If It Means Dying For You..

If It Means Dying For You..


“What’s taking him so long?” HyunRa ask her self.

She’s waiting for Junhyung at the park where they first met.

Junhyung and HyunRa are going to celebrate their Five Month Anniversary.

They were supposed to meet at the park an hour ago, but Junhyung still isn’t there.

HyunRa fished her phone on her purse and started texting Junhyung.

To: Oppa

From: Hyunnie

Oppa! Where are you? I’m waiting here at the park.

Don’t abandon me here. If you won’t come I’m going home.

HyunRa hit the send button and waited again.


“Junhyung-ah…” Someone said.

Junhyung struggled to get out of the chair.

His hands tied on the back and mouth covered with a cloth.

Just a while ago, Junhyung was heading to the park where HyunRa and he were going to meet.

While humming a song, 5 tall guys, wearing a suit surrounded him.

Junhyung immediately stop walking and look up at one of the guys in front of him.

“Waeyo? Can I help you sir?” Junhyung ask.

The guy smirks and punches Junhyung on the stomach.

“What’s your problem?” Junhyung said, groaning in pain.

The other guys started punching him and kicking him.

Now, he’s lying on the cold pavement with blood on his lips, coughing blood.

Junhyung was unconscious and one of the guys carried him and put him inside the van.

They drove off to an unknown building.

They placed Junhyung on a chair and ted his hands at his back.

“Junhyung-ah…” Someone said again.

Junhyung trying his best to untie the knot in his wrist groaned in frustration.

He doesn’t know who would do this to him.

Junhyung struggled and tried, but failed.

“Who are you!?” He screamed.

His voice echoed in the whole room.

After that, silence.

No voices, just his breathing.

Junhyung struggled once more when suddenly the door opened.

A man wearing a black suit showed.

Junhyung can’t see because his vision is blurry.

“Who are you?” He ask again.

“There’s no need to know.” The man said.

He grabs a chair and sits on it in front of Junhyung but far enough for Junhyung not to touch him.

After doing it in silence, Junhyung manage to slowly untie the knot in his wrist.

But not completely removing it. Waiting for the right time to come, Junhyung sighed in annoyance.

He doesn’t even know why he’s here or who the man in front of him is.

“What do you want from me?” Junhyung ask, slowly removing the rope in his wrist and holding them.

“I don’t want anything from you. Just broke up with someone you love.” The man said.

Junhyung think for a while before looking at the man with wide eyes.

“You’re her father?” Junhyung whispers to himself but the man heard.

“You’re very smart.” The man said.

Junhyung look at him with a terrifying look. The man just smirks.

 “Don’t you want your daughter to be happy just once?” Junhyung ask.

“Of course I do. She was supposed to be getting married by now when I suddenly heard that you’re dating my daughter without my permission.” The man said sarcastically.

“I love her and she loves me. Why can’t you just accept that?” Junhyung screamed in front of the man.

“You have some attitude.” The man said.

The man stands up from his chair.

Junhyung took this chance, he stand up and kicked him.

He run and run.

Finally he can see lights again.

Escaping wasn’t hard since the man left the door open and it’s in the basement of an abandoned building.

He saw a payphone and quickly dialed a number.

“Yoboseyo?” the other line speak.

“HyunRa this is Junhyung. Wait for me there arasso?” Junhyung hardly said.

“Oppa are you alright? Where are you?” HyunRa asked worriedly.

“Just wait for me there ara? Saranghae.” Junhyung said last time and hung up.

Suddenly he heard some running and screaming.

He look back and saw the 5 guys before, running towards him.

He quickly crossed the road making a cab stop right in front of him.

He quickly gets inside of the cab and told the driver where he was heading.

After a 30 minutes drive Junhyung quickly sprinted his way to the park.

The cab driver gives him a free ride, seeing Junhyung’s condition.

While Junhyung was sprinting he saw the only light of his life, his girlfriend waiting patiently for him.

After not arriving 3 hours she was still there waiting for him.

Hearing someone walk or sprint, HyunRa turned around and saw Junhyung.

Seeing his condition she quickly stands up from her seat and walks towards Junhyung, gasping.

“Oppa! What happened to you? Are you alright?” HyunRa quickly bombard Junhyung with questions, ina worried tone.

“HyunRa-ah, promise me one thing.” Junhyung pleaded.

“What is it oppa?” HyunRa ask,

“Promise me that, if I would die you would be still happy.” Junhyung said.

HyunRa’s tears suddenly came out of her eyes.

“Don’t cry. I hate seeing you cry.” Junhyung said and started wiping her tears.

“Oppa! Why would you say such a thing? You know we would live and die together. With or without my appa’s permission.” HyunRa said.

“HyunRa, promise me?” Junhyung beg.

HyunRa hesitate to answer but nodded anyways,”I promise oppa.”

Suddenly a loud gun shoot was heard.

HyunRa opened her eyes and saw Junhyung on the ground with blood.

She kneeled down and grabs Junhyung’s hand and started sobbing.

“Oppa, you can’t do this to me.” She said in a shaky voice since she was crying.

“Don’t leave me oppa.” HyunRa kept sobbing.

Junhyung tightens his hold on HyunRa’s hand and turned to look at her.

“If it means dying for you, it’s worth it.” Junhyung tried to say.

He got shot 2 times in his stomach and shoulder.

“Sa…rang…hae.” Junhyung said and closed his eyes.

HyunRa cried and cried and saw a one tear drop from his eyes.

Suddenly someone grab her.

She looks up and saw one of her bodyguards.

“Why did you do this to him!? Wae!?” She screamed on the top of her lungs.

The guy did nothing and carried HyunRa with force.

While the others did there thing with Junhyung’s lifeless body.

HyunRa cried at her room looking at her hands covered with blood of Junhyung.

In a sudden, arms of a guy is being wrapped around her.

She turns around but no one was there.

But a letter and a rose were on her bed.

She took the letter and read it.

I told you not to cry. Why are you crying right now?

You know I hate seeing you cry right?

You promise me that you would be still happy even if I die, so don’t cry.

It’s not like I’m leaving you .I’m still forever there, at your heart.


HyunRa wipe her tears and a small smile was seen on her face.

She took the rose and smelled it, it’s still fresh.

She lied down on her bed and remembered the day when Junhyung first bought her a rose.

She sleeps with a smile on her face, dreaming the times Junhyung fooled around and made her smile, the times that they both cherish together.

 Silently, Junhyung was there watching her.

“I would do anything for you. Even if it means dying for you.” He said to himself and his soul flew away.

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I'm crying in my heart
I wish for a sequel to this.
Heartbreaking, it made me cry. :'(