Morning Feelings

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Jeongyeon wakes up to the smell of food.

She gets out of bed easier as her wound wasn't hurting as much and follows the scent, to see Mina cooking up some breakfast in the kitchen.

"Morning," Jeongyeon says in a raspy voice, rubbing her eyes.

"Whatcha making?" Jeongyeon asks eagerly, inching closer to Mina.

Mina tenses up as she feels Jeongyeon right behind her trying to peek over her shoulder.

"I'm making pancakes," Mina responds, trying to not lose her concentration.

"Mmm." Jeongyeon hums next to Mina's ear, making her jerk a little.

"I bet it'll taste great." Jeongyeon whispers.

The pancakes were finally finished and Jeongyeon was very happy to start chowing down.

"So," Jeongyeon begins while reaching for the syrup. "Can you tell me about yourself?"

"What would you like to know?" Mina asks while cutting her pancakes in a graceful manner.

Jeongyeon closes her eyes and furrows her eyebrows, presumably thinking hard. "When's your birthday?"

Mina smiles at the question.

"My birthday is March 24th. What about you?"

"November 1st," Jeongyeon says while in the process of stuffing pancakes in . "I guess that makes me older than you."

"Yes you are, but you don't act like it," Mina replies trying to suppress a giggle. 

"Hey!" Jeongyeon playfully yells.

"Do you have anything you'd like to ask me?" Jeongyeon bats her eyes and pouts like a little dog.

Mina ponders the question before answering back.

"Well, you remember when Nayeon called you a delinquent? I was wondering why she called you that since you don't seem like the type."

Jeongyeon tenses at Mina's question, but sighs and gives in.

"Nayeon and I are actually pretty good friends, but we had recently gotten into an argument that led to some hurt feelings." Jeongyeon pauses to take a sip of juice. "Anyways, I get referred to being a delinquent because I've done some things I'm not exactly proud of."

Mina smiles at Jeongyeon.

"We all have our flaws Jeongyeon and it doesn't make you a bad person. I mean, you did save me."

Jeongyeon starts feeling all warm and tingly since the only other person to say something like that was Chaeyoung.

"Thank you, Mina. It means a lot."

And before she knows it, Mina's face is two inches away from her own.

Not knowing what's happening, Jeongyeon freezes up as she watches Mina wipe something off her lips.

"Aaaand, there," Mina says satisfied.

"Um, Mina?" Jeongyeon asks, still confused with what just happened.

Mina hadn't realized how close she was to Jeongyeon's face until she looked at her and their eyes locked before Mina got embarrassed and moved away.

"I-I'm so sorry." Mina stutters. "I got so concentrated on getting a crumb of your lip, I didn't pay attention to personal space."

Is she always this cute when she's embarrassed? Jeongyeon wonders in her head.

"Don't be sorry," Jeongyeon reassures her. "I wasn't even bothered by the lack of space because I was amazed by how cute you are up close."

That last statement ma

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ANGORY >:(>:(>:(>:(>:(
Chapter 4: update please :(
Chapter 4: will u plz updatee itt. i want to see jeongmi love bloom.
OTPfan1432 #5
Chapter 4: Update plz it's already June
Chapter 4: Update please >.<
Chapter 4: Update please >.<
Chapter 4: this made my heart fluttered and it also made me feel like i have butterflies in my belly
Heyboiii #9
Chapter 4: Btw its my graduation day tommorow! :)
Heyboiii #10
Chapter 4: Updateeee sooooonnnnn
Soooo gooodddd