she tries hard not to reveal her disappointment. Byul has yet to notice, as she’s still relishing the natural sweetness of the fruit. Dahyun quietly waits for her next move. Byul then hands her mother one of her bitten apples and says in a proud voice, “Her

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yeppomomoring #1
Chapter 5: i just read this story and it was sooooo good!! now im curious abt what happens next 😫
Dorkdubu #2
Chapter 5: Yooo
Rose-Posie #3
Chapter 5: I really want to know what happens next and then I realized that the last update was 2017 T_T hopefully you'll choose to finish this story author because it's really good! Even if you don't, still an amazing plot and very well written XD
yayaubetcha #4
Chapter 5: i’m so curious now
ichigosk #5
Chapter 5: Dang, I wonder why she disappeared and why she can't appear in front of Dahyun. Nice job author.
Allystae #6
Chapter 5: This Sana is also disappointing me lmao
Great story!
13 streak #7
Chapter 5: Woah! I am stunned by this story and yeah sana is selfish here !!
Plzz update i even upvoted i luv it *-*
sleepdeprived_ #8
Chapter 5: my heart hurts but this story is so good!! please continue writing!
Chapter 5: i am still in shock, i was left breatheless