Let me love you

The other side of "Suga"

The other side of "Suga" {2}

(Short Story: OC/ReaderXSuga)


The day felt long and stressing. All the boys where in the dorm and messing around like crazy.


Today was the boys day off from their hectic idol life and they all only wanted the day together, in their dorm, having fun.


You, of course, was happy yet distressed at the fact they are all together in the dorm.


Distressed because the mess has just gone from a pigs pen to a pigs pen plus a toddlers room!


The good part.... is that it gives you a chance to... kinda.... keep away from Yoongi.


It's been a week since you and him got into the awkward argument and he had confessed to you right after.


That day you were too shocked and confused to answer and merely walked off to your apartment looking like a zombie.


Of course, now you feel like total sh!t for randomly leaving Suga alone after he wholeheartedly confessed to you.


Great job Yoo Yunhee! Great job on being the biggest a$$hole ever! Yay!


You felt too devastated and confused to really look at him.


To make matters worse he had confronted you the next day and this happened:




"Yunhee!" The rapper called out from behind the closed door.


"Yunheeeeeeeeeeee~!" He continued.


You silently sat behind your couch, silently wailing.


It had been almost ten minutes since he had arrived and you refused to open the door.


You could not and you mean could not meet Yoongi right now... for a while actually.


Since the confession your brain has been boggling and malfunctioning like crazy.


And now here he is, at you door, calling your name, knocking, and breathing right in front of your apartment.


What the h311 do you do?!


Suddenly, the knocking ceased and you hear nothing.


"Did he go away?" You thought.


Slowly and silently, you tiptoed to the door.


Hopefully he wasn't there, you weren't in your best attire either. You in your long-sleeved striped shirt and denim shorts with no socks or shoes on.


Once you reached the door, you peeked into the peek hole. There was nothing.


"He's gone!" You gasped quietly.


"But just to make sure..."


You bend down to the floor and slowly unlock your door. Gradually, slowly, and as quietly as you could ever be, you opened it.


You poke your head out slightly from the door with its long slight creaking noise.




Suddenly, a hand had grabbed ahold of the rim and a person appeared before you.


This scared the living jibblies out of you, causing you to flinch and hit your head on the door knob.


You winced in pain as you slowly and fearfully, looked up.


Your face went sour as you saw who was right before you.


Min Suga stood there looking down at you with his normal emotionless expression. Though there also seemed to be a slight expression of disappointment.


Can't blame him...


You tried to close the door, stupidly, and failed horribly as this boy's strength is no joke compared to your nonathletic structure.


You crouched there silently staring at the floor hoping he would leave. But that seemed to be not till forever....


After about almost a full five minutes of your pathetic play, Yoongi released the door and immediately grabbed your arms, pulling you up and into your apartment. 


"AH! H-hurts...!" You whined as he dragged you in with all the manpower he had. His hand was tightly wrapped around yours and the strength he used to drag you in was tremendous.


Suga suddenly stopped in his tracks as you two reached the living room and continued to hold onto you.


You, on the other hand, were in pain from his monstrous strength. Silently, you groaned in pain and stared straight at your hand that was engulfed in Yoongi's hand.


"S-Suga..." you winced, hoping for him to release you.


Noticing the issue, he immediately let you go and looked away embarrassed. 


"S-Sorry... I didn't..." he begun but you interrupted as you shook your head and rubbed your right hand.


"No. It's fine."


It was an awkward silence until the rapper boy slowly grabbed your hand. Shocked, you flinched back from him. 


"I..." you began but Yoongi had taken your hand once more, gently this time.


"Do you have an ice pack or something?"

He spoke with his warmer voice.


You shook your head and tensed up at his touch.




You had no idea how to react to his actions anymore. Just being here by his side was awkward and stifling.


Yoongi sighed and looked up at you. You had also looked up at the same time and the both of you made eye contact. 


His small but cute brown eyes look at you with a gentle stare and his handsome face stunned you.


You could feel your face burn up and redden.


You two stared for about a few seconds until a phone suddenly rang.




It was your phone. You had remembered that Yoongi had taken your phone that day and you forgot to get it back. Your mind was too flustered to remember your phone's existence.


Yoongi pulled it out from his pocket and handed it to you. 


"Here. You forgot it."


You bowed slightly and took the phone. Looking at it you become slightly awkward, seeing who was calling.


"Jimin..." you accidentally say out loud.


Suga heard and made a sour face.


You are hesitant to pick up but answered anyways just to make sure if Jimin didn't have any... problems.


"Hello..." you answered sullenly.


"Huh? Yunhee? Are you okay? You seem down?" Jimin asked worriedly.


You look up at Yoongi, who was turned away from you.


"Ah... yeah...." you answer.


You could tell that Jimin was worried and lying to him would be useless. But, the situation was a bit too "sensitive" for the truth.


"Don't lie. If there is anything wrong-"


"I'm fine, Jimin-ah. I'm just tired." You assured with a white lie.


Jimin did not speak for a while, but you knew that saying anything would worsen the situation. You looked up to Suga and could see his expression become irritated.


"Jimin.... I gotta go. I... have something to do."


"Mhm..." is all he mustered.


"Jimin..." you called out worried.


"Remember... I will always hear you out." He spoke warmly through the phone.


"Okay..." you trail off and hang up the phone.


The room was silent again; merely the air conditioning roaring and the light breaths of both you and Yoongi were audible.


"Yoongi... what is it that you need?" You finally broke the silence.


The black-haired idol sighed and turned to you with stern eyes.


"Yunhee... about yesterday..." he begun.


Your heart tensed up a bit at the thought of yesterday. 


You felt so bad and so terrible about the confession and your actions. It was hard to look at Yoongi properly.


"I'm sorry." He continued. 


You stared blankly and shocked.


"S-sorry...?" You repeated.


He rubbed the back of his head and nodded.


"But I don't regret telling you how I feel." He spoke with a serious tone.


You looked up shocked at his statement.


"I do like you. I really like you. I may have liked you for a long time and just now noticed." He confessed. 


"But no matter what, I know I like you and it won't change."


You stared silently but flabbergasted by his words.


Listening to him, your heart seemed to have shifted in gears and it began to beat faster.


"Y-Yoongi..." you utter, barely audible.


"Yunhee..." he called out.


He stared straight into your eyes.


"You don't have to answer me now. I will wait... but know this..."


He leaned in closer to you, his face merely inches away from yours.


You could feel his warm breaths and see your reflection in his eyes.


"I will make you mine. No matter what, I will obtain your heart. Even if it's little by little."


Your eyes widen at his declaration.




"I'll make you mine and I won't lose nor will I let you go. So, for now, let me love you."


His words echoed in your head and your heartbeat increased drastically.


The rapper smirked and patted you on the head as he walked off toward the door.


"Also..." he suddenly spoke and stopped at the door.


"I don't know what you and Jimin are doing together... and I don't know the extent of your relationship with him, but, I do know..." he paused.


You braced yourself and turned to him, questioningly.


"I am not very happy with it." He continued. 


"You know I am not afraid to do as I please." He smiled as he walked out the door and left you alone, shook.


End Flashback.


So now here you are in the dorm, in the far corner of the kitchen, sweeping, trying super hard to look busy and avoid Yoongi.


"Yunhee-ahhh~" you heard Taehyung call out from the living room.


Suddenly you could hear the fast footsteps of the young man rush into the kitchen.


Still slightly in a daze, you were unaware of Taehyung running towards you at top speed, ready to leap.


"Yunhee!" He yells out as he leaps on you and back hugs you tightly.


"GYAH!" You yelp as you drop the broom from your hands and try to keep your balance.


"YUNHEE! I missed you!" He beams happily as he rubs his cheeks on your soft hair.


"Aha... Taehyung... yes... but please..." you struggle to keep yourself in a comfortable position and try to tear him off.


You haven't seen Taehyung for a while since he had constant shootings, and Tae was also sleeping since morning.


Hence, you think he may have found out you were here by the others and rushed in to find you.


He was a clingy and cute fellow who seemed to adore you. Mainly because he found your determination and hardworking personality amazing.


He thought of you as an "older sister" (though you were a year younger than him) and you thought of him as a "younger brother". 


Just when you were able to get one hand off you, Taehyung's body was peeled off you in an instant.


You turn around to see why and at first glance, you almost screamed (but didn't) and flinched back.


It was Yoongi. He had amazingly walked in, unheard, and pulled Tae off of you.


His face was a mixture of disturbed and annoyance.


"Ahhh.... Hyung..." Taehyung whined rubbing his arms, as it seemed he had pulled him off by the arms, hard.


"What the heck are you doing assaulting a girl like that?" Suga nags as he pushes him away.


"I'm not! I was hugging her! Isn't it normal for a friend to hug another friend?" Taehyung pouts.


"Yah? Are you crazy? That-"


"It's fine. Yoongi. It was just a friendly hug." You interrupt to avoid conflict.


"Nothing more..." you glance over at Yoongi, who looked angry.


You quickly turn to Taehyung and smile sweetly.


"It's okay Taehyung. Yoongi is just being a Naggy- today. Go on and relax while I finish work" 


The cutie smiles and nods at you. He looks to his Hyung and sticks his tongue out.




You take the broom and stop Suga. 


"You too, go relax and leave me to finish." You say, avoiding his gaze.


The young man grabs the broom and pulls it away from you. He puts it away and stares straight at you.


"The floor is clean enough. You should relax too."


You stood shocked by his actions but immediately turn away from him and shook your head.


"N-no... I still-" 


Suddenly he suddenly hugs you from behind and holds you tightly as his face buries slightly into your left shoulder.


"Please?" He whispers with his low voice into your ear.


Your entire body became numb and chills ran down your back.


"Y-Yoongi..." you wince at his warm breaths at your ear.


His warm and fit body enclasped you from behind and his warm breaths slowly graze by your left ear and cheek.


His heart beat and breathing was resonating through you and his tight but gentle hold on you was causing your body to tense up.


"Yoongi... let go..." you plead but he tightens his hold.


"No." He replies with a cute but stern tone.


"Yoongi..." you call out again but he shakes his head.


"If Taehyung can get hugs... so can I." He states.


You stood there shocked and flustered.


This boy was hugging you from behind tightly, breathing into your ear, and whispering softly to you. Your body was already exhausted from Tae's attack, but having Suga, who has already said he liked you, hugging you so "intimate" was causing an uproar in you.


You try to pry off his hands but he clasps tighter.


"Okay. I'll relax. So let go." You say hoping he would let go. But he didn't.


"I change my mind." He whispers slyly.


"Hey!" You complain as you wiggle in his grip.


"If you keep doing that... Things'll get 'messy'." He announces. You think for a moment at what he meant and it suddenly hit you.


You blush knowing your body "situation" and kick Yoongi in the shin. This, however doesn't make him release you but hold on tighter.


"That hurt..." he groans.


"Don't say something like that!" You yell flustered.


Suddenly, someone calls out and walks toward the kitchen.




You, with all your might push Yoongi off, miraculously, and turn around to see Jungkook walk in.


"Y-Yes!" You reply flustered.


The young man looks at you weird.


"Uh... I was just gonna ask where Yoongi-Hyung was. But I see him." He points to the rapper-boy who was rubbing his shin in pain.


"Uh... yeah." You agree. It seemed he didn't see anything. Thank the lord.


Jungkook nods and smiles.


"Hyung, can you help me fix this thing?" He asks as he pulls out a wooden box with its lid broken off.


Yoongi stares at it disappointed.


"How the?"


"Rap Mon-Hyung..." Jungkook answers with a face of disappointment as well.


Yoongi sighs. "Just a second. Go wait in my room and I'll be there in a second." He commands.


Jungkook nods and walks off still analyzing the broken box.


The room became silent.


Suddenly, Yoongi speaks.


"Sorry..." is all he says.


You look down at your feet and blush.


"Just go..." you say with a crack in your voice being you were so embarrassed right now.


He begins to leave but not without turning back around and doing one more thing.


He lifts your head and smiles cutely at you.


Suddenly, he pulls out a chocolate ball and pushes it into your mouth.


"A treat. I meant to give it to you earlier." He the melted chocolate from his fingers.


"Some sugar from Suga to keep you energized." He shows his adorable gummy smile and walks off.


You stare blankly as your face reddens even more and you let the chocolate melt in your mouth.


Once he was gone, you obtain consciousness. 


"What a cheesy line..." You sigh as you the excess chocolate on your lips.


This was something new and... surprising.


Suga being jealous, cute, and clingy....

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Jaslynn #1
Chapter 5: <33 Cute I wish there was a spin off.
Pabebebelove #2
Chapter 5: It was really cute! Poor Jimin tho ❤
Chapter 1: Waaaah ❤
Chapter 5: Poor Jimin T__T
Chapter 5: Till chapter 5 I was rooting for Yoongi so much and I was so happy when she returned his feelings but then 'The other side of Jimin' came and gawd I became so sentimental TT Poor Jiminie...
Anyway, this was written so beautiful and the exact great part was chapter 5! Thumbs up authornim!!
BilliePark #6
Chapter 3: If i were in Yunhee's shoes, omigosh, I'd totally and literally have cardiac dysrhythmias and lose consciousness from lack of oxygen. This is such a 'ground-swallow-me-now' awkward. But also cute at the same time! ^^