What's Right Infront of You

A New Found Love

Your P.O.V.

"~~~~~~, wake up!" Karena shook me hard.

"What, what, is there a zombie apocalypse?" I rubbed my eyes.

"No, were going swimming." She ran around the room.

"Okay?" I collapsed back down onto the bed.

"Chaejin will be ther-"

"Okay, okay." I yelled into the room, jumping out of the bed and dressed into my swimsuit which consisted of a bikini top and shorts.

"Your not going to take a shower?" Amy asked me.

"I don't know, do we have time?" I looked at the clock nervously, it was 7 in the morning.

"Yea we do, were not going till twelve." Karena replied.

"Than why wake up so early?" I asked.

"Because we knew you would like to be fresh a.k.a taking a shower, be all dolled up for Chaejin." Karena and Amy smiled at me.

"D'awww, thanks guys." I smiled back at them then I freaked out, remembering I might be able to see Chaejin topless.

"Oh, calm down, I doubt they'll even be awake by this time." Karena looked at the clock.

"Whatever, I'm so excited!" I jumped up and down and squealed.

"Shut up!" They both said at the same time and I did. But I couldn't help but smile.

Running around the room myself, I shoved my towel and other pool-side neccessities into my messenger bag.

"Don't worry 'bout your stuff we got it, go shower, now!" Amy pointed to the washroom as she pointed to other things I would need for the pool, Karena quickly retrieving them.

Quickly stepping in to the shower, I shampooed my hair and body and hurriedly rinsed off, drying myself soon after. Stepping back in to my outfit I walked back into the room and saw that my bag was really stuffed.

"Well atleast you don't need to bring anything else since your already wearing a sweater over top." Amy saw my face and beckoned to my pull-over hoodie.

"So are you guys done?" I slung my bag across my body.

"Don't worry ~~~~, you'll get to see your Jinnie in no time." Amy sat down beside me.

"Oh shush." I blushed as I put on my flip flops.

We soon made our way down to the guys' room, all three of us were wearing the same thing.

"Everyone else is still sleeping." Insoo greeted us at the door.

The whole room was practically pitch dark and we could barely navigate ourselves in the large room already. The hotel we were staying at was top-notch - courtesy of H2 media.

Past the door was a large living room which was in the shape of a kind of octagon. On the left were washrooms, on the right was the kitchen, the rest were the boys' own rooms. I sat myself down on a very luxurious looking couch , waiting for the others to wake up while Karena and Amy explored the room. It was already five mintues and Insoo had gotten back to his room to do, I don't know what. Sighing, I thought I should take a look around the room myself. 

"Can you guys get the lights, everyones in their rooms so I'm sure it should be fine." I squinted at the golden flower vases atop the brown desk.

"I can't find it." Amy said from across the room.

"Neither can I- ow!" Karena bumped into what I presumed, a table.

The lights flickered on.

"See you guys found it, jeez no need to make such a fuss." I turned around and I was face to face with a sleepy-eyed Chaejin. Surprised, I turned around and skittered over to Karena, who was on the other side of the room.

"You guys are so loud." He said sleepily.

My back was facing Chaejin as I was sign-language-ing Karena in a frenzy type form.

"~~~~, are you alright?" I heard him ask me.

I froze and my heel, trying to plaster a normal-smile on my face.

"Yea, I'm fine, I was just talking to Karena." I smiled.

"In what language?" He laughed and I reddened.

"Crazy girl talk." I laughed with him, calming down a bit.

I mean I liked Chaejin. Alot. But it was so easy for me to be comfortable around him and not be a total doofus like some other girls when their around the guy they like. Plus, we have been friends for years but after I had developed my crush for him things got a little awkward sometimes.

"Haha, okay, well I'm gonna get ready." He pointed to his room and turned around.

Right when his door closed Amy and Karena swarmed to me talking to me about the 'signs'.

"He was totally checking you out!" Amy whispered in a rush.

"Was he?" I nervously scratched my head.

"Yes he was, oh someones coming!" Karena said as they departed me and went back to what they were doing.

"Yo!" I turned around and saw a red blur speeding at me.

"Oof!" Seyong gave me a huge hug.

"Well, It's nice to see you too." I said in a strained voice.

"Hey, get off my girl!" Gunwoo appeared out of no where and pulled Seyong off me.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, first of all I'm noone's girl, second of all I don't even get a proper 'Hello'?" I laughed as they both ran at me and hugged me tight.

"Hi~" They sang in my ears as they broke off and ran to their rooms. I walked around the room soon finding that Karena and Amy were no where to be seen. My phone vibrated in my pocket, it was from Amy.

'Were at the pool already, we thought we should leave you alone with yo man~"

"My man, he is not my man, well not yet." I said to myself.

"You have a man?" I jumped, Junq was right behind me.

"No, I was just talking to myself." I beamed at him while rocking back and forth on the balls of my feet, making sure to hide my phone behind me.

"Haha okay, well everyone else is done except for Chaejin so could you wait for him?" Everyone else filed out of their rooms as if on que, well everyone else except for Chaejin.

"Yea, sure no problem." I gently smiled and nodded, watching them walk their way out of the room.

Why do I have to be left with him, I'm gonna look like a total fool. I thought to myself as I paced the room.

Chaejin's P.O.V.

Oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap what am I going to wear? Wait, did I just seriously ask myself that. Oh god.

I cracked open my door seeing ~~~~~ pace around the room. Is she alright? But damn, she looks so cute, oh and look at her legs they are so flawless, along with the rest of her body.

"Chaejin, are you alright in there, you seem to be taking an awful long time." I quickly closed my door. Ah crap, now I'm making her wait.

"Yea, I just can't decide on what to bring." I face-palmed, I must sound a like a girl now, like really I can't decide on what to bring? 

There was a knock on my door, "Can I come in, I can help you pack." 

Damn, ~~~~~~ why do you have to be so nice?! I felt my face reddening. Okay, Chaejin, time to shine.

"Sure." I opened the door without hesitation and let her come inside my room, she smiled at me before entering.

"Uhm, so you'll need towels, obviously, sun block, we can share, you don't really need to bring much." She listed things off, counting on her fingers as she stood in the middle of my room.

She turned around, "You have your trunks right, oh thats such a silly question, of course you do." She laughed to herself as she searched my room.

She walked infront of me, she was holding all my things in her arms. I was just standing there like an oaf this whole time watching her.

"Sorry, I was just thinking." I apologized quickly for not helping.

"It's okay, I do that all the time, plus its not that much stuff either, just a towel and some goggles. But don't do that all the time, people will think your a buttface and you'll die alone with 80 cats." She laughed as she playfully smacked my arm.

That was the thing with ~~~~, she was different than other girls. She wasn't fake, she wasn't stupid either. She was a smart 4D personality girl who I could relate to perfectly. The thing was I wasn't sure if she felt the same way. And asking her might wreck our  long time friendship.

With all of our items in hand we made our way to the elevator. Inside the elevator is was all mirrors inside, I pressed the ground floor button. Regaining my position back beside ~~~~.

Your P.O.V.

Ok ~~~~~~~, calm down don't do something stupid.

I looked at the mirrored door; me standing right next to Chaejin. We would make such a cute couple. You know, if he actually liked me back. Oh we were wearing the same things. White pull over hoodies, people would think we would be a couple. I wish that were real. I sighed.

"You okay?" Chaejin bent down to my height and looked at me with a worried face.

"Huh, oh yea I'm fine, oh look were here." I said in a rush as I walked through the doors and to the pool.

I made a beeline towards Karena and Amy, "Karena and Amy I swear I am going to-"

"Whoa, don't get mad we were just trying to help." Karena had her arms up in surrender.

"Fine, fine, let's just get in the pool already." I made my way to Amy who was by a pool chair.

Setting my stuff down, I pulled of my hoodie, adjusting my bra and everything else, and waded into the water, Karena and Amy not too far behind. I inhaled slowly as the cold water met my skin, soon relaxing as I dove underwater. Breaking the surface, I grabbed my hair and collected it, tying it into a ponytail.

Swimming over to Amy, I eyed Chaejin.

"Oh my god look, I feel so bad for him." I pointed to the clown-like girl who was flirting with Chaejin

"Haha, damn your right, I feel really bad for him." Amy reassured me.

"Go save your Prince." Karena jumped in.

 "I'm just gonna swim WAY over there." I dove underwater and pedaled my way to the other side of the pool, setting just my nose just above the water, eyeing Chaejin and the girl greedily. As if I were a crocodile eyeing prey.

"Calm down will you, you look like a creep." Amy swam over.

"Well I'm sorry." I stood up to my full height and dived under water again. Doing laps around the whole pool.

Chaejin's P.O.V.

I was putting so much effort in just trying to not be a d-bag and tell this girl off.

"Uh, are you paying attention, I asked if you were free tonight?" I took my gaze away from ~~~~~~.

"Uhm, well -I"

Your P.O.V.

"Am busy with his girlfriend." I walked to Chaejin, hugging his arm.

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend." She looked disgusted with me.

"And I didn't know this hotel had fake brands, " I pointed to her fake gucci and trues, "oh by the way, I think you got some face on your makeup." I smiled at her and pointed all around her face.

"Thanks for saving me back there." Chaejin thanked me shyly as we sat down at some chair.

"No problem, and since when were you into clowns." I giggled.

"Oh shut up."

"Hello, what would you like to order?" A waiter at the bar came by.

"Oh, uhm, two banana chocolate milkshakes please." I said, taking a quick look at their drink menu.

"Sure no problem." He smiled and walked to the blender.

The waiter returned soon after with our drinks in hand.

"Thank you, our hotel room is 185." I handed Chaejin his drink.

"You know, we could've paid for it." Chaejin sipped his drink.

I smiled, "No, your company is already letting us stay here, I might as well pay." I patted his head.

"You know I have a question, why would your company let us tag along with you guys anyways?" I took out my straw and put the cup to my lips.

"I mean, wouldn't that attract unwanted attention."

"That's a good question actually, I don't even know." 

We had been talking for what seemed like hours.

"We should go soon, it look's like its going to rain." Chaejin pointed to the sky which was turning a pale black. I nodded finishing my drink in a gulp, and swam with him back to our pool chairs.

"Where did everybody go?" Chaejin and I looked around.

"I don't know." I sniffled as I put on my hoodie; warmed from the heat.

"Are you cold?" Chaejin held out his towel.

"Oh, no it's okay, thanks though." I pushed away his hand and wrapped it around him instead.

"I would be more worried if you got sick." Gathering my things, I walked with him to the elevator.

By the time we were my room, a thunderstorm was beginning.

"Damn, you guys took your time." Seyong checked us out as we sat on one side of the room, opposite from everyone else.

Our room wasn't immensly tiny, on the right of the door was a bar, on the left was a room, and on the right was another room, in the middle of it all was a spacious living area. I walked to the far corner of the room (away from the window and everyone else). Pulling up my legs and crossing them I flopped down on the couch and swung my legs back and forth, and Chaejin sat beside me. [its a love seat ;)]

It was a couple minutes of everyone being in the room that the loud chatter had normalized and turned to a low buzz. Phrases of conversations floating mindlessly into the air.

But suddenly, the lights turned off and a low hum could be heard drowning away. Conversation stopped immediately.

"Stupid freaking storm."I could tell Seyong was looking at the window, the only that lighting the room occasionally was thunder. Everyone went back to their chatter, although I don't know how the could continue it properly.

I didn't move from my position, thinking I could wait it out just by sitting here. I stretched, accidentily hitting Chaejin.

"Oh sorry." I quickly apologized, feeling something grab my hand.

I paused. What was happening? I mean I'm sure that the only person who was nearby me was Chaejin. Maybe he just got 'lost' and was trying to find his where around the room and didn't know how? Yea, that was surely it.

But what's this feeling? My hands are clammy and my heart is starting to race. I mean I'm crushing on my good friend, so I shouldn't be going this crazy right?

Wrong. I was fricken hyperventilating my chest rising up quicker then usual, and for some reason Chaejin decided that "Oh, this is a perfect time to be y and alluring."

Chaejin interlaced his fingers with mine, the back of my hand with his thumb.

"Calm down." He whispered, ily into my ear, nibbling on my lobe.

I felt the weight of the sofa shift more to my side as I felt Chaejin drawing closer to me. His other hand grabbed my chin and softly brought my face to his; our lips softly connecting. His hand moved from my chin to my waist as he pulled me closer. My body reacted instinctively; my brain was currently fried from the current situation. My hand carressed his face, soon grabbing a fistful of hair as he my thigh.

I gasped; I couldn't help it, however Chaejin saw it as an oppurtunity to slip his toungue between my lips, deepening the kiss. 

"Hey the lights aren't turning back on." We heard Seyong pointlessly flick the switch, me and Chaejin froze on the spot, slowly increasing the distance between us as we tried to gain our normal position; in the off chance that the lights actually DID come back on.

"Dang it, it's not, I doubt that even the keycards work." I heard Junq sigh.

"Well you guys could sleep here." Karena said, I could already imagine her preparing everything.

"You sure?" Gunwoo asked.

"Of course theres two bedrooms in one room and three in the other, unfortunately two people will have to sit out." Amy, obviously deep in thought deciding who would be left out..

"We'll do it!" Chaejin and I hurriedly said.

"You sure?" Junq asked, not surprised at our hurriedness.

"Yea, we can just sleep on the couches or the floor." Chaejin sided, my hand squeezing his tightly and I squeezed back.

"Okay." They all said and quickly filed into their rooms after planning out who would sleep where. But while waiting for them to fall asleep, which didn't take to long, Chaejin and I were having a tickle fight. I bit my lip as he continued tickling me and I ended up laughing like a suffocating donkey.

Stop it!, I slapped Chaejin on the arm.

He smiled softly, leaned over and planted a kiss on my nose, pinching my cheeks soon after. I smiled back, throwing my arms around his waist, he circled one of his own arms around my own, leaning down slowly. I snuggled into his chest and inhaled his essence, falling into a dream-y paradise.


longest. chapter. i. have. ever. written. jay. zuz.

did you like the ending? personally i think its a bit abrupt but hey i thought that it was finally time to post this so there you are my wonderufl readers~! comment below, i want to see what you guys think, this is my first one shot. I'm thinking of making another one with Daehyun ^^

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Chapter 1: I LOVE IT!!! SO SO SO MUCH!!!!
by the way, if you guys were wondering, the supposedly one shot and now full story is called 356 Days - I Love You. Check it out it my other stories and subscribe ^^
Very nice, i really liked it <3
Cute! >3<
Great job! :)
minty_melon #5
DAEBAK story ! ^^ omg ! I love the story ! ^^ <3 one for daehyun ? Yay ! ^^
KYAA! This was amazingly adorable. :D
I loved it. ;)