My Six Handsome Mannequins


My Six Handsome Mannequins

Yeon Ji Hee, her parents are sucessful entrepreneurs. Because they are too busy about their works till they ignored her. Finally to throw away her lonliness, she decided to open a boutique shop near her school. Her two bestfriends helped her, Han Min Jung and Lee Dae Jung. One night, a mysterious an old man come to her and gave her six mannequins, she accept them without hesitation. Without her know, the six mannequins can be alive! What happen if she know about it ?


Who Is Playing In This Story ?
The Main Characters

The boys move away from their position as Ji Hee left the boutique. Yoseob and Dongwoo, being the most childish than the rest, they races to see who to turn on the lamp first. Unfortunately, Dongwoo slipped because the scarf in the floor and that makes Yoseob won the 'race', he laughed happily and stuck out his tongue playfully at him while the others just shook their head seeing their behavior.

Hyunseung walked toward the accessories section and pick one of the cool black frame glasses. He tried it and walked to big mirror near the fitting room and smiled at his reflection. Junhyung come from his behind and slung an arm around his shoulder. "Did you see the hot girl this morning ? I wish she come to here tomorrow." He chuckled then fixed his bangs.

"I don't care." Hyunseung replied coolly.

Doojoon and Gikwang busily looking at some hoodies and jackets while Yoseob and Dongwoon playing some games. Without they knowing, Ji Hee walked back toward the boutique to get her backpack. She tilted her head, *Why the light still on ?*

Hearing a footsteps, Gikwang walked toward the window and gasped. "Guys! Ji Hee is back!" He yelled in panic. The boys looked at each other then quickly ran toward the fitting room to hide. Hyunseung pushed Yoseob with loud thud, making the younger one to winced in pain. "Turn off the light!"

Yoseob quickly ran toward the switch but he slipped because the scarf that made Dongwoon slipped before. The boys shook their heads still looking at him. Just then the door opened and Ji Hee gasped when looking at Yoseob who still laying on the floor. Yoseob smiled awkwardly then waved his hand. "Hi.."

The boys slapped their heads lightly. "Pabo!"


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wow interesting post more ^_^
thatshxtcray #2
looks really well written. you've got all the posters and the teaser(: I can't wait to read more.
--strawberrychoco #3
thanks.. :D
aidil23 #4
kya~~~ i so so like!@