Chapter : Boom Boom

From Me To You | Seokju

" Everyday you're all up in my head
You sweetly catch my eye
Yeah, I can't erase you
Right now, you entered my brain
It's max capacity
Boom Boom "

Choi Yuna POV

The first day of school and she was already getting lost in some stranger's beautiful eyes.

Great, Yuna. Just great.

Was everyone in Pledis this good looking? 

Lee Seokmin POV

Girls getting lost in the male's dorm on the first day was pretty common. It was an annual occurance every year. It was Seokmin's third year and by now he was used to it.

Honestly, he found it was kind of stupid of the school to have the male and female dorms share the same names as their counterparts.

The only difference being the male dorms were to the north of the campus and the females were south. They had maps, sure. But who used those?

The signs don't even mention the different genders. 

If Seokmin had the power to change the names of the dorms, he would. 

Unfortunately for him (and the rest of the freshmans), he didn't. He wasn't even the student council president, that was Hong Jisoo's position. Seokmin's upperclassman. The two talked but they weren't exactly the closest however they could still get by together. 

Seokmin had complained to him about it everytime a new semester came up but he always got the same boring answer.

"It's more organized this way."

Organized his .

Sure, it was easier to just clump the two dorms together but it was also a hell of alot more confusing.

Seokmin sighed.

Next year, when Jisoo graduates he prayed that the next student council president would take the liberty of changing the names of the dorms. Atleast he didn't need to watch anymore female students get lost. 

"I wonder how many male students get lost into the female dorms though..." Seokmin mumbled to himself. 

As he was lost in his thoughts his eyes settled on a lost female student looking dazed at the entrance. 

"Speak of the devil."

She was beautiful and Lee Seokmin found himself staring at her. Was she a junior like him? She didn't have the "freshman" vibe.

He decided to help the girl out, she was slightly tall for a girl. Porcelain, almost doll-like skin and soft features. Her stature screamed confidence, her facial expression showed otherwise. Infact, she looked quite confused. 

Well, if she expected fellow beautiful maidens rather than testosterone filled boys, it wasn't a surprise why she looked that way.

Even he was a bit disgusted with the boys around here. 

Seokmin felt a tinge of pity towards the girl. The least he could do was show her the way.

But before Seokmin could approach her, someone he knew well had already swooped in first.

Kwon Soonyoung. 


Choi Yuna POV

His smile was adorable and friendly. Yuna felt warm just by looking at them. His eyes jutting out to the side, his smile made them turn into two slits. She looked away from him for a second to regain her composure.

"Yeah- I um- I was assigned to the Sakura Dorm and I kinda just uh- I mean- Like-" she mumbled not find the words she wanted to say. It had been ages since she talked to strangers, she was way too accustomed to her old and familliar friends that she couldn't even utter a simple sentence.

It was tragic really.

She then clasped and breathed in slowly, trying to sort out her words. Thankfully the smile from the stranger's face didn't seem to falter and his expression didn't seem like disgust.

That was a relief.

Although, it did seem like he was holding in a laugh.

It wasn't something she liked but she did prefer that than those judging stares. It made the atmosphere a bit more lightweight. 

"You're wondering why is this dorm filled with guys, right?"

She nodded confidently. Somehow by his expression, Yuna was pretty sure she wasn't the first girl to get lost.

"Well, you see the male and female dorms share the same name and the signs around the school don't really clarify which is male and which is female. This here, is the male Sakura Dorm. The one you're looking for is the other way. " 

He cleared his throat and pointed to the opposite direction. His face wore a playful smile. 

Yuna blinked and tried to digest the information. The guy in front of her had answered most of her questions, so she should be on her merry way but her feet just did not budge.

"No thank you?" he chuckled, his eyes glanced to the side.

Yuna figured he spotted a friend and took that as a sign she should leave. Even though she felt like she wanted to talk to the guy more. 

"Uh yeah- Well. I'll get going. You seem busy but thanks, really. "

With that, Yuna turned around and headed straight for the door. Meeting the handsome guy, did manage to perk her up. But it didn't change the fact she was dead tired from travelling. It was a wonder how she was still standing honestly.

Her hand reached out to the door's handle, gripping it tightly.

"I'm Kwon Soonyoung by the way! Senior!" the guy, no- Soonyoung had called out from behind her.

She breathed out.

"Choi Yuna, junior!" she yelled back as she waved her hand. 

Suddenly she felt his hand grasp onto her wrist. 

"Hey, not so fast-"

Yuna turned and looked at him, clearly confused.

Soonyoung chuckled.

"Hey, how about you follow me and my friends to a party tonight? It's nothing wild and I think you could make some friends there." he wore a bright smile, something that fitted his friendly demeanor.

It made Yuna feel safe. But at the same time, parties? She's never been to a legitimate party before.

Unless those kiddy birthday parties with scary clowns and screaming children counted.

She felt like rejecting his offer, but something about his look and the inner wild child within Choi Yuna made her mumble a maybe.

"Good enough! We'll meet you near the cafeteria at around 8, okay?"

She nodded her head and with that he let go of her wrist and waved at her once more.

She waved back, meekly but sure and reclasped her hand onto the doorknob and made her way to the correct dorm.

She wondered what she got herself into, a party? She was too tired to dwell into the thought of it.

So she began to think on the positive side.

Maybe she had made another friend. (Was Yerin considered a friend?) A senior at that.

Kwon Soonyoung, huh? 


Lee Seokmin POV

It was a lazy afternoon for Seokmin. After the incident this morning, with several female students getting lost in the male dorm, Seokmin figured it was probably best he spent some time outdoors. He was getting tired of seeing all the poor girls surprised faces. Except for the one Soonyoung talked to, she was pretty. Seokmin wasn't the type to be attracted to purely looks but something about her made him feel weird. 

In a good way.

He was lying on his back at the courtyard, watching the clouds float by. Soonyoung was to his left while Minghao was to his right.

Originally it was just Soonyoung and himself cloudgazing. However Minghao, Seokmin's classmates decided to join in.

Not that he minded, Minghao was great company for him. 

The atmosphere between the three was tranquil and Seokmin felt as if he could doze off at any second, but at the last second before his sleepy eyes drooped down Soonyoung let out a loud cough.

"What was that, Soonyoung?" 

He mumbled in annoyance. 

"Oh so you are awake, Seokmin and don't forget I'm your hyung."

"Soonyoung-hyung, even if I was asleep that cough could wake anyone up."

Seokmin had never felt as if Soonyoung was his hyung honestly, the two was incredibly close as it was. 
He figured Soonyoung was joking about the hyung thing, so he decided to play along. 

Unless he really somehow got on a high horse and actually wanted Seokmin to start calling him hyung. 

He prayed that wouldn't happen anytime soon though. He was fond of laidback Soonyoung.

"Anyone but Minghao apparently." 

Seokmin then glanced to his right, sure enough Minghao was asleep. The kid looked adorable whilst sleeping. Like an angel, although Seokmin wouldn't exactly call him an angel when he opens his mouth to diss them. To the point they sometimes addressed him as "Thughao". 

There was silence.

But it wasn't the awkward kind. With Soonyoung, it was the comfortable silence. The type that Seokmin had always felt at home with and didn't feel the need to fill it out like he would usually do.

"Hey, remember the girl earlier?" Soonyoung asked, his voice breaking the quietness. 

Of course he did. For some reason her image was stuck in his brain and he couldn't get her out.

He felt like a creep.

"The one you helped with this morning?" Seokmin tried his best to sound casual about it. The mental image of Soonyoung holding her wrist was animated in his mind.

Why was he acting this way, again?

He hasn't even talked to her.

"Yeah. That's the one."

"What about her?"

"I asked her to follow us to the party tonight."

Seokmin froze and he eyes widened. Was Soonyoung that much of an idiot?

"You what?!" he practically yelled out. Thank goodness no one else was around.

Though, Minghao did seemed to of already woke up. He was tossing and turning, stretching. His brain probably still too sleepy to process what the two were talking about.

"Chill, she's a junior like you. Plus, making friends as a junior isn't easy. I thought I'd just help her out."

Seokmin sighed. What did he expect? Soonyoung was a social butterfly and was always the type to be considerate. He should of expected this the moment he talked to her.

However, the information of her being a junior too struck him by surprise. Sure, she did seem mature but a junior enrolling in late...? It wasn't exactly something common.

Usually those who transfers in had issues in their previous schools.

She didn't seem like the type.

"She's a junior too?" he asked for affirmation.

"You heard right~" Soonyoung chirped. 

So the chances of them bumping into each other were higher.

Why was he happy with this information?

"Anyways, I don't know why you're so curious or shocked about it. She's just tagging along to the party. You want to try to win her heart, Seokmin? Didn't think you'd join the game again so quick after what happened before." 
His tone was teasing, but Seokmin knew for a fact that last sentence was a genuine statement of concern. He wished Soonyoung didn't know him as well as he did sometimes.

However, Seokmin quickly shook his head. He was attracted to her, sure. But he wasn't dead set on chasing her.

"N-No just..! It's like- rare we bring a girl with us. "

"Don't worry. We'll bring her to the party, she finds some female junior friends. We leave her to them. If it's worth anything you could introduce her to that girl in your class... Eunbi was it?" He said casually as if it was the easiest thing in the world.

But Seokmin really couldn't question it at this point. Atleast he thought of something and his intentions were genuine.

"Yeah. Alright Soonyoung-hyung, I'll trust you."

With a sarcastic use of hyung, Seokmin laughed at the end of his sentence. Trusting Soonyoung was a challenge itself sometimes.


A/N : AHA PLOT TWIST. It wasn't Seokmin that Yuna bumped into.
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) But do rest assure this is a Seokju fic. So no worries.

Ik I take forever to update forgive me. lol. Also most of the story will be in Yuju's POV. It's just this chapter felt better this way.

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Chapter 4: This us getting good ! Please update soon >_<"
Omg I love DK x Yuju ♡_♡
Simple-J #3
Chapter 4: I've been searching for a fanfic about this couple! Thank you!