

Jooheon huddled behind the counter, where the cashier should've been standing. Instead he was shuffling around his store, along with ten or so of his customers. Soon, one of them would wander close enough to hear Jooheon's heart with its hard pounding and detect him in his terrible hiding place. He knew coming into the gas station convenience store was a bad idea. The place was a beacon for people, and because of that, zombies as well. But he'd been on his last rations. He was struggling to find food in houses that had been looted more than a few times already. And even if he knew how to hunt and cook wild animals, he couldn't find it in him to a poor creature that was only trying to survive like himself. Hoseok had always been good enough to hunt for the both of them, but now that he was gone, Jooheon doubted he could even keep himself from starving.

So he had gone to scavenge in the convenience store, hoping the threat of zombies had been enough to keep out other scavengers and that it was small enough he could sneak in, grab some stuff, and sneak back out without any trouble. How wrong he was, on both counts. Not only was there no food to be found, but while he'd been checking the shelves a small horde had blocked off the entrance the desperate moans of the undead filled the store. He'd hidden behind the only place there was shelter - the cashier counter.

Jooheon checked his options. Number one, stay put. It was what he instinctively did, but he realized it was useless. Hoseok was dead. He couldn't come and save Jooheon like all those other times. If anything Hoseok would come back and kill him. No one would save him if he stayed there, and he could simply starve to death, or more likely be found and eaten.

Number two, run for it. Jooheon figured he'd be able to do it, but there were just so many zombies, constantly moving and shuffling around, grabbing for anything that smelled even remotely human. They would hear him for sure, and there was no way he could evade so many of them.

Number three, shoot his way out. He the gun Hoseok had given to him before he had died. Jooheon had 12 bullets, enough to shoot all the zombies in the store. If he didn't miss. And if he wasn't swarmed by them all after the first shot went off. But he figured it was his best shot.

He checked the gun was fully loaded, then steadied it in his right hand and quickly peered over the counter. Jooheon pointed the gun at the nearest zombie and his finger tightened on the trigger, ready to shoot. But then he stopped.

A black figure dashed between aisles, far too fast to be a zombie.

Jooheon got a better look at the guy as he maneuvered himself skillfully through the outstretched arms of the zombies, swiftly grabbing things off the shelves - things like batteries, lotion, packs of gum - things Jooheon had no use for since they weren't edible, and he had nothing electronic after his phone had died months ago. The lean man wore a black hoodie and tight black jeans. Dark brown hair peeked out from the edge of his hood.

With the comfort of another human being nearby, Jooheon's heart calmed a bit. He was the first survivor Jooheon had seen in weeks, and he admired the man from behind the counter, wishing he had the confidence and skill to come so close to those monsters and yet evade them completely.

Jooheon stood up from his hiding place and revealed himself. He had to show himself to the other man. For all he knew, the man could kill him or just leave him. Or he could help him. And he was willing to take the chance.

But what Jooheon didn't know was that Changkyun was a loner. He went solo - that was how he survived. He avoided the drama of group disputes and provided for himself alone. He'd gotten along well enough by himself, why go out of his way and risk his life for someone else?

Before he entered the convenience store, Changkyun had known there was someone else - another human being - inside. He knew zombies. The undead were usually relatively stationary. They wouldn't be staggering around restlessly without a human scent nearby. They weren't smart enough to pinpoint a direction, but would stumble around the vicinity until they found the source of the smell. When one knew, the horde knew soon after, and then they would feast. It was the only reason he would risk going into the convenience store in the first place, even if he had slimed down his hoodie with zombie guts. Whoever it was who was stuck in there would be a good enough distraction for him to sneak in, take what he needed, and sneak out.

When Jooheon stood up, Changkyun noticed immediately. Jooheon's red hair stood out like blood and was so noticeable Changkyun felt only pity for the man. The red hair was a magnet for zombies and humans alike, and Changkyun didn't want it anywhere near him. He couldn't help making eye contact with the man though and saw clearly the mouthed words "help" and "please."

Changkyun had to give it to him for not risking the attention of the zombies by using vocal communication and trusting him to understand what he was trying to say. But he was still doomed. Although Jooheon had made sure not to attract the entire horde, the closest ones had already turned towards him and started in his general direction, sensing the movement when he had stood up. Soon they would all know where he was.

Changkyun wasn't particularly inclined to risk his life for a man he didn't know who was pretty much about to be eaten alive. But on the off chance that the man somehow survived, he took a folded map out of his pocket and placed it carefully on the ground, making sure the man could see it. And to help his conscience he grabbed a metal rod that had been used to hold up bags of chips and threw it to the man. Jooheon caught it before it could clatter to the ground.

Then, without another backwards glance, afraid that if he turned back around the man would already be dead, Changkyun walked out of the convenience store.

And Jooheon watched with despair as he left.

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Chapter 4: this story is goooooood! Will you continue,pleaseee??
allhailjookyun #2
Chapter 4: this chapter is great! although it was sad at the father-daughter part but it's a start of their journey together wooo I can't wait for new chapter
morbidpickle #3
Chapter 4: oh ): how sad. Poor Jooheon must be devastated.
Jelloismyjagiya #4
Chapter 3: Maybe I'm just reading too much into this, but all that ramen makes me think this is Hoseok's apartment, from before everything went to
morbidpickle #5
Chapter 3: Oh, did he not drop it on purpose? Or is he just being silly and remorseful of his choices now? haha
angrymaknae #6
Chapter 3: Can't wait for the next chapter! I am so excited
morbidpickle #7
Chapter 2: I love it so far ^o^ changkyun butthead, but at least he didn't just ignore jooheon.
Jelloismyjagiya #8
I can't wait for the next chapter *-*