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Jiyeon was really saddened by the fact that, Luhan, her 13 years of crush, had already got himself a girlfriend.


So when her bestfriend unintentionally told her about the party her other crush, Sehun, is having, a brilliant idea came to her mind.



She will invite herself.

And finally make a move.

If she succeed, she might also got herself a boyfriend before the summer.



Everyone in University knows how damn rich Oh Sehun is, but never did it crossed to Jiyeon's mind that the guy will rent a luxurious club just for his freaking 21st birthday so all of the people in the city can also enjoy the night.

Clutching the hem of her dress that falls until her mid thigh to tug it down, she gulps nervously as she scans the room. It's only ten in the evening but the music blasting out of the speakers are already defeaning. She can feel the hype of everyone just by standing awkwardly on the ground.

She already doubted herself if she's in the right place, not until she sees one or two familiar faces from her department. And just like that, everyone becomes familiar to her.

Again, she scans the place to find his bestfriend. But what caught her eyes are the pair of eyes looking back at her, before dropping to the lower part of her body and back to her orbs. Jiyeon feels her heart beating so fast. It's not new to her everytime she looks at him, but damn, his effect to her is just something.

It feels like forever when they're staring at each other, feeling the same even from afar. Jiyeon is half relieved and half pissed when she hears the screeching voice of her bestfriend calling her name. She don't want to remove her eyes from the birthday boy but unfortunately, Baekhyun doesn't stop screaming her name under the loud music until she glares at him.




259 words for the Foreword but I'm already gonna say sorry if it's too ty. I didn't prepare for this, it's just so happen that I want to write, no one is talking to me and surprise my childhood crush already got himself a girl. Gonna edit everything once I got hold of the laptop.


Warning: Don't expect too much. My brain is so rusty, I want to throw it.


I don't own the characters. Just the story itself.

Half based on true story and half fictional. 2017.


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