The Broken

Crimson Bond

[a/n: Sorry about the late post guys. I got swamped with this thing called life Yesterday and had no time to finish the next chapter. But here it is in all it's glory! I hope you guys enjoy, don't forget to comment, and I apologize in advance for this might get a bit....intense? -The Informed Puppy]




Victoria was still reeling from what had occurred a few hours ago. She snarled at her stupidity, and deep down she knew better than to challenge a vampire Tzuyu's age. But then...that's why she brought the axes and she smirks to herself, admiring her quick thinking.

She turns into a nightclub, glamouring the bouncer to let her in with a bat of the eyelash and a few sweet words. Once inside she starts scanning the crowds, looking for some particularly savory victims. She grins when she finds a man and a woman laughing hysterically at the bar. Both were clearly drunk, both were perfect targets. She watches them throughout the night, then following as they exit the bar.

The couple don't make it far, the man dragging the girl into an alleyway and proceeding to initiate a heated kiss, one the girl eagerly returns.

"Oppa, do you really want to be doing this here? What if someone sees?” The girl asks with a flirtatious grin. The guys pecks her on the lips again, a sleazy smirk resting on his face.

"Let em watch, give them a better show then they could ever think to put on.” He responds, then takes her lips in a fiery kiss once again.

"Really?” The couple jump and look down the alley, finding a pair of glowing silver eyes shining at them through the shadows. The girl's screeches and hides behind the guy, causing Victoria to chuckle lowly. “Please...don't stop on my account, or do…because I have a favor to ask of the both of you.”

"W-what you want?” The guy stammers out, keeping a defensive potion in front of the girl.

"Well...your names first off...tell me them.” She demands with a voice like satin. The guy stares at her, his expression glazing over as he becomes entranced with the shadowy figure in front of him. The girl quivers in terror, watching as the guy slowly seems to loose focus.

"I….I am Jungkook...she's….Seolhyun.” He says in a low, hypnotic monotone. Seolhyun whines and tugs as Jungkook’s arm.

"Babe, what are you doing...Come on, let's get outta here!” Seolhyun pleads, then turns to find Victoria inches from her face and yelps as the vampire stares at her with a masochistic grin.

"But I still need that favor.” Victoria reminds with a venomous voice. Seolhyun backs up into Jungkook’s back. “I need to eat.” Victoria says simply curling back her lip and snarling as she pounces. Seolhyun turns to run but only ends up screaming as fangs pierce her neck, Jungkook still sitting there with a glazed over look.




Momo and Nayeon are sitting the common room. Most of the other members are out on various schedules and were planning to meet at an outdoor restaurant later to catch up. Sana was in her bedroom with Mina, tending to her weakened state.

"So wait...Hyoyeon is a vampire?!” Momo nods once in response. “That's crazy! What does her blood taste like? You said everyone has a specific taste.” Momo was finding herself rather shocked with Nayeon’s response to all of this. She figures that the girl had enough time to let all the terror of it out with her little encounter with Victoria.

"She tastes like...vanilla, with a hint of cinnamon afterwards.” Momo responds with a shrug, not really wanting to talk to much about the details of her sire's blood.

"What about you?”

"What do you think?”

"...Jokbal.” Nayeon responds matter of factly, causing the both of them to erupt into fits of giggling.

" does it feel...becoming what you are?” Nayeon asks hesitantly, curiosity staining her gaze.

"Painful. The most painful thing a person could ever experience.” Momo responds instantly. “It’s a fire that burns through your veins, erasing all traces of humanity within you. It poisons you, plaguing your existance for the rest of your days...however long they are.” Nayeon frowns.

"You make it sound like a curse.” Nayeon remarks quietly.

"It is… Here I am, stuck at twenty, when all of my friends will grow old and die. They will fade, but I will continue.”

"Then why not turn someone?” Nayeon asks, a lump of fear building in at the prospect. If it was as painful as Momo says, she certainly doesn't want to endure it

"Because I won't put someone through this…” Momo says quietly, curling in on herself. Nayeon frowns, realizing the question she had just asked, then wraps her arms around Momo, resting her head on the fledglings shoulder. Momo tilts her head to the side without thinking, resting her head on top on Nayeons.

"How are you so calm about this?” Momo murmurs, closing her eyes and leaning into Nayeons embrace.

"Oh trust me, on the inside I’m a quivering wreck, but I don’t think screaming and crying my eyes out is going to help me. Besides, you did try to save me.” Nayeon smiles sadly.

"Yeah, after I handed you over to be murdered.” Momo says, scolding herself. Nayeon simply shrugs.

"Details, details. You helped me in the end, and that’s what matters.” Nayeon pulls away to look at Momo, “Despite what you are, you’re a good person, Momo.” Nayeon says quietly. Momo looks back at Nayeon, stunned by the words of the formerly terrified woman. Tears start to form in her eyes and she hides her face in Nayeons shoulder so she wouldn’t see, wrapping her arms around the raven haired girls and shaking with quiet sobs in her embrace.

"Thank you, Unnie.” Momo whispers into her shoulder. Nayeon nods as she rubs the young vampire’s back. They remain like that for a few more moments before Nayeons phone blares to life and they both jump at the sudden sound, finding themselves stifling laughter as they realize it was just a phone. Nayeon quickly picks it up, pressing the device to her ear.

"Hey, Ji-hyo. What’s up?” Nayeon asks. Momo watches, listening to the conversation.

"Hey. The rest of the members are finished with our schedules today. We’re going to an outdoor place for tteokbokki and ramyun if the others wanna tag along.” Ji-hyo offers. Nayeon looks up to Momo who nods softly.

"Yeah, let's go. I’m sick of sitting in here anyways.” Nayeon responds, then covers the receiver. “Sana!” Nayeon yells.

"What?!” Sana calls back with her high pitched whine.

"We’re going to an outdoor restaurant with the others, wanna come?”

"No! Someone’s gotta keep an eye on Mina. She’s not really fit to go anywhere and we gotta make sure she doesn’t fall asleep. You guys go, we’ll be fine!” Sana chimes as she walks down the hall, squirrel cheeks shining as she smiles at the both of them.

"Alright.” She lifts her hand off the receiver and presses it back to her ear. “Just Momo and I. Sana’s staying with Mina. She’s not feeling too good and Sana doesn’t want to leave Mina alone.”

“I heard you the first time, Nayeon. I swear you and Sana yelling could wake up the whole of Seoul.” Ji-hyo remarks sarcastically, “Anyways, we’ll see you in a few?”

"Yep!” Nayeon responds, then hangs up the phone. She looks at Momo, “You ready.” Before Nayeon can even finish the second words she’s being dragged out by Momo.




Tzuyu walks out of the apartment building that belongs to Yuri. She’d lingered long enough, and frankly, she did not want to spend any more time with Hyoyeon’s groupmate than she had too. Yuri was nice, and the only member of SNSD who knew Hyo’s little secret, but that didn’t stop Tzuyu from having her reservations about the overly energetic woman.

"Tzuyu! Wait!” She hears behind her and turns to see Yuri running up to her. Tzuyu blinks, normally never having more than a few words with this woman, and they certainly never sought each other out.

"What?” Tzuyu responds harshly.

"Hyoyeon tells me there’s a girl.” Yuri says, causing Tzuyu to visibly tense up. “Hey, hey, don’t do anything drastic. I’m just telling you that you’re playing a dangerous game here. One Hyo’s been playing for the past seven years.” Yuri continues cautiously.

"Look, I’m sure you mean well, but I don’t need a lecture on vampirism. I’ve been doing this for a long time, Yuri. I think I know what I’m doing.” Tzuyu states bluntly, her voice cold and her expression rigid. She turns and starts to walk away.

"You’re going to have to make a choice eventually!” Yuri snaps at Tzuyu, causing the woman to freeze. “You may know a lot about vampirism, but you don’t know jack about the human’s side of it.” Yuri walks up behind Tzuyu, crossing her arms over her chest. “You live forever, or at least a lot longer than a human does. The girl you’ve gotten close to, she’s going to be forced to grow old and die while you never age. You are going to be forced to watch as the thing you’ve grown to care for wastes away and dies.” Yuri explains coldly. “So no. I don’t know a lot about Vampirism, but I do know you’ve cursed that girl by entering her life. One way or another, the both of you are going to suffer for your choice.” Yuri spits, then turns back for her apartment.

Tzuyu sits there frozen. She wanted to tear Yuri apart for being so brash with her, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t because there was too much truth in her words, and it tore Tzuyu apart. She’d have to make a choice. She starts down the street again, heading for Unbreakable’s dorm room once again.




The four other members of Unbreakable; Ji-hyo, Chaeyoung, Dahyun and Jeongyeon all arrives at the outdoor market about a good bit earlier than they expected too. Ji-hyo pulls up her phone and sighs.

"Hopefully they’ll get here soon.” Ji-hyo grumbles, causing the other three to groan.

"Can’t we just go get the food now?” Dahyun whines, “I’m starving.”

“So am I. They can just get their food when they get here.” Chaeyoung joins in on the pleading.

"Fine. Let’s go.” Ji-hyo says as they all enter the tent. Jeongyeon looks around, tensing at the static atmosphere of the place.

"I don’t like this. Something feels wrong.” She whisper to Ji-hyo, who looks around with wide eyes.

"Lets just get the food in bags then. We can always eat somewhere else.” Ji-hyo whispers back. It was quiet in the tent, a man in the corner with a bottle of soju and a young, tall and slender girl working behind the counter. She was wearing a cap which hid her eyes and the guys head was ducked down into the bottle. Ji-hyo approaches the counter tentatively, her own discomfort setting in as the woman doesn’t even acknowledge them.

"E-excuse me...miss? We were hoping to get some food.” Ji-hyo starts, struggling to keep her voice calm.

"You should’ve left.” The girls says softly. The four of them were all huddled in on each other now, terror overriding their hunger.

"W-what?” Ji-hyo asks, starting to back up. The girl lifts up her head, revealing shining silver eyes. Ji-hyo blinks, hoping they are just really bright contacts. She vaults over the counter with ease, landing right in front of Ji-hyo.

"I’m Seolhyun. That’s Jungkook.” The silver eyed woman says as she indicated the man in the corner, who is now standing and grinning as she silver eyes shine with a sort of lust. “We just woke up an hour ago, and we’re starving.” She explains.

"W-well y-you work here? D-don’t you?” Ji-hyo stammers, causing Seolhyun to laugh.

"Not that kind of hunger.” She says as she smiles, baring her fresh fangs. “Victoria says we have to wait for you four, and now we’re starving….so…” Seolhyun scrunches her nose up as a beastial snarl rips from . She pulls Ji-hyo towards her and sinks her teeth into the girl's throat, causing Ji-hyo to choke on a scream as she tries desperately to tear her off. Jungkook approaches quickly and tears into Dahyun, splattering blood all over the tent.




Momo and Nayeon were about a block away from the restaurant when Momo hears the screaming. She starts to take off, but is suddenly stopped by a evil voice. She spins on her heel and looks straight into the eyes of Victoria, who’s sitting atop a nearby light pole.

"I wouldn’t do that if I were you…” Victoria chimes with an evil smile. Momo turns around and snarls openly at her. “Touchy, touchy.” Victoria quips, then slinks off her perch, holding up a cell phone. “I need a favor from you. Comply and no one gets hurt, fail and I call Seolhyun and tell her to kill the other two.” Victoria says with a sadistic smile. Momo growl audibly, fists clenched tight enough that she starts to draw blood.

"What do you want?” Momo spits between her teeth, body rigid with anger.

"Simple.” Victoria points at Nayeon with an elegant finger. “Bite her.” Momo’s eyes go wide and she snarls again.


"Are you sure?” Victoria questions with a smile. Momo remains silent. “Well al-”

“Wait!” Nayeon screams, then takes a couple steps towards Momo. She leans up next to her ear and whispers. “Do it.” Momo stares at Nayeon like she’s lost her mind.

"Are you insane?! You know what will happen.” Momo snaps, terror now filling her eyes instead of rage. Nayeon nods solemnly in response.

"I know, but it’s my life or the other members. I choose theirs over mine.” Nayeon concludes, tears running down her cheeks as she resigns herself to her fate. Momo looks at Nayeon with a pained expression, bringing up hands to rest on Nayeons shoulders. Victoria watches with a devilish smirk, crossing her arms over her chest as she waits in anticipation.

"Do it!” Nayeon says again, this time more harshly. Momo hesitates for a few more moment before she cries out in pain and digs her teeth into Nayeon’s neck. Nayeon tenses up, hands instinctively going to Momo shoulders and gripping onto them harshly. Momo pulls away after a couple seconds, sobbing heavily as blood drips off her lower lip.

"Now that wasn’t so hard was it?” Victoria quips, then presses a button on her phone and brings the receiver to her ear. “Bring them here.” She states simply after a few moments of silence.

Nayeon just stood there for a few moments, blinking a bit. She looks down at Momo collapses in tears and goes down to comfort her when all of a sudden a burning sensation sears it’s way through her veins and she falls to the ground with a pained screech. She grabs onto Momo’s shoulder, looking up at her as her vision starts to blur from the intense pain.

"I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Momo sobs as she holds onto Nayeon, more to comfort herself than to comfort the transitioning vampire. Victoria laughs evilly and Momo turns a hard glare onto her.

"Why are you apologizing?” She asks snidely, “You just gave her a most precious gift.” Seolhyun then approaches behind Victoria, dropping two corpses and two sobbing wrecks onto the ground.

"There. I did what you asked. Am I done now?” Seolhyun asks with a cold tone of indifference.

"For now.” Victoria responds. “Presently, I am going to tend to your boy toy. You sit here and make sure this girl doesn’t try to kill her new fledgling.” Victoria commands with a smooth voice, then takes off, disappearing into the night.




Tzuyu bangs on the door to Unbreakable’s dorm and is once again greeted by Sana, who looks over her with a critical gaze.

"You didn’t even change your clothes!” Sana whines, pouting her lip a little.

"Didn’t have time.” Tzuyu responds bluntly and walks into the house. “Where’s Mina?” She asks, turning her hard stare back onto Sana.

"Back room. She-”

"Tzuyu?” The vampire turns around to see Mina leaning against the wall, eyebrow raised as they look into each other's eyes.

"I’ll...just go...make some food for Mina! Yeah that’ll be… yeah.” Sana quickly exits the room, leaving the two of them alone. Mina smiles softly, going to take a step forward.

"Is Hyoyeon alive?” Tzuyu nods, “Good. I was worried when you first started down the stairs.” Mina continues as she approaches Tzuyu. “So now. I think you have some unfin-”

"We need to stop this.” Tzuyu says coldly.

"W-what?” Mina asks, confusion staining her features.

"We can’t continue like this. What happened a few hours ago was a mistake.” Tzuyu continues coldly, but her insides are burning as she says all these hurtful words.

"Y-you can’t be serious?” Mina looks at Tzuyu incredulously, then angrily as Tzuyu doesn’t respond. “No. No, you don’t get to make that choice anymore. You abandoned every right to that choice the minute you kidnapped me!”

"I did it to save your life.”

“Why?! If you didn’t care, you would’ve just taken me to a hospital or let me die that night.” She grabs onto Tzuyu shoulders. “Instead you saved me, you opened up to me, you kissed me! Now you want to feign a cold attitude and pretend none of this mattered.” Mina spits, and Tzuyu hard expression falters slightly. “And what about me. I accepted you. Hell, I even gave you my blood because you wouldn’t eat and now you expect me to just move on?! Hell no, Tzuyu. You can’t pull that. You-” Mina once again find herself cut off with a kiss, this time a much harder and more heated kiss. Mina stares at Tzuyu, fighting every instinct to just melt into the kiss. Tzuyu pulls away, inwardly disappointed that Mina did not return it.

"Can’t you see?” Tzuyu whispers, “I don’t want to hurt you...or myself. I don’t want to sit there and watch you waste away. It would crush losing my family all over again.” Tzuyu whimpers, the first time Mina had ever heard such a sound come from her. Her expression softens, and she hugs Tzuyu.

"Then don’t push me away. Stay with me, and make sure I live my life with no regrets.” Mina pulls away to look into Tzuyu’s eyes, “Because right now, I have none.” This time she leans in to capture Tzuyu’s lips in a more gentle kiss, and after a few moments, Tzuyu responds, tears rolling down her cheeks as they melt against each other, nothing else in the world besides the two of them.


Then Sana walks back into the room with a chefs knife and stabs Mina in the back.



[P.S.: Aren't cliffhangers the best????]

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PastelAlleys #1
Chapter 18: <3 <3
Chapter 18: This is wow!!!! It's just a little sad that our ot9 was not complete in spending eternity together....
Chapter 18: Lesgedit!
Julius #4
Chapter 18: Omg all snsd members in Mitzu story and its gonna be interesting ;)
Chapter 18: OMG, I CAN'T WAIT!
kelvinthoo #6
Chapter 18: Didn't see this coming!Can't wait for it
Chapter 18: Oh my gosh, didn't expect you to make a sequel but i know.. i know this is gon be awesome!
Chapter 17: Omg so cool ♡♡♡ i'm a michaeng shipper but mitzu... nah idk now. ><