
Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time

Yoongi had woken up with a pounding headache; he hated mornings. He had woken up and checked the time, 7:00 am; he hated Monday mornings. He had woken up and promptly gone back to sleep for as long as possible before he’d have to make a run for his 8:00 am shift at the café.

That’s why he’s here now, running down the street, converse untied and t-shirt askew, beanie barely hanging onto his head. His head that’s still pounding and he’s running late but he hopes that Seokjin will understand his college student life and his weak sleeping schedule and poor dietary habits. After all, the man was once a student himself. It’s not Yoongi’s fault the kids had dragged him out of his flat and to a party last night.

He doesn’t even remember what happened. It’s mostly a blur and that’s strange because he handles his alcohol really well. He’s a champ, infamous around campus but god had he gotten smashed last night. He thinks he vaguely recalls stumbling into a basement of the shady house they were in and wandering around to see what’s up. The basement had been filled with antiquities of all kinds and he recalls wanting to get out of there before he broke something. He stops dead in his track then as the sound of glass crashing echoes around his head. He winces and hopes nobody was sober enough to be able to pin it on him.

He starts running again but he trips over his untied laces and face-plants into the sidewalk. He lets out a groan of pain as he mentally curses all that is holy and sacred. Mother of god, why the everloving do I ing let them drag me to frat parties? He curses the three young delinquents.

There’s a startled gasp next to him and he looks up to see a mother cover her child’s ears and send him a glare.

“Shame on you,” She says scornfully and he squints his eyes.

“Um, sorry I fell?” He tries but she’s already gone. What a , he huffs and the man that’s next to him that had watched him fall grunts. He eyes the guy warily and tries not to fall again while getting up. ing Mondays, man.

“Same,” The guy says and Yoongi looks at him like he’s grown a second head. The guy just salutes and walks away. He shakes his head and finally starts heading towards the café, luckily it’s only a few buildings down the street.

“Morning, hyung! You’re looking a little under the weather.” The ty brat, Jungkook, yells at him as the bell jingles annoyingly overhead.

off you piece of burnt toast; it’s your ing fault. How are you not hung-over? You monster. He grumbles internally and gives the younger a glare but Jungkook gasps.

“Yoongi! What the hell, man?” Seokjin shouts at him from the counter and he stares at the elder wide-eyed.

“What?” He asks, honestly puzzled why everyone’s acting so weird. He looks at Jungkook who’s looking at him with his pouting mouth and doe eyes.

“It’s not his fault you got faced and are late for work.” Jin hisses out rather venomously and Yoongi continues to stare.

“I never said it was his fault.” He his head to the side.

“You literally just did?” Jungkook squeaks out, and , must have hurt the brat’s feelings.

“Yoongi!” Seokjin scolds again and Yoongi’s head starts pounding with a headache.

“I’m gonna punch him in the throat, can I? Hyung, please?” Jungkook grabs onto Seokjin’s apron and pleads while Yoongi raises an eyebrow.

“Nonsense, he doesn’t mean it.”

Of course I don’t, I’m just ing salty and pretty sure I broke something yesterday. God what a ing night. He scratches the back of his head in thought and the other two eye him warily. The café is still empty, most of their customers come around 9 o’clock in the morning and during lunch rush.

“Well, you broke that guy’s nose that’s for sure!” Taehyung exclaims from behind him, making him startle.

Jesus, , who the hell allowed you to be so light on your feet? He glares at the younger. “What guy?”

“The gods of light footsteps of course, and the guy that tried to hit on you so you literally hit him back. Wow, you were so smashed.” Taehyung chimes happily and pats him on the back, steering him behind the counter as he does.

“Gods of what? What?” He rubs the bridge of his nose.

“Well, you asked about the light feet? No?” Taehyung chuckles. “Must still be feeling those tequila shots.”

, I don’t even remember drinking tequila. He closes his eyes to regain his bearings and puts on the ugly pastel pink apron.

“Hey, I happen to like that color” He hears Seokjin mumble from the side but he’s not really paying attention.

“About that guy, when exactly was this?” He asks Taehyung instead, he hates not being able to remember what happened.

“I can imagine,” Taehyung hums. “Uh, I don’t know. I was dancing with Jiminie and you were there one moment, the next you were walking away and I think you went down into, like, the basement?” Taehyung lifts his hand and runs it along his jaw while thinking. Yoongi low-key admires the sharpness of it.

Taehyung’s eyes snap to him and the brat winks. “Anyway, after you came back there was this guy- real big, you know, beefy and he was drunk but so were you. He tried to hit you up with the ‘pretty baby’ bull and we all know how you hate that so suddenly you were all like ‘I hope you’re happy with me being the only baby you ever see because I’m going to rip off your nuts and gouge out your eyes and feed both to that Rottweiler outside’. Quote unquote.”

Seokjin, Jungkook and Yoongi gape at the brunette that shrugs. “Then you told him to go away, it was strangely calm. And then he made a grab for you so you punched him in the nose, clean break, bloody and impressive.” Taehyung pumps his fist in the air a little and Yoongi can only gape in amazement. He did that?

“Yeah, you did. I have some of it on tape, actually.” The third and final brat decides to join them at that moment.

Jimin strides in, phone in hand and already playing the video of tiny Yoongi going up against the huge muscle pig frat bro guy. Sure enough, there’s the mention of the dog and the punch and the blood.

“Holy ! Wish I’d seen that.” Jungkook whispers out in awe and Yoongi thinks he’s gonna be sick.

“Don’t barf in the front, use the bathroom.” Seokjin tuts and Yoongi’s head spins.

“Alright, what the hell’s going on here?” He supports himself against the counter as the others give him bewildered looks.

“What do you mean?” Seokjin blinks at him innocently and Yoongi feels mild disgust towards them.

“Wow, rude.” Jimin crosses his arms over his chest.

“That!” He shouts and points at Jimin.

“That’s a ‘he’, his name’s Jimin.” Taehyung says with a rectangle smile and Yoongi grips his hair in frustration.

“That’s not what I mean! Why is everyone acting like I insulted their mother? Why are you all answering questions I didn’t ask?!” He paces around aggressively as they stare at him.

“Um, because a) you are being a meanie and b) because you have been asking silly questions.” Jungkook pouts at him again.

You’re too adorable to be this bratty, where has the universe gone wrong? He briefly wonders before he prepares to shout again but-

“I don’t know if I should be offended or flattered,” Jungkook smiles happily. “But it’s not the universe’s fault. I adapt to survive! It’s a cruel world, hyung.”

“See! There it is again!” He grows quiet then, a strange idea entering his head. “Are you all like, reading my mind or something?”

Seokjin’s the first one to burst out into laughter. “That’s ing funny, Yoongi.”

Funnier than your jokes, sure. He grins as Seokjin yelps in protest.

“Wow, rekt.” Taehyung whistles.

“You see, I didn’t say that out loud. I thought it.” Yoongi elaborates, dreading that he’s right and that he’s screwed.

“But, you did.” Jimin tilts his head to observe him.

“Um, I didn’t?” He whispers out but there’s no way he can be sure.

“You did, we see your mouth move. Do you not feel it?” Taehyung steps into his personal space to poke him in the face. He bats the younger’s hands away but Taehyung’s already got both his cheeks in a tight grip and is twisting them around. He whines insistently until the brunette lets go.

“I don’t. At least I don’t think I do?” He rubs at his red cheeks and curses Taehyung mentally.

“There you go again! Colorful curse by the way.” Seokjin comments and Yoongi really doesn’t like where this situation is going.

“So what? I’m just saying everything I think out loud? Well, that’s not good.” He rubs his temples in an attempt to get rid of his headache. It doesn’t help.

“Hyeah! Especially with your ever-cheerful train of thought and such impeccably pure wonderings.” Jungkook says sarcastically.

“The disrespect,” He wants to argue but he can't. He’s hung-over and he has a headache and no amount of water and painkillers can get rid of it. He’s pretty sure he’d taken three aspirins this morning.

“That’s not healthy, hyung.” Jimin mutters and hands him a glass of water.

“, I know.” He sighs and sits down at one of the tables.

“What are we gonna do? We can't let him man the cash register; he’ll piss off all of our customers!” Taehyung whines. Yoongi wants to protest again but the younger’s right. He’ll just probably tell everyone to off and find a place with better coffee.

“Hey!” Seokjin gives him a flick on the ear and he hisses because of the pain.

“Sorry, sorry. I don’t actually mean most of these, you know.” He says apologetically.

“We know, but the customers don’t so- today you’re helping me in the kitchen. We got pastries to make.” Seokjin pats his head condescendingly and Yoongi rolls his eyes. It was going to be an interesting day.

It’s going well for the most part. Seokjin is demanding in the kitchen as he is in bed, probably (that one get’s him a smack of the palm against his forehead.) Yoongi spends the majority of the day running around in the back and fetching supplies for the pastries Seokjin is making. They look delicious and Yoongi’s stomach growls. Seokjin doesn’t need him to say it to know that the shorter male is hungry. Yoongi takes his break and decides to call for Taehyung since Jimin and Jungkook are out on delivery duty today. Seokjin’s little café doubles as a bakery and the man’s cupcakes are quite famous. Usually it’s Jungkook helping out with the cooking but since Yoongi’s banned from the front today, he has to endure the Hell’s Kitchen treatment.

“I heard that!” Seokjin shoots him a glare and he flinches.

“Hey Tae, can you go buy me a sandwich or something from the shop down the street?” He calls and puts on his best aegyo face, which isn’t much but it’s enough to get the younger to coo at him.

“Okay but who’s gonna man the register?” The younger responds but he’s already taking off the apron and taking Yoongi’s money.

“I’ll do it.” He shrugs and takes Taehyung’s spot behind the counter and the display case.

“Yoongi…” The brunette trails off but he shoos him away.

“Hey, the café is empty for now and Seokjin’s busy with the macaroons the Choi’s want. I’ll try to be as polite as possible, I promise.” He tries to reassure the younger with the best possible smile but it just makes Taehyung frown more.

“Scouts honor?” The younger holds up a pinky.

“I’m not a scout and that’s not how they salute,” He says and holds the younger’s pinky with his own. “Really, what’s the worst that can happen?” He grins and Taehyung bounds off with money in his hand and a bright smile on his face.

Nobody better ing come in, or I swear to god… He grumbles to himself.

It’s fine for a little while, he’s leaning onto the counter with his elbow and he has his chin in his palm. He traces the intends in the counter’s door with the fingers of his other hands. There are no particular thoughts going on through his head. He’s mostly just staring at the spot where there’s cake batter above the door. Huh, Jimin should probably clean that. He pauses and feels it then; indeed, his mouth has moved and he’d seen it do so in the reflective surface of the cash register. He sighs, cursing his bad luck. How was this even possible? He’s about to rant to himself about how unfair his life is when the bell above the door chimes.

Oh, no. He thinks, probably says it out loud, too- judging by the guy’s facial expression. Oh holy , he’s- “Hi, welcome to the Cupcake Factory Café. May I take your order?” He feels his eye twitch but he forces his mind to be blank.

“Oh, yeah, just- do I know you?” The guy asks, “Seems like I know you. Or, you know me, judging by that ‘oh, no’.” The guy grins and Yoongi’s momentarily blinded.

, I’d sure remember if I knew you holy he’s- “No, I don’t think so but maybe you’ve seen me around campus. I go to the university here.” He’s sure he’s speaking jumbled sentences because his brain wont ing shut up.

“I didn’t say anything, though.” The guy tilts his head, soft-looking brown locks sliding with the movement. He seems amused and not offended and thank god, that’s the last thing I’d want to do. “Cute,” The guy grins. “I’ll have a cappuccino to go, please. Extra sugar.”

“Just a moment.” Yoongi mutters and feels his cheeks heat. This is bad, this is very bad.

“Are you okay?” The guy leans against the counter to peak behind the giant coffee machine and Yoongi nods his head enthusiastically.

“Yeah!” Yeahbut you’re really ing hot and so is this water ! He drops the cup and there’s a simultaneous sound of pots and pans crashing in the back where the kitchen is and then Seokjin’s coming out and rushing Yoongi to the back of the room with a ‘I’ll be right back!’ to the handsome stranger that just wanted his coffee but probably got a show instead.

“Get it together!” Seokjin slaps his cheek lightly as Yoongi tries to tug away from the elder’s grip.

“Lemme go” He grumbles but Seokjin ignores him and shoves his hand under cold water.

“I’m gonna go clean up, you stay put.” Seokjin warns and Yoongi sulkily sits down in the corner where a couple of spare chairs were stacked.

He swings his legs as he contemplates his utter embarrassment. And, , he was so fine. He groans and throws his head back. He hears Seokjin apologize and ring the guy up and the guy just laughs and , his laugh sounds so cute. Thank god he’s whispering this time so they can't hear him.

Seokjin runs back into the kitchen with a glare and swiftly goes back to his cake batter. “Now go out there and if anybody else comes in, come back here to get me.” The elder reprimands and Yoongi jumps off the stack of chairs.

Yes, mum. He winces as Seokjin smacks him on the back of the head in passing. He’s gotta stop thinking. Or maybe he should just think about something mundane. That should be easy enough, right? He’s going to think about his composition class piece he has to hand in. Yeah, that’ll work.
Except. Except, the guy’s still there.

“Wasn’t your coffee to go?” He feels the words leave his mouth and regret seep into his bones as the guy rolls his eyes.

“I decided to stick around to see if you’re okay, that looks like a nasty burn.” The guy points to his hand and yeah, there’s a bright red patch there that’s been scalded.

“It’s okay; I have a high tolerance for pain. I’ll heal, thanks.” That’s a lie, it hurts like a motherer. The guy laughs can only stare as the other’s entire face lights up as he does so. Gosh darn it, cute.

The guy looks at him then and his eyes twinkle. “My name’s Hoseok, by the way.”

“I’m Yoongi,” He responds automatically, not really sure why.

“You sure it’s not Taehyung?” Hoseok asks and points at Yoongi’s name tag, sure enough there’s Taehyung’s name there. He must have just grabbed the brat’s instead of his own. Speaking of, the bell jingles and the brunette walks in with a grin on his face, hands empty.

“That’s Taehyung,” Yoongi rolls his eyes and “Where the ’s my food?”

“Oh that Taehyung!” Hoseok turns around with a happy grin and Yoongi frowns, did the younger know everybody on campus?

“Actually, only most people! Hoseok-hyung!” The younger gives Hoseok a one-armed side hug and jogs to the counter where he plucks the apron off of Yoongi.

“Taehyung, food.” Yoongi demands and the younger looks at him peculiarly.

“Yoongi-hyung, drinks?” The younger tries with a chuckle and now Hoseok’s also looking at the young brunette with a raised eyebrow.

“No you, over-sized potato, where’s my food? I sent you out for food.” He whines and his stomach rumbles.

“Oh.” The younger has the decency to look ashamed for a moment before he brightens up again. “Look, I was on my way but then I saw a dog! He was all alone but he had a collar and I decided to take him to the address that turned out to be like four blocks away! I got him there eventually, some guy in high heels and a chiffon skirt answered the door, he was very grateful that his dog had been returned. He gave me cookies, man, they were good cookies.”

“So that’s a no on the sandwich?”

“Sadly, the doggo was more important.”

“Goddamn brat,” He throws his head to the heavens and Hoseok laughs. He decides to take out his phone and text the other part of the terror twins to get him something. Maybe Jimin will actually come back with his food. “Alright but I want my money back."

“Oh,” Taehyung fidgets, “I bought the dog some ice cream, it looked hot."

“I swear to god!” He yells and Taehyung dashes away with a cackle.

“Well, you seem to be okay so I’ll head out, got classes to attend and all that.” Hoseok yawns and walks away with a wave.

“See ya’ later, hyung!” Taehyung giggles enthusiastically. “Sorry, for the food, hyung, I’ll pay you back.” Taehyung turns his puppy eyes on him and Yoongi sighs.

“It’s okay; at least the dog’s safe and sated.” I’ll just die of hunger here and you’ll have to pay for my funeral because I’m ing broke.

“Wow, I hope you didn’t say anything embarrassing to Hoseok-hyung.” Taehyung whistles and shoves Yoongi to the side with his hip.

“Only a little,” Pretty sure I kept calling him cute and hot in my head and by default out loud. He groans as the younger laughs loudly.

“What are we gonna do about it though?” Seokjin asks from the kitchen where he’s presumably done with his work.

“I don’t know, wait it out?” Yoongi says because honestly, he has no ing clue. It has to be some sort of fluke due to his lack of sleep and heavy drinking. There’s no other explanation for it. It’s not like he was cursed.

“Why not? I heard Namjoon-hyung’s great grandma was a witch.” Taehyung offers with a hum.

“Yeah, and I was at the Salem witch trials. Get a grip, Taehyung, there’s no such thing.” Yoongi scoffs at the ridiculous though.

“Okay but that’d explain why Namjoon’s so ing clumsy, maybe he’s been cursed.” Seokjin comments thoughtfully and Yoongi’s gotta admit that sounds plausible. The elder sighs “I have no idea; just, you can't work the register until this blows over.”

Yoongi wholeheartedly agrees.

It was going fine, it really was. But then Hoseok started coming by and soon several days have gone by and Yoongi’s managed to embarrass himself every single time. (Yoongi wasn’t even going to mention college; that had been a disaster. It got him a few slaps and he got chased out of a lecture hall once. Wow, he’s really an , he realized.)

Day 1:

“Hey, is Yoongi around?” He hears Hoseok ask Jungkook who was manning the register that time.

“Yeah, sure.” He could have said no but Jungkook was a sadistic bastard who loved seeing his hyungs suffer but hid behind his bunny smile. “Yoongles!” The younger shouts and Yoongi has no choice but come to the front.

“Hey,” Handsome. He mentally face palms.

“Well, hello cutie?” Hoseok an eyebrow and Yoongi wishes for the Earth to open up and swallow him. Hoseok laughs at his anguish and orders his usual cappuccino.

Why didn’t you get Jungkook to make you one? He feels his mouth moving again.

Hoseok’s cheeks go a bit red but he shrugs, “He looks too young to be operating heavy machinery. Even you got hurt the last time.”

“Well, I’m happy you’re so considerate of my coworkers.” And have very little care that I might get burned instead.

“Hey, I trust that you’ve learned your lesson.” Hoseok laughs and Yoongi continues to blush as a string of you have a really nice laugh leaves his mouth.

Day two goes similarly, but with more coffee spillage and more blushing.

Day 3:

“Hey, sweet-cheeks.”

off, Yoongi’s manning the front this time when Hoseok shows up all snapback, shorts and a tank-top. He feels like he might pass out. You’re ing hot, you know that?

“I do but it’s always nice to hear it.” Hoseok winks and Yoongi feels his stomach swoop because that looked way too sinful.

“Gym?” He asks as he starts the drink order.

“Dance practice, dance major.” Hoseok leans both of his elbows onto the shiny counter and watches Yoongi work.

He fumbles around with the lid under the scrutiny. “That’s pretty cool, actually. Thought you were like a model or something, though.”

“You keep flattering me and somehow I don’t think you’re the flattering type.” Hoseok grins and Yoongi turns around to give him his order. They’re suddenly very close because Hoseok is still leaning against the counter that’s way too narrow (but Seokjin liked how cute it looked, it’s pink.)

“It’s not that bad.” At least Hoseok doesn’t seem bothered by the rest of his thoughts.

“Everything in here is color coordinated creams and pinks. It’s hideous.” He grumbles and types up the order into the register.

“It’s cute, fits you nicely. You’re like the gloomy cloud in the middle of a cotton candy sunset.” Hoseok hums and takes a sip of his drink, wincing as it burns his tongue.

Yoongi has a tough time believing he’s the one struggling with keeping his thoughts to himself. He blushes bright red and shakes his head. “That was cheesy as .”

“Says the guy that literally said he wants to court me like it’s the 19th century.” Hoseok smirks and pays for his drink. “I’ll see you later.”

Day four passes in a quiet haze because Hoseok’s sleepy and late for class but Yoongi still manages to blurt out he’d like to snuggle him to sleep and it makes Hoseok’s eyes crinkle at the corners and his smile dimple. He gives him his drink for free.

Day 5:

“S’up, hyung, I’ll get Yoongi.” Jungkook again.

“I- alright,” He hears Hoseok’s amusement. Seokjin just glares at Jungkook as he enters the kitchen with a -eating grin.

“Be happy, maybe you’ll get laid. God knows you need it.” The younger winks cheekily and Yoongi kicks him in the shin.

“What’s with the yelping sound?” Hoseok asks with a tilt of his head and a honey smile. It’s gooey and sweet; Yoongi hates himself for associating it with bee poop.

“I’ll try not to be offended.” Hoseok giggles.

“Jungkook ran into something with his shin,” Yeah, my foot. He says as he starts making the cappuccino to go. Hoseok laughs again and Yoongi smiles to himself.

“Violent for such a tiny person, baby.” Hoseok responds, bemused.

I might be tiny but ask me what the last person that called me baby ended up looking like. He hisses; he’s aware of it. He doesn’t mean to but there it is, slipping out just like everything else. It’s not that he doesn’t like pet names he just doesn’t know Hoseok well enough for the other to be using them. Albeit, he’d sure as heck love to get to know him.

“Well then, go on a date with me.” Hoseok puffs out his chest and offers Yoongi the money.

“I feel like I’m being paid to do so. Wait a sec.” Yoongi takes the money, gives the receipt and a polite nod of head. “Have a good day!” Okay, try now.

“Something Yoongi, will you go on a date with me?” Hoseok grins and Yoongi rolls his eyes.

“Min Yoongi, and yeah, I’d like to.” He smiles the gummy smile and they exchange numbers with the promise of texting each other the details.

“Holy , did that just happen?!” Taehyung bursts from the kitchen and Yoongi wasn’t even aware that the younger was there to begin with.

“It did.” He smiles, it’s a little soft but nobody blames him.

“Praise Jesus the annual appearance of the hermit crab is upon us!” Jungkook calls from behind Taehyung where he knows Yoongi can't kick him again.

“ off, kid.” He snorts but really, it’s mild because he’s happy.

“This is good; Hoseok-hyung’s really nice.” Taehyung coos. A though strikes him then.

“How do you even know Hoseok, you haven’t even mentioned him before?” He crosses his arms over his chest.

“Oh, it was his party we went to a week ago.” Taehyung grins and Yoongi gapes.

“He lives in that old shady- mansion?” Jungkook screeches on his behalf.

“Yeah, though it’s pretty cool actually. He lets me hang around the house and explore. Only forbidden zone is the…” Taehyung trails off and looks at Yoongi thoughtfully, “…basement.”

“Oh,” Yoongi gulps. “Well, that ship has sailed.”

“Funny how things happen, huh?” Seokjin nudges him with an elbow.

He shuffles away, “Maybe he knows how to stop this.” Or maybe he gets pissed I broke something in his basement and gives up on me altogether.

“Hey, don’t say that. I’m sure he’ll understand, you were pretty ing drunk.” Taehyung pats his back and Yoongi nods. Well, only one way to find out.

Yoongi gets up with an unsettled stomach. He’s nervous for the date but he’s also nervous because he’s going to tell Hoseok the truth. He’s pretty sure that whatever he broke in that basement must have been to blame for his situation. He doesn’t know how but, he has to find out.

He spends the day tidying the apartment uselessly, considering it’s practically spotless because he’s not even there for most of the time. He restocks the fridge and prepares his collection of very legally downloaded movies on his laptop. He rearranges the books and trinkets on his shelves for no reason and vacuums the damn couch. They’d agreed on a stay-in type of date because Yoongi had insisted (the damn situation again and all that.)

Before he knows it (lies he feels like it’s been months) Hoseok’s knocking on his door. He checks himself out in the hallway mirror and nods. A simple outfit of jeans and a hoodie with artfully messy hair.

He answers the door and gasps softly as he takes in the beauty that is Hoseok. It looks effortless. His brown hair is parted down the middle of his forehead, a little longer that it looks like it’s meant to be but it still looks amazing. A black long-sleeved shirt and distressed jeans.

“Hey, come in.” He gulps and Hoseok smiles at him.

“Hi,” The other smiles and Yoongi whines mentally at how adorable Hoseok is.

"Thanks, really, you're spoiling me with all the praises." Hoseok chuckles and leans down to peck him on the cheek. Yoongi blanks out momentarily before continuing.

"That's actually... I have to talk to you about something." He scratches the back of his head.

"Breaking up with me already?" Hoseok teases as he sits down onto his freshly vacuumed couch.

"No! No, just, uh- I have this situation. It's a condition? I guess. Look, it all started the day after your party." He runs a hand through his hair, messing it up even further.

"You were there?" Hoseok raises an eyebrow. "Oh , don't tell me you're the one that broke that guy's nose!" Hoseok throws his head back with laughter and Yoongi bristles.

"That is not important but yeah, that was me and he had it coming." He pinches the other because he's still laughing. "I was ing smashed and I don't even remember what happened but I found my way to the basement and-"

"You broke he ball, oh my god, that explains so much. Holy !" Hoseok yells and Yoongi flinches at the loud volume.

"You're not mad?" He asks sheepishly.

"Nah, though we gotta go to my house." The brunette stands and offers Yoongi a hand.

Damn, cleand for nothing. He takes the hand and Hoseok pulls him along down the stairs and into a pricey-looking car.

"Look, you gotta understand some things first. My family is really old." Hoseok starts as he turns on the car. "Like the Jung family line goed all the way back. And, uh, we weren't always the most savoury of the bunch. My great great great grandfather used to smuggle antiquities from all over the world and the people he smuggled from and to weren't always law-abiding citizens. So there's a high cance you broke something from New Orleans."

"New Orleans is cool." He mumbles to himself and it makes Hoseok laugh. Yoongi realizes he enjoys looking at Hoseok while he drives. The way he's situated comfortably and confidently behind the wheel with one hand on the gear shift and the other on the wheel is utterly attractive. Yoongi should probably stop thinking about that while they're talking serious business.

"Anyway. Yeah, New Orleans. As in Voodoo. So..." Hoseok steps on the gas to make the last traffic light before they're out of town and heading towards the suburbs.

"You're saying I was cursed?" He squeaks.

"Kinda? I know jack about magic, hyung." Hoseok shrugs. "But they did keep detailed descriptions of objects so we'll find something there. Don't worry." Hoseok smiles and pats his thigh reassuringly.

"Yeah, I hope so. I'll end up either stabbed or in prison if I don't get rid of this." He huffs and hopes for the best.

The house seems a lot brighter during the day, he can see why Taehyung likes it. Hoseok ushers him inside and leaves him in the lobby with the words 'stay put, I'll be back.'

Yoongi busies himself by looking at fancy portraits and wondering how Hoseok had managed to clean the house after the party last week. He observes all the intricate detailing on the wall and the porcelain vases scattered about.

"," Hoseok's voice echoes around the corner. "This 's heavy."

The younger comes around the corner carrying a giant, leatherbound book and struggling while doing so. The brunette motions with his hand for Yoongi to follow him and he does so. Hoseok leads them up the stairs and into a library, Yoongi's amazed a the sheer size of the room.

"Says here that it's the truth orb. Well, figured that out." Hoseok chuckles and skims his long fingers along the pages. Yoongi traces the slope of the younger's hand with his eyes. He feels it before he says it, he's gonna blurt out something inappropriate.

"Sorry" He quickly utters before , your hands are really pretty and I'd like them wrapped around my fat .

Hoseok chokes on a cough as Yoongi groans into his palms. "Woah there, hyung, I don't put out on the first date."

"You say that like you'd want to have a second date with me." He whines out as his cheeks get redder by the moment.

"Look, I don't mind. If I did, I wouldn't have asked you out. It's been cute, honestly. And yeah, I want a second date. Maybe somewhere public so I can show you off." Hoseok his lips while looking at Yoongi suggestively.

"." Ironically that is the only eloquent thing that he can think of. ing hurry up with that because I can't wait to stop this morifying embarrassment.

"Sorry, sorry." Hoseok goes back to the book. "For the record, I'd love to give you a hand-job."

Yoongi positively wails as a shudder rips through him. Keep talking and you'll get the chance.

"Pretty bold, not exactly first date material." Hoseok chuckles but to Yoongi's relief doesn't look his way.

"Please, not even that bad.You should hear what-" Hoseok slaps his hand over Yoongi's mouth.

"As much as I love hearing your voice, I don't think would help our current situation." Hoseok says carefully, eyes closed and voice strained.

"Yeah, sorry." Yoongi mumbles behind his palm.

Hoseok nods and goes back to work. Like everything else he's seen the other do, he's effortlessly graceful as he reads. Yoongi's entranced. He thinks he could spend hours just watching Hoseok do mundane around the house, maybe his flat? Jesus, Yoongi, get a grip. But not on your . Hah.

"You're really distracting, you know." Hoseok sighs and flips a large page. "And, again, too soon, hyung."

"I'm sorry, I know. I don't really mean half the i think." Yoongi slumps back into the leather chair.

"Aw, does that mean you don't think I'm cute?" Hoseok pouts.

"Of course you're cute, don't be an idiot." Yoongi rolls his eyes and Hoseok hums.

"Says here we need to get you to drink some blood out of the broken glass shards."

"Blood?!" Yoongi shoots up out of his chair and slams his fists against the table.

Hoseok bursts out laughing, "I'm kidding! It's not blood. It's some sort of mix between wine, lavender and cinnamon. Still sounds gross."

"Well then, let's get to it." Yoongi claps his hands and Hoseok leads them to the basement.

The basement is as cluttered with antiquities as he remembers. Much like the house, it looks nicer during the day. They arrive at a table that's littered with various vials containimg different herbs.

Yoongi looks around again and gapes because in reality, the basement is much larger than he'd seen. It is as if with the flip of the light switch the whole place got a lot larger.

"Holy , Hoseok, this place is huge." He utters, astounded.

"Uh yeah, lots of antique things." The younger mumbles from where he's carefully measuring some liquid that looks too amber to be healthy and safe.

"No, I mean, it's like a city down here!" He yells and hears it echo. It's really impressive.

"It spans well into the city, yeah. Or, well, under it. Oh, and, like- don't mention this to anybody. Okay?" Hoseok looks at him sheepishly and Yoongi nods hurriedly.

"Alright, that should do it." Hoseok fills up the unshattered half of the bowl and hands it to Yoongi. He takes it cautiously and downs it all in one go, not paying mind to the bitterness of it.

"Did it work?" He asks.

"I don't know, think of something." Hoseok encourages him with a bright smile and crescent eyes.

You're really beautiful, he thinks and holds his breath.

"Thanks," Hoseok smiles and Yoongi's shoulders slump.

", it didn't work." He growls.

"Nah, I'm messing with ya! You didn't say anything, hyung." Hoseok hugs him briefly and Yoongi stutters.

"Then, how did you...?"

"Knew you'd think something sappy about me." Hoseok pinches his cheek and Yoongi slaps him away. "Though, I gotta say, I'll miss the constant compliments."

Yoongi promptly kicks him in the knee and Hoseok runs out of the room while laughing like a maniac. Truth orb or not, he doesn't think he'll stop complimenting Hoseok for a long while.

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CamiLove #1
Chapter 1: I love this so much!! It deserves a sequel :D
ChiyaE #2
The story is so cute and funny. I love it!
I want a sequel T.T