Protect the one dearest to you

Fallen Gokusen

The dawn came faster as she had awaited. Mae only got her senses back, as the first sun rays broke into the room. She stretched and yawned noticing that she slept in the living room. 'Wait I never sleep here?' she thought as she noticed that she was covered with the blanket. "Odd" she mumbled, sitting up and stretching her back. In a blink of a second, she marked her buttons undone. Mae dipped her head "How did I return home. I was..the accident.. the blood.." she murmured sending her a scurrying for another seat across the room.

She couldn't move. She couldn't breathe. Yet she had to get up and go to school. But she just couldn't. She wasn't ill, or with cold or anything. Even with a fever, or cold, she would never lose school. Mae wasn't weak if it came to illnesses. What only had drained her lately was her family deaths and the sleepless nights. Mae made up her mind to stay home and rest. After all, she felt as she was slowly breaking down. And she was too self-centered to avoid, and not to take care of herself. She called the school, notifying them that she wasn't feeling good and that she would skip classes for a few days.

On the other hand, Ogata hadn't slept much all night. Finding out that Mae was a girl, kept his mind busy. He was remembering Mae reactions all this time, seeing her not as a boy but as a girl. But except her weak moments when she saw blood, she always was fearless. 'How could she be so fearless?' Ogata thought to get more pissed at her. Girls were supposed to be cute, sweet and pretty. But Mae was more self-centered, fearless, who spoke her mind out. Indeed she was pretty, and maybe cute too, but her persona outrage those things. She was that person that could simply ask one of the Akado leaders to fight with her. Not just fight with her, but fight seriously with her. Except for Kazama, no one in Akado dared to fight him. A petite girl could just do that, with no fear.

Ogata was speechless, irritated thought, but bewildered by her courage. "Who is she?" he asked more curious than before. He wanted to know. His curiosity raised more than ever. He got up. He got dressed and rushed to school. He even reached school too early that surprised everyone. Seeing Ogata or Kazama early in school was something, that even the teachers talked about.

Moments later, the class 3D was making plans to hook-up party with some girls from the neighboring schools. It was a rare occasion to handle a date with not only a group of girls but more. Everyone could go. As they tried to split which group of boys would meet which group of girls, they noticed neither Kuraki or Ogata were interested. Nothing unusual for Ogata, that had always the 'i'll pass' attitude. But Kuraki, when it came to a girl he was always first. Everyone wondered what was wrong with him. But each group needed 6 to 7 members. Plus, Mae wasn't there too. So after pushing Kuraki and Ogata some more, they agreed.

"Ne? Have you seen Mae?" Honjo asked the rest.

"No!" said Kamiya looking around for her.

Ren and Yamato turned and gazed at Mae's sit. As yankumi showed again up from nowhere telling them "Mae called early today, he isn't feeling good. So he may skips classes for a few days." All 6 gazed at her worried. Ogata tried not to showed that he was also worried. Since he knew what happened last night he looked more upset. 'I shouldn't have left.' he thought with his gaze spacing out.

Ren jumped up "Alright after class and before our date let's visit him!"

"Oh!" yelled the others and Yankumi too.

"We didn't invite you!" Ren told her. But there was no way Yankumi would listen to him.

✿ﻬ ✿ﻬ ✿ﻬ✿

After school, the 6 of them with Yankumi went to visit Mae. Hearing the doorbell ring caught her off-guard. 'Who can that be?' she thought and slowly made her way towards the door. First, she fixed her shirt, putting her jacket on, and opened the door. Only to be speechless seeing Yankumi and the others storming in her house.

Kuraki first took a seat at the couch and huggled a pillow, daydreaming. "You have a nice home!" he said but his mind went on spacing again.

Kamiya, Ichi, and Honjo, after finding out that Mae lived alone, they only added that he must be lucky that he lives alone in such a house. He would be able to bring as many girls as he could.

Ren laughed at them "Not everyone is drooling for girls like you guys." by-passed Mae and sat next to Kuraki.

"Are you alright Mae?" Yankumi asked as she checked her forehead for fever.

"I don't have a fever or a cold!" Mae mumbled as she tried to close the door. Only a shoe prevented her from doing so. As she opened again the door to see who it was, she saw Ogata. She blinked a few times and let him in. Ogata gazed at her without saying a word and then walked inside.

"Guys you didn't have to come. I was just really tired." Mae explained and sat down.

Kamiya, Ichi, and Honjo were already all over the place. It seemed they found awesome outfits at Mea's wardrobe. They picked up the most glamorous and walked out with them.

"Guys See what Mae has. If we wear these today on our dates." Ichi said happily.

"We look great on those!" Honjo agreed as he was wearing a shirt.

Ogata and Ren gazed at them raging "You didn't even ask and took his clothes out!" Ren yelled at them "What if he had personal belongings that you guys shouldn't see."

But they guys ignored him and went on asking Mae if they could borrow her stuff. Mae nodded. She really didn't care if they would take some of her male clothes. After all, she never would ware all that.

Ogata though gazed at Ren thinking he must know that Mae is a girl. His reaction when the guys when through her stuff said so. Ogata didn't say anything to Mae he remained dazed gazing out of the window.

They guys remained there for few hours. Some were getting dressed, fixing their hair for the date. They also got Ogata fired up after Ren provoked him. Mae met some ramen for everyone until it was time for them to go. Ren asked one more time If Mae would be fine on her own. Mae nodded, ensuring them that there was nothing to worry about. Ogata gave her a fast glance, as he also had a lot to ask, but again he didn't have the courage to do so.

Everyone left, leaving behind a lonely Mae. After having a bath, and wearing a long V-neck shirt and her PJs, she lay down to rest. The hook-up with the other school didn't go that well. Also, Kuraki was indifferent... for he was actually in love with Saki, a sickly girl he met a week prior. The rest of the team and Yankumi found out, teasing Kuraki. But they somehow also felt happy for their friend meeting that cute girl Saki.

All of them left those two (Kuraki and Saki) together to talk and walked off the hospital towards their homes. Ogata and Ren that were left behind, didn't talk much. Ogata gazed at Ren a few times, wanting to ask about Mae. But his Ego also didn't allow it. If in any chance Ren knew, that meant that Mae told him. And it was Mae that should also tell him. Not sure if it was jealousy or curiosity, but he wanted only to hear it from her.

✿ﻬ ✿ﻬ ✿ﻬ✿

Everyone made it home safe. Only Ogata was the one wandering around. He kept his pace slow, step after step. His hands crossed behind his back. He didn't pay much attention to where he was going. It was only when his puzzled mind, dropped back in reality, that he found himself outside Mae's home. He sighed and kicked her door waiting for her to answer. He gave a second kick at the door pissed as Mae took to long to open the door.

Mae, half asleep and still drained and uneasy, made it to the door a few minutes after the kicks. 'What's wrong with all the visits today!' she thought and unlocked the door. With her hair messy, rubbing her eyes, she gazed up to see Ogata. Their eyes met for a few seconds, and no one said anything. Mae felt her heart skip a beat, and blinked her eyes still confused.

Ogata before entering her home gave her last gaze from head to toe. Again he wasn't sure if Mae wanted to keep it a secret that she was a girl. Even if Ogata had not noticed the day before. With her cleavage showing from her shirt like that, it wouldn't be hard not to notice today. "Ahou!" he called her, pushing her over and buzzed in. Ogata strolled over the huge window and leaned against it gazing at her.

Mae still dazed closed the door and walked in. She sat on the sofa and placed the blanket around her. She blinked as she had only then noticing Ogata calling her stupid. 'What does he really want!' she thought not really feeling that well either to fight or argue with Ogata.

"What is it Ogata?" she asked plainly "Did you forget anything?" she crossed her legs and gazed at him, with her sleepy black eyes.

Ogata that was kept gazing at her all that time, crossed his arms cranky. "I didn't forget anything. I was just really puzzled about few things." he revealed at her "And since Mae is good at speaking his mind out... I come to do the same."

Mae blinked at him more confusing and sighed "Ogata we can talk later. I am not feeling that well to argue with you right now." she claimed while rubbing still her eyes.

Ogata that seemed more serious and still pissed kept gazing at her "I am not leaving here today if I don't get my answers." he declared sounding like a spoiled kid.

"Alright! Alright!" Mae agreed "What do you want to know?" she asked as she leaned her head against the couch arm as she really looked tired.

'Agreeing with me that easy. Not fighting me! She surely must be somehow off' Ogata spaced out for a second. As he stepped closer to her and sat on the low coffee table that was standing in front of the couch. He bent his posture closer to Mae and faced her. Though he wasn't sure how he would ask her.

"Are you any better? I mean after seeing that accident last night?" Ogata asked sounding more concerned than curious.

Mae raised her head and gazed at him deeply confused "You were there?" she only manage to ask. While her mind started wandering around 'How would Ogata know.'

Ogata clapped his fingers close to her eyes to get her attention back to him. "I was the one who found you fainted in front of an alley. I managed to get your address from your bag. I was the one that brought you back home. Placed you against the sofa." he paused to take his breath and went on speaking without holding back "I was the one that ed you. The one that covered you with the blanket later. And the one that found out you were... well are a girl!" When he was done talking a long silence covered the room. Although he felt uneasy telling her that he ed her, it just sounded so wrong.

It took Mae a few seconds to process what Ogata was telling her. With her black eyes wide-eyed looking around in disbelieve. Somehow she wasn't sure what scared her more, that he found out she was a girl, or that he dared to touch her like that when she has fainted. Instantly she stood, faced Ogata, who was still sitting at the coffee table. Mae raised her hand and slapped him. "Whatever the reason, you shouldn't touch a girl like that.. especially if she fainted or asleep." she voiced at him and sat down pulling the blanket around her.

Ogata's cheek red after Mae slapped him, and his face turned to the left, remained like that for some time. Mae also was caught by surprise and no idea how to respond. When Ren found out, it was easy. But facing Ogata like that was not easy at all, not for Mae neither for Ogata. Mae sighed as Ogata was still facing the window and not saying anything. She walked off for a bit, just to come back with some ice cubes in a bag and handing them to Ogata. "Here press it against your cheek. You don't want to have a red cheek with all the dates!" Mae told him standing next to him waiting for him to take the bag with the ice-cubes.

And there was Ogata with his heart racing, not only why he revealed her the truth so clueless. But because the fearless Mae was now scolding him, how he should act around a girl, and not fighting him. She even somehow seemed like she cared. Ogata turned and faced her. He took the ice cubes and placed them against his cheek. "The dates went all wrong. The only thing new that we found out is that Kuraki is in love with a cute girl." he honestly told her. Mae sat down and nodded her head. Both of them were confused. Until then they were always fighting, arguing and they were so pissed at each other. Now, those new feelings were so hard to deal with. So hard to understand.

'Tak!' she thought as the long silence made her feel more uneasy. "A few months ago ..almost 3 months ago... my family was killed..." Mae starting explain to Ogata what he wanted to know. Ogata that Mae had now his attention, sat up straight and listen to her. "...the detective around the murder case.. suggested hiding in Akado. With a boyish name... and my persona it seemed easy." she went on saying as she wrapped her hands around her tighter.

"The granddaughter of Yanai Ryoske would be safer as a boy in an all-boys school." she stopped as Ogata cut her off. "That Yanai Ryoske...the richest .." he gabbed. Mae nodded "Yes that one... So that's the story. I live here on my own. I come to school.. and hide my identity... do you have any more questions?" the fearless Mae asked him.

"And your fear of blood and violence because of what happened to your family?" Ogata couldn't avoid asking.

Mae was a bit shocked by the question, even Ren didn't ask her that. She nodded "The scene was too much to handle. It broke me down. That's why I cannot handle too much violence and blood.." she simply said at Ogata. To that Ogata, she would swear that there was no way to tell him, her weakness. But at that time seemed the right thing to do.

So, he knew now. She wasn't stupid, she was far from that. She was fearless. But, she was also hurt. And lonely, she somehow seemed lonely. Not that Ogata wasn't. But her cool act and bravery made even Ogata shiver for a second. Ogata without thinking he was already sitting next to her. He grabbed her hand and pulled her close to him. Wrapping his arms around her, and tighten his grip, making the hug tight around her. Mae confused tried to break the hug and speak but Ogata only pulled her closer. "Hush! stay still just for a second" he whispered at her ear.

The hug never broke, Ogata was hugging her like that all night. And Mae rested her head against his chest. They didn't say anything else until sleep was above them. They only broke the hug the next morning when both had woken up.

Neither Ogata or Mae said much that morning. He wrote his number on a pink notepaper. Faced Mae letting his fingers run through her forehead and said in a sweet tone "I won't say anything to anyone. Come back to school. For me touching without your knowledge I am really sorry!". Then he pointed at the pink small paper "That's my phone number if you ever need anything call. I will see you at school." he added. He bent and kissed her forehead softly. He Gazed her one more time and left.

Mae was speechless for a long time. She wasn't sure if it was the long hug. Or that someone seemed to care about her. But she had no words to the response. Facing angry Ogata was easy. Fighting, yelling at Ogata she could easily do that. But a sweet Ogata, she was totally overtaken. Though it was Mae, Mae could face anything. Fearless Mae finally got back at her feet. She Got dressed and run to school.

✿ﻬ ✿ﻬ ✿ﻬ✿

At school, Ren and Ogata seemed to have a long talk. Ogata spoke with Ren. He was right Kazama had found out about Mae. Yamato didn't like to keep secrets. So facing Ren and facing the truth, both of the leaders should do so. On the other hand, Kuraki was out on a date with Saki. Saki wanting to take a break from the confines of the hospital, she called Kuraki, and the two went out to have fun until Saki's disease kicked in.

Minutes later the classroom door opened and Mae walked in. She seemed better. And there was somehow a cracked smile on her face. She waved at everyone and sat down.

"Are you feeling better?" Ren asked her while smiling at her.

Mae nodded "Don't I look better." she .

"Yes, Hitori looks much better!" Ren said.

"Kuraki?" she asked when she noticed that he wasn't around.

Ogata stood up and walked over her desk, placing his hand on her forehead and made sure she had no fever. "Kuraki is out on a date with Saki," he said and returned to his desk. Leaving the group of 5 speechless with his act.

"Satoru on a date. I missed that!" Mae teased around.

The rest of the day went peaceful like that. Only when they found out that Saki had collapsed, things got a bit confusing. Saki's collapsing enraged her parents, and they file a complaint to Sawatari, prohibiting Kuraki from ever seeing Saki again. Unable to bear her student's misery, Yankumi, and the 3D stepped in to help. After Kuraki saving Saki for few thugs and Yankumi talking to the parents, both part in good terms. Since Saki has to go, leaving behind a sad Kuraki.

After that, the days went back to normal. With everyone being their old selves. And with Ogata and Mae to fight like always. Ren and the others drooling over girls. And Yankumi getting over-excited since next week would be the time for Akadou Academy's annual festival. Ogata's and Mae's night hug remained a secret and for the passing days at least no one of them spoke about it. But surely there was a change of heart between Mae and the team of 6. They surely thought Mae as one of them. Although Mae was still keeping up the strong act.

(Coming up chapter 8)

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vynala #1
i love this story, just beautiful