

Fingertips running over his hair. Brushing some of his blond hair out of his face. The sunlight that fell through the thin fabric of the curtains painting patterns on his high cheekbones. Paiting his pale skin in a warm shade of colours. I let my fingertip run over his face. Portraying every little outline of his beautiful face until he scrunched his nose and burried his fance deeper into my chest. I chuckled.

We have been through so much these last day, weeks, month. Times of fighting. Times of denying. Times of being scared, alone and being sad. At this moment it all looked so far away. Almost as if this never happend.

I heared his even breath that came through his slightly opened pink lips. Felt the warmth of it through the fabric of my shirt. His head still laying down on my chest like his hand. Legs tangled. His long eyelashes throwing a shadow on his skin. His blond hair a little messy from the night. His body against mine.

In my world he was the most beautiful person alive. There was no way to describe what i felt. No way to describe how his smile made me smile too. How his touch made me melt into it. How his words made my heartbeat raise up so much. How his sleeping face made me so happy.

Almost every kid knew the feeling just seconds before Santa Clause would come. The moment before you could finally open the wrapped up presents. Your heart would thumb hard against your ribs that it almost hurts. There was this nervouse feeling in your stomach. But still you have the biggest smile on your face that couldn't even grew more.

That's what happend when I would look at Kibum. I could write a thousand songs for him. I could tell him cheesy words all the time. I never wanted to let him go. I never wanted to let go of his hands. But in the end I still wasn't able to express just a little bit of my feelings.

That is what someone calls love. Right?

I let my fingers run again through his hair and I knew he would wake up soon. It was always the same with him. Just like a little kitten he began to munch here an then. He would strech his arms and legs just to let them fall down again. It was every morning the same. But it would never fail to make me smile.

"So my little princess is finally awake?" I chuckled again as I tried to put the bangs out of his face. He just cuddled even tighter against my body and started to groan like he had the badest hangover in history. 

"I am not awake. And don't call me like that." His voice still hoarse from the long sleep. He started to rub the sleep out of his eyes and yawned like there was no tomorrow. I just lay there. Staring at him. Smiling.

I love him.

He looks up from his position. His eyes still half closed but I could see a small smile at the edge of his lips. He rested his chin on my chest. Never breaking the eye contact. We just lay there like this for minutes. My hands still playing with his soft hair. We barely had the chance to look at each other. Never had the time to exchange 'I love you's or never had the time to do things
 normal couples would do if they were in our age. But we were never normal to begin with. But all this didn't matter anymore. Now we were together. Forgotten all the fights. Forgotten all the obstacles we had to overcome.

After a while he positioned himself new almost laying on top of me. Crawling higher and higher until our noses almost bumbed into each other.

"So?" He asked laying his head slighty to the right. Again scrunching his nose. Cute.
"So what?" I asked slighty confused and a little bit dizzy that his beautiful lips were just inches away from mine. His eyes hipnotizing me. He looked shocked for a moment but I could already see that it was a playful expression. He was a bad actor. Just like me.
"No good morning kiss? I am dissapointed Kim Jonghyun!" A puckered his lower lip and I chuckled again.

"Good morning baby." I whispered almost not audible and leaned forward. Placing my lips on his pink sweet ones. Letting my eyes fall shut. Soaking in every little second we shared this sweet good morning kiss. I have waited for so long just to kiss him like that. Have longed for it so long. It was almost painful. And now I couldn't even believe it. Sometimes even afraid that there would come a time when all this ends. Kibum pulled back first hiding his blushing cheeks as he cuddled his face again at my chest.

"Bummie?" I asked somehow kind of nervous. My heartbeat raising by every second and I knew he could hear it.
"Hmm?" I heared a muffled sound.
"Look at me Bummie." He raised is head slighty so that his feline cat like eyes starred again into mine. Blinking once, twice... Waiting for what I had to say.

"I love you Kibum."

The first time I said it out loud. The first time these words left my lips for him to hear. I was kind of afraid. Afraid that it was too early to say something like that. Afraid that he didn't felt that way. His cheeks flushed into a brighter shade of pink and he hit his face again. Unable to see him.

"I lo... yo.. to. hmpf." That was all I could understand from the words he muffled against my shirt. His hot breath tingling over my skin.
"Yeah. I totally understand every word Kibum." His head shot up almost annyoed. His face already turned into a deep red colour. He puffed his cheeks and looked like a five year old kid that I just wanted tosteal his candy.
"I said..." He took a deep breath and avoided any eye contact before the most beautiful words escaped from his plump lips. "I love you too Jjongie."

It felt like all the pressure and pain of ages fell from my shoulders. I just knew that there never could be a better feeling then this. Never.

I leaned forward again and pressed my lips against his forehead. Hands automatically finding their way to his. Fingers locking together as I stealed another kiss from him. This time longer. With so much love. I never wanted to end it. Just for once I wanted to stop the time.

There we were laying. Hair messy from sleep. Cheeks tainted in pink out of embressment. Smiling stupid at each other. Sharing sweet words. Stealing here and there small touches. Bumping noses against each other as the kisses started to heat up.

We were still a little bit clumsy when it came to love. It was after all new to us.

But I knew with Kibum by my side there was no need to stop the time. I could enjoy every little second with him and cherish it.

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susumiya08 #1
Chapter 1: awww so fluffy and sweet i've got caries hahaha love the jongkey 4ever!!!!
SherlocKey #2
I love this fluffy .
Ohgod this is so karnwejkrnawejrnawerawe <3
devils-kiss #3
That was so...........SWEET!LIKE A CANDY TREE!^_^<br />
SEE! You aren't bad at fluff!<br />
Thish was soooo FLUFFFFEHHHH!
I really enjoyed this, so sweet!