Lost and Found

Lost and Found

"Hello?" is what he thought he hears. He's in a foreign country, of course hearing his native tongue would make him turn.

"I've told you internet's hard over here," the lady's voice says. "Ugh my bill is going to kill me when I get back home."

"Yea, alright! I can't even read Japanese dammit," he turns to find the voice around the people to his left.

"Yea, I know. That little bit I know and that Hiragana you taught me helped but Kanji is like heiroglyphics to me. And Kanji is everywheeere" He spots a blonde on the phone.

"Yeah, okay fine, end the call I'm going to use data now don't get my bill piling up. Alright, alright! Bye!" He manages to work his way to the girl and he finds that she had some cotton candy pink under that strawberry blonde.

"Are you lost?" He asks.

She looks at him in wonder, then in surprise. It was like she couldn't figure out why he was talking to her. She looks around and then back at him with that familiar glint that scared him, but she seems to have blinked the glint away in an instant.

"I am lost," she says, eyes still questioning, but calm. She eyes him carefully through the hat, scarf and mask and the many layers of surprisingly bland colors that wrapped him.

She never thought he'd dress this way, but then again, that was probably the catch. But how could anyone not recognize those sharp feline eyes beneath the light shaded sunglasses? And that scar on his, now flaming red, brow was a definite giveaway. He starts to arch that brow to her surprise. He pulls his sunglasses down the tip of his nose, studying her.

She knows, she definitely knows...

He cautiously looks around and finds dull colored people around the bright colored girl. He deems it safe, yet still very warily pulls his scarf and mask down, unveiling most of the face he still obviously wanted hidden.

Those thin arched lips, the faint hint of a dimple on his cheek, those prominent soft edged cheek bones, the perfect little nose, all amidst the perfect, flawless pale skin he is so famous for -they were all in view and within reach.

I won't even need to stretch out my hand...

She gulped as she stared at his beauty, trying to remain collected amidst the frenzy particularly concentrated around her chest area.

"I can't really read Kanji but I speak quite a bit of Japanese and I've been around here a lot. I can help you out," he explains, snapping her to the unbelievable reality.

"I know but..." she says warily, "wait, what?"

"I'll help you out," he calmly states.

"How exactly are you going to do that?"

From the corner of his eyes, he sees the light turn green. He grabs her by the shoulders and pulls her to the street. In a swift subtle move he leans to her side and whispers, "I'm going with you."

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