Chapter 1

Dream files - Barista Boy: Hansol

5pm meant closing time. It was Hansol's favourite time of day actually. He could take his time and play whatever music he wanted on the staff radio. A grin spread over his little face as he went into the neck and hooked up his iPod. The sound of Block B's 11.30 played softly as he began cleaning the tables and such, conducting the regular routine. The other workers usually left him to clean up duty but he didn't mind. It gave him time to breath without people constantly in his face.

He took his time with the tasks he was set, little by little, slowly making his way around the petit cafe. Placing the wooden engraved seats back at their respective cream coloured tables and sweeping the pastel tiled floors rhythmically before polishing the cake display glass beside the counter. He ensured that everything was exactly as he left it the previous night, tidy and comfortable.

After about an hour, the sun was just setting and the kettle had just boiled. The boy took off his apron, leaning against the counter in the shadows of the grandfather clock the cafe had set up beside it. He took his time, delicately stirring the right amount of cream and sugar into his tea before sipping the beverage.

As per his routine, he glanced his grey eyes out of the window and watched as people passed by. He counted them and registered the regulars passersby. The street performer troupe dragged their trolley of batons and juggling equipment behind them as they celebrated the days success and the preschool girl with brown braids grinned happily as she chewed on the pink frosted donut in her hand, she was walking with her father today. The well dressed businessman argued on his mobile as per usual, he was followed by Grandma Chin who was walking her golden retriever. She gave him a little wave as she walked passed the glass. She had come in earlier that day for some fresh orange juice claiming that her doctor suggested she take more vitamins but she wasn't keen on taking pills. Hansol laughed quietly at the thought as he waved at her, she wasn't nice but rather sceptical of any doctors orders.

"Hm?" An uncommon sillohouette stood at the window and looked in. Hansol edged backwards, a little shocked by the students intense gaze. She was a new face. A highschool girl with her silver hair pulled back loosely into a pony tail, a few strands left out as her fringe. The uniform on her body was was a mixture of tans and whites, she must have been from the grammar school that opened a few months ago. Hansol took a little more time to get firmiliar with her appearance, assuming that she may be new to the neighbour.

The girl groaned with irritation and messed with her hair. He could just about make out her muffled complaints through the glass.

"But I left early today!" She whined, hunching over in dissapointment and shuffling off down the road "I missed this palace yesterday too...." The girl then shuffled off down the road mumbling to herself.

"Did she not see me?" Hansol asked himself as he neared the glass door and watched her walk away. "I would've served her anyway..." Shrugging, he turned and headed to the cloak room around the back.

It was about time for him to be heading home.

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