Playing With Fire


Rain fell like bullets, sudden and rough.

Smoke rose in thick clouds, trapping the group for a moment, stretching out above them and into the endless, night sky.

The flames that had once blazed proudly were now reduced to a pile of ash and blackened wood. A mountainous heap of rubble sat on the grass, steaming in the rain.

The smell was suffocating.

Taehyung, with rain rushing down the sides of his face and his hair matted with dirt, was the first to drop to his knees.

Vision blurred, his hands began searching, frantically clawing through the debris. He was desperate for a sign of movement, to feel her.

Jimin was next. His pale complexion was stained with black. He heaved a thick plank of wood to the side. His voice strained as he called out to the others.

One by one, each boy was on the ground to help.

Charred wood scalded their skin as they dug.

Yoongi coughed heavily, his lungs soaked in ash, while Namjoon's face was covered in a thick coat of rain and sweat.

They could hear the sirens, far away in the distance, struggling to drown out their own panicked cries.

Please, Seokjin begged almost silently.

Desperation hung dense in the air, mixing in with the smoke, as they shoveled their way through the wreckage. 

Help was still far away, so the urgency was heightened and doubt was an unspoken threat.

Taehyung was crying harder as each precious second passed with no results. Their skin burned. Hisses of pain and terror battled the distant sirens.

There was a small, sudden shift in the rubble.

Hoseok was the first to react. His battered hands dove under, prying at everything they could.

A muffled cough. A flash of pearl-like skin.

All six of them were now desperately pulling the last pieces of burnt wood off of her delicate body.

Her tarnished skin shone in the moonlight, polished with rain, bright against a canvas of black.

Her eyes unusually still. Her chest gently rising and falling.

My sister... The imminent sirens were like whispers compared to Taehyung's sobs.

She tried to speak, but only breathless croaks came out. Pain engulfed her body as her senses slowly came back to life, heaving down on her limbs; and then the realization came.

Through weak eyes she saw the muddied face of her brother, surrounded by his friends. She felt a tug at her legs as Jimin tried to drag her to clear ground. Smoke burnt her nostrils.

Her arm is caught, Hoseok roared.

Yoongi's eyes filled with dread as he saw the ashen remains of a burnt piano trapping her arm against the ground. Regret and guilt spun itself into his stomach, clawing painful scars, consuming him inside out.

He swung his bare fists against it, crying in pain.

She felt the ground beneath her shifting as the boys pulled more debris from under her body.

There was a loud crack.

The piano vibrated against her skin, pieces shattering to the ground. Yoongi hit it harder, his knuckles bleeding, stained red and black.

The boys all used the last of their strength to tear apart the piano. They watched as the mountain of heavy wood seemingly melted into puddles of rain with each blow they gave.

She could finally feel the blood rush to her trapped hand. Rain slid between the gaps of her fingers. 

Red and blue lights flashed beyond a cluster of trees, paired with screaming sirens.

Taehyung was already at her side, but she remained frozen.  

Her eyes stood still. Fear scarred her face as she stared at the end of her arm.

Hurry! Help her! Taehyung obliviously shouted.

Nobody moved. The realization passed by them like a wave as each gaze followed hers.

A cold, lifeless hand lay clutching hers from beneath the charred skeleton of the piano, refusing to let go.


Namjoon watched as tears streamed down her face, emptying her eyes of any emotion, and he knew.

Pushing past Yoongi and Taehyung, he heaved the last remains up, screaming through his own tears. He clamored until his hands felt damp fabric and icy skin.

Rain washed away the ash, revealing what had been hidden in the ruins the entire time.

Namjoon's legs gave out when he saw that face.

The face that always held endless admiration for him, drained of life, stained with ash and blood. 

The face that they had all grown so used to seeing every day.

The face of the young boy that nobody noticed running in to save the girl he loved.

Jeon Jungkook! Namjoon cried out.

The sirens finally came to a halt at the side of the street, too late.

Screams, guilty cries, the unrelenting ache. 


Namjoon pulled the boy's body up, wrapping himself around him. The girl tugged at his arm, weakly.

Jungkook! Wake up!

Their cries were the only sound against a backdrop of silence; the collapsed house just a blanket of ash beneath them.

Her hand remained closed in his.

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all_my_loving #1
i... am going to cry
but holy this was so good
Chapter 1: So beautiful TT
JiminSemen #3
Chapter 1: Pretty good ha ha
Chapter 1: I feel like crying this was just amazing! Well done