Chapter 3 The Jung Sisters


(Next morning)

The sun arose up high and it was noisy then Amber wake up. Saw couple of men surrounding the carriage then Amber climb down that made some noise then some of the men looked back.

"Hey there's one here." The man with eyepatch said 

"Kill HIM!!" The other man said and Amber startled then the some of the men surround him 

"Hey I didn't do anything wrong." Amber said then the man swing the knife towards Amber but Amber caught it and throw it back to owner. So the remaining men attacked him and they are about to punch him but he kicked them on the stomach very hard that made them fall on their feet,  Amber heard a lady yelp and saw a man dragging the lady by her hair.

So Amber ran towards them then the man notice his approach and so he let her go then he bring out his gun and start to shot him, Amber was shock to see the bullets in slow motion but Amber got to the man and punched him, throw the gun aside then he went to the lady to check if she's okay as he asked the lady at the same time there was man pointed his gun to the lady as he pull the trigger, Amber pull the lady in his arms and that made him got  shot instead of the lady.

The lady was shaking non-stop as she saw Amber got shot and someone shot the man  from the back.

"Lady Sinb are you alright?" Henry the butler of Sinb asked 

"I'mm faaine buut is he alright?" Sinb said as she touched Amber's forehead then Henry check his pulse

"He's still alive, I'll take him inside the carriage." Henry carried Amber inside the carriage.

"Amber where are you?" A sweet voice yet worried called a out and   Amber was following the sound as he get closer, and it gets darker then someone stab Amber from the back

"Hugh!" Amber got up and there's a man sat at chair stood up

"Finally you're awake." Tall man said in annoyance and left the room. Amber could feel  pain from his back and trying to stretch his back then the lady he saved came 

"Mister you're alive." Sinb said as she hugs Amber 

"Sinb that isn't lady like to hug a man you don't even know." Jessica the Eldest daughter of Jungs 

"Unnie, I'm glad that he's alive and his no stranger to me, he's my hero." Sinb replied to Jessica then faced Amber when she said "my hero", Amber felt awkward and Jessica put palms to her face

"Well well, who's this young man that saved our little princess?" Krystal asked as she came in and pat Sinb head, Amber was amazed to saw a beauty like hers.

"I'm Song Amber." Amber replied as he kept staring at Krystal

"Well I'm Jessica Jung and this Sinb Jung our youngest sister and that is Krystal Jung." Jessica introduce them 

"I'm curious what are you doing in middle of nowhere?" Krystal asked 

"I left home to find myself." Amber replied and Krystal just laugh at it

"Well you found yourself now." Krystal said in sarcastic

"Krystal, Sinb can you leave this room." Jessica said at the same time the doctor came in, so Krystal and Sinb left the room 

"I'm sorry for my sister rudeness and I don't know how to repay you." Jessica apologized for Krystal 

"It's nothing really, I'm glad that Miss Sinb is safe." Amber replied with a smile and the doctor coughed 

"Oh this dr Kris, he's the one who looked after you." Jessica said and Kris bowed slightly

"How long I was out?" Amber asked

"Well you were out for 5 days and 12 hours." Kris replied as he checked his watch 

"Hmm anyways I'll leave you with Kris and Henry will guide you." Jessica said as she excused herself and Amber touched his neck he just remembered his necklace

"Doc where's my necklace?" Amber said as he panicked

"You mean this one." Kris pull out the necklace from his pocket and Amber snatch the necklace from Kris hand 

"Isn't too girly for you to wear it." Kris added and start to checks Amber's wound

"Well you wound perfectly sealed." Kris said as he checks Amber's wound

"Really?" Amber said 

"You seem fine to me now but don't push yourself too much." Kris said as he packed his medical stuff and Henry knocked the door 

"Excuse me I'm here to the guest to the main dinning room." Henry said 

"You can take him now." Kris said as signal Henry to take Amber with him, so Amber stood up and he was stopped by Henry 

"You're not going anywhere looking like that." Henry said as he give the spear clothes and Kris already left the room

After 20 minutes Amber took a shower and wear the clothes that Henry gave, the clothes was slightly big for him but it fits fine. As Amber opened the door and first thing he saw Henry flirting with the two lovely maids.

"You're done." Henry said with a smile and Amber nod then maids start to whisper

"Ladies if you want to ask something then say it." Henry said to the maids

"Well it's nothing." The two maids said in the same time and bowed 

"Sir Amber did something happened when you were alone with dr. Kris." Henry asked 

"Nothing, why is there something going to happen?" Amber asked in curiosity

"Don't misunderstand me and forget what I asked." Henry replied as they walk in the hallway and something caught Amber's attention a large window facing the woods as Amber look at it, someone keep calling his name as Amber went to the window and look out then he noticed there was blonde person standing in the wood since it's night, he can't see it clearly. 

"What are you looking at?" Henry whispered at the back and that makes Amber startled 

"Ahh I saw someone standing there." Amber replied as pointed where the person was standing and Henry took a look 

"Well I see no one and they are waiting for you." Henry said as he proceeded to walk 

"Who's waiting me?" Amber asked as Henry opened the door and a large table 

"Oh young lad come and join with us." Jessica said with a smile and Amber nod, took seat 

"So Amber since you don't have place to stay, why don't you stay here as gratitude for saving my little sister." Jessica added and Sinb was pleased but Krystal doesn't like the idea 

"Thank you for letting me stay here." Amber replied

"Let's eat now." Jessica said and they start to eat but Krystal kept glaring at Amber which Amber could feel it 

(2 weeks later)

Amber got along with everyone except Krystal who always asleep in day and at night she's awake. 


Jessica called Amber to have little chat.

"Amber can you do me a favour?" Jessica asked 

"Sure" Amber replied shortly 

"Tomorrow, Sinb is going to the market and I want you to came with her, since what happened last time." Jessica said 

"Sure I'll come with her and can you excuse me, I'm going somewhere." Amber excused himself and he saw Krystal holding a bottle of wine and she seems drunk, they went to same direction then Krystal stopped and faced Amber 

"Yah! Why do you kept following me, do you like me?" Krystal said as she lose her balance then Amber caught her 

"Please don't misunderstand me, I was going to my room." Amber replied and still holding her then Krystal face him closer and kissed him. Amber was shocked and let her go 

"Goodnight Miss Krystal." Amber said and left her 

(Next day)

Sinb and Amber were at the market with some servants at the mansion.

"Mr Song, what do think?" Sinb asked as she try on some jewellery 

"That looked lovely on you." Amber said and Sinb blushed 

"Okay I'll buy it." Sinb said to the shopkeeper and they visited some shops as they walk on the streets, Amber noticed a lady with curly hair and she sells trinkets and Amber went to her, and checks what can she offer to him.

"Young man do you want me to read your hand." The woman suddenly spoke to him 

"So you're a fortune teller, well then." Amber said as he give his hand to her and as she held his hand, she can't find anything as if it was blocked then she noticed the necklace his wearing 
"That necklace, why is it with him." She thought

"Well did you see something?" Amber asked

"Well you have to be more extra careful from what you choose." She replied 

"Is that so, well I gotta go now." Amber said as he bowed at her and left her

"Who is he and why is he wearing that necklace." The woman asked herself.







Sorry guys for the late update 

I was having a hard time right now cuz last time it was my granny  died and this time it's my elder brother 

I just want to share this to you guy 


I'm sorry and understand me


Thankyou💖💖💖 for the subscribe 💘💘💘

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themisberry #1
Chapter 4: Hanber pleaseee..
KryberWah #2
Chapter 4: More Kryber pls~ thanks
Chapter 4: Kryber!
Chapter 4: Ooh now things are getting interesting! Looking forward to the next update!
Yellowjacket #5
Chapter 4: Ah so amber is somehow is like ranma 1/2. Just that he turn to girl when he doesn't ware the necklace.
xxxluili #6
Chapter 4: Yeess.. Hanber pleasee
Chapter 3: Kryber! Update more please... Condolence, Authornim.
Chapter 3: I'm here for hanber that you tag but i think this is krysber
themisberry #9
Chapter 2: But i'm hanber shipper though (-_-||).. hahaha..but guess that i have to wait awhile to read them?
Yellowjacket #10
Chapter 2: Sorry for your lost grandma. She's now rest in peace.