
Juno Fortuna; City of Love and Fortune [BRAND NEW - MANY OPEN SLOTS - ACTIVE - SEMI-LIT - YOAI - FACEBOOK RP]
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Are you having trouble on deciding on the type of being you’d like to roleplay as? Here we have a list of some beings and a small description to help give you ideas or help you choose. When a species is marked with a star (⛧) it means they have the ability to use magic. A Star and dash (⛧─) means they have limited magic abilities; they can only use certain types of magic I.E. fire/heat, telepathy, Water/Ice; in all honesty, as long as your powers aren’t godly(I.e.godmodding) we really don’t mind. Also keep in mind that these are not the only species we accept. These are just some ideas to help you figure out what you want for your character. (More ideas on abilities are here, for other creature ideas, check here.)
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An angel is pure and heals extremely fast. They can also heal others. Angels have white, fluffy, and soft heavenly wings, which they can hide or show any time they like. An angel is a form of a higher being from the human and all other creatures. Some angels don’t necessarily have the most “pure” attitude, especially towards other beings; however, they are still guardians of the pure, they will help any pure soul (mainly humans but not limited to only humans, Some grey areas with “pure intentions” involved).
Fallen Angels⛧
When an angel falls, due to the sin they committed, their wings are torn from their back and don't grow back for 3 days to a week. When they do the color is now black. When a fallen angel's wings are hidden, there are scars on the back where the wings are. A fallen angel that is cast out of Heaven is first sent to Earth to await judgement. Their time spent on Earth is the final determining factor if the angel will regain it’s grace or be spiraled down into Hell where they will become a demon.
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Demons are typically corrupt, tainted, and tortured souls that love to reek havoc and infect others with sin. Only few demons are true demons that were born as such. Some are fallen angels that were finally cast into hell after judgment. Incubi and succubi are lower level variations of demons created from the sin of lust, and pure vengefulness.
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There are Two types of vampires; One, Purebloods. Not a single drop of Human or another's blood. Two, Half-breeds. Either turned or born from two different species. Purebloods can live for what seems like eternity. They each have powers special to them individually. Half-breeds age quicker than Purebloods, but still very slowly.. Both types of vampires can retract their teeth and hide amongst humans. They also both heal very fast. A vampire’s eye color will change, based on how they feel at that moment or at will.
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Like the classic tales, a Werewolf can transform into a wolf. Typically, whether they are in human form or wolf form, they can talk to animals. When in wolf form, some wolves can even speak telepathically to other humans or beings. Werewolves are strong and fast hunters. They heal quickly, but still not as quick as Vampires or angels and demons. Beware, Werewolves usually run in packs. Also the werewolf can show or hide it's tail and ears, like an angel's wings; though, most choose not to even show them.
Sneaky and fun, Shape-shifters can trick the eye and can easily be taken for a werewolf or other creatures like the dragon or Kitsune. Shape-shifters, normally restricted to animals, can change into any animal, or person, they desire. Even a common house pet. Shapeshifters eyes change, from their normal color, to a yellowish, orangish gold color and can vary in oranges and yellows depending on how they feel.
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Our world of humans may seem bland to them, but in all actuality, these beings have the ability to be some of the strongest. The human body is special. It has the ability to adapt and harbor many of the supernatural strands of other supernatural beings without any harmful repercussions. The human body is already preset to withstand the use of magic which only some other beings can possess. They can also withstand the transfer of power from any other being, be it temporary, or permanent. This makes the Human some of the most desired mates to other species, but it is also taboo for many species as their hybrid offspring can be extremely powerful.
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Fire/electricity, earth/metal/other material things, wind, water/ice, light/darkness, energy, other.
Other Mythical Creatures⛧─
Other mythical creatures would include; Dragons, Kitsunes, fairies, mermaids etc. Each creature has powers special to them. A dragons typically have elemental powers or miasma or vapor manipulation. A kitsune, has a tail (or tails) that can be hidden and tend to be fairly strong, yet playful. Where the wolf like to run in a pack, the Kitsune remains alone. Kitsunes tend to stick to the uses of basic elements along with some others like; Celestial, void, sound, thunder, and such like that.
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faceclaim: byun baekhyun
type of being: light fairy/panther hybrid
powers: healing, shape shifting, light manipulation, aura reading, more to be added
faceclaim: Hongjoong
type of being: angel (fallen)
powers: light manipulation, healing others, flying, more to come
faceclaim: han wangho/peanut
type of being: elemental
powers: umbrakinesis/night vision
SilksandShadows #4
Faceclaim: Kim Heechul
Type of Being: Faerie, Underwater Panther
Powers: chi manipulation, storm brewer

Faceclaim: Taeyong
Type: Kitsune
Power: Thunder (( could I be like a thunder god? Not sure if this was allowed ))

Chapter 1: FaceClaim: Shownu (Hyunwoo Son)
Type: Dragon
Power: Fire

Fc: Im Dohyeon
Type: Pureblood Vampire
Power: Telekinesis

Chapter 1: FC: Kim Taehyung
Type: Demon Sin of Wrath
Power: Rage/Fire
