
Still In Your Fairytales

The Final exam already over.Everyone cheered and looked so happy.It was the last day of the school for Victoria.After this she will further her study in University.Victoria waited for Narsha in the classroom.Narsha have something to do,so Victoria waiting for her.

After waited for a long time,Victoria decided to walk out from the classroom.

Everyone already went back home.Only Victoria alone in the school.

"I will miss this school." said Victoria.

"Me too." someone answered.Victoria stopped her steps immediately.She slowly turned her head.

"Nickhun? What are you doing at here?" asked Victoria.

"Ermm..i don't know.I don't feel like to go back at all.Thats why i'm still here.How about you?" Nickhun walked towards Victoria.

"Do you mind if we walked together?"

"Of course not.I'm waiting my friend,Narsha.That's why i'm still here." answered Victoria.Both of them walked together through the hallway.Victoria sneakily looked at Nickhun face.This is the first time they walking together and be so closed like this.Actually,it was the third time.When Victoria remember about that,she was blushing.Both of them just keep silent without a words.

Nickhun broke the silence by asking a question.

"What are you doing after this? I just want to ask."

"Hehehe...I don't know yet. "


Then,both of them remained silent again.It  still awkward for both of them.

"I heard you're in relationship with Yuri.Congratulation.Both of you looked good together." said Victoria.

Nickhun stopped his steps and looked at Victoria.He was taken aback by Victoria question.

"How do you know about that?"

Victoria just keep silent.She didn't answer Nickhun question.

"I ask you again.How do you know about that?" Nickhun pushed Victoria on the walls.Victoria really scared with Nickhun sudden changes.

"I..I..I Heard from the other students. Why you become like this.Please let me go." Victoria tried to push Nickhun away.

"What if i said i don't have any relationship with Yuri? You will angry or You will be happy?"

Victoria looked straight at Nickhun eyes.She take a deep breath and answered Nickhun question.

"I don't care if you have any relationship with Yuri or not.Its not my bussiness at all."

Nickhun slowly closer his face to Victoria face.Victoria quickly closed her eyes.

"Why? Are you scared with me?" said Nickhun. Actually he just want to tease Victoria.When he looked at Victoria face closely like this,he realised that her face is really beautiful.How can a men cannot help by falling in love with her.She just a goddess.About Yuri, he never have a feeling towards her.Only Yuri always bugging him and he just ignored about it.

When Nickhun about to kiss Victoria,Narsha come from nowhere.

"Vic,there you are.Aishhh this girl.I search you in the classroom but you're not in there.What are you doing at here?"

Nickhun quickly put his arms down and let Victoria go.Before he go,he whispered at Victoria ears.

"Maybe you don't understand why i did all of this.One day you will know why." Then he go.

Victoria collapsed on the ground after Nickhun went away.

"Vic,are you okay?Who is that guy?" Narsha said anxiously when she saw Victoria collapsed.

"Ha?? What?? I don't know.Just a random guy.Have you done your job?"

"Yes.But tell me who is that guy?"

"No one.I don't know him.Let's go."

"Ermm..okay.Before we go back,can you accompany to meet Joongki at the usual place?Please!!!"

"I'm sorry Narsha.I need to go back.I'm not feeling well."

"Okay.Lets go."

When they go out from the school.Victoria take a look at the back.She saw Nickhun standing far behind her.She quickly turned her face.What happened to me? I'm already falling in love with him? Victoria said to herself.



I'm going to make you as mine.No matter what.Hold on.....





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cuppyieka #1
@coolgirlaamy..thank you very much for your supporting..i appreciate it so much..read my new fanfic..i hope you will like it!!!
coolgirlaamy #2
Aww such a cute ending. Hehe, they had kids? that is so sweet. Cuteness overload lol. I can't wait to read more from you in the future - I've already subbed to your new stories.
Thanks for writing such a nice story. x
cuppyieka #3
@ezwanie..hahaha..i don't have anything to do.so i update the last chapter.Thank you so much for reading my fanfic..i really appreciate it
ezwanie #4
Yay!! You've updated..so quickly!! Thank you so much for the happy ending...not to mention the kids..and the cheeziness...and...im lost for words...hehe..again..kamsahamnida..
cuppyieka #5
@ezwanie...heheeh..after i thinking for hundred times i decided to make Victoria alive..hehehe..chunji and narsha also..wait for the final chapter and my new fanfic..it still khuntoria..hehehe..thank you
ezwanie #6
Yes!! She's alive!! And they're together..even chunji+narsha!! Thank you so much...waiting patiently for the final ep and your new fic
cuppyieka #7
@ezwanie hehehehe...surprise!!!hahaaha...actually i admit that i want to let her die but after thinking several times,i change it..thank you for the comments!!
ezwanie #8
Omg...i was like "dont you dare let her die"... And then " aaaahh...". Hehe thanks so much for the update...cant wait for the next one..im sure they will reconcile...
cuppyieka #9
@rainyday..read the next chapter..hehehe..thank you!!!