Is this it


"Hello class! I am Mrs Hogan, I will be your teacher this year so look forward." The teacher said cheerfuly

"Ive introduced myself, Now you have to."

When I heard those words I shot right out of my seat!

"Hi Im Dahyun, I like chocolate and......Chocolate is yummy!" I said with a wide grin on my face

I heard giggling I looked towards Sana, to see if she liked it

She hade  a smile on her face.

I was lost in my thoughts after that

Thinking of Sana, maybe staring unconsiously

Then I got a pinch on my cheek

"Unnieee! Your cute when your lost in thoughts~." She said while giggling

I was covering my red, burning face

We had to go around the campus

Sana was holding me by the wrist

Even if its by the wrist I dont mind, Her skinship was worth it

[After school]

I managed to get Sanas phone number

We messaged on the bus and we came up to the topic of ideal types

Mine was basically all her 

Hers was....

Everythibg opposite of me....


I didnt reply, I mean I just got an indirect rejection


When I got home I was crying only getting about 2 hours of sleep

I woke up tired with bags under my eyes lets just say I was a mess

I just came to school not caring


Nayeon and Momo realized I were not myself

They look after me which I appreciate



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dubu102015 #1
Chapter 1: can't wait for more
Chapter 1: the story is kinda same like me hehe~
TwiceO_O #3
Omg the new chapter didnt upload
looking forward to moreeeeeeeeeee~