Milk Conudrum

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"I'm telling you, Chae I got paired up with the weirdest girl in class," Jeongyeon complains.

"Mmm is that so," Chaeyoung says not really paying attention to what Jeongyeon is saying.

"Hey! Are you even listening to me Chaeyoung?"

"Haha not really." Chaeyoung laughs.

"I'm more concerned about the fact that we have spoiled milk in the fridge," Chaeyoung says pulling out the milk and giving a disgusted face.

"Why don't you be a dear and go to the convenience store to get new milk." Chaeyoung's aegyo voice coming out to persuade the older girl.

Jeongyeon stares at her for a few seconds before sighing and getting up.

"You're lucky you're cute Chaengie," Jeongyeon grumbles before walking out the door.

Getting to the convenience store, Jeongyeon notices a guy huddling around a girl.

Knowing that whatever was going on was none of her business, she just shrugged her shoulders and continued looking for some milk and a few snacks.

Not even a couple minutes later, Jeongyeon overhears the conversation between the guy and the girl.

"Why don't you come over to my place for a little bit? I promise I'm a nice guy." The sleazy guy says with a sleazy smile.

The girl doesn't reply but looks rather uncomfortable not making eye contact with the man.

Still thinking it's none of her business, Jeongyeon continues her shopping.

Her shopping gets halted when she hears a loud shriek.

Turning around, she sees that the man has closed the distance between the two and is now grabbing the girl's arm.

That's not your problem Jeongyeon.

Ignore it Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon it's not your-

Her thoughts get cut by the sudden outburst from the girl.

"Please let go of me. You're hurting me!"

And that was all it took for Jeongyeon to drop everything and rush to the girl's aid.

"Sir, this lady said you were hurting her and so I'd appreciate it if you'd back off." Jeongyeon bitterly smiles at the man.

"Who the are you?" The man asks clearly annoyed.

"You don't need to know who I am." Jeongyeon talks back.

"Just leave this girl alone and be on your way, you ing creep."

Jeongyeon glances at the girl to see how she was holding up.

Realizing who the girl was, Jeongyeon tried to keep her composure in fear that the man might do something if she falters even for a second.

What the hel

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ANGORY >:(>:(>:(>:(>:(
Chapter 4: update please :(
Chapter 4: will u plz updatee itt. i want to see jeongmi love bloom.
OTPfan1432 #5
Chapter 4: Update plz it's already June
Chapter 4: Update please >.<
Chapter 4: Update please >.<
Chapter 4: this made my heart fluttered and it also made me feel like i have butterflies in my belly
Heyboiii #9
Chapter 4: Btw its my graduation day tommorow! :)
Heyboiii #10
Chapter 4: Updateeee sooooonnnnn
Soooo gooodddd