Chapter 1

My Mysterious Neighbour
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Chanyeol sighed, shuffling his feet as he made his way to the door, telling the person on the other side to hold on. When he opened it, he saw the apartment security guard, giving him a slightly guilty smile.

"I hate to spring this one you so early in the morning, but I need you to lead tomorrow's protest. We are working towards a better building!" He said, shoving the sash into Chanyeol's hand and scurrying off. Chanyeol blinked, still processing what just happened before he groaned. 

"Hyung, where did you get the idea for this character? He seems familiar..." Baekhyun asked, looking at the drawings on the computer. Chanyeol came over, looking at them. He smiled.

"I don't know, I just kind of, got an idea." He said, looking at the drawings that resembled their neighbour.


Kyungsoo hurried out the door, chasing after Sehun. He went past the protesters, bowing in respect on his way. He jumped, being stopped by someone. 

"234? It's me, Baekhyun from 233." Kyungsoo looked at the man in front of him, trying to figure out a way to get past him. "I was wondering how it is that you spend less than us? We live in the same building with all the same living expenses, so why is it that you have a cheaper bill than us?"

Kyungsoo blinked, looking at him. "Uhm, I'll write you a list." He said, slightly distracted as he hurried off, calling a cab and chasing Sehun's car. Baekhyun looked after him, confused, but shrugged, focusing on Chanyeol on the pedestal.


Kai sighed, typing in the code to the door, trying to forget about what he just saw. He smiled to himself, coming into the room. "Whoa. You can practically see into the apartment of the person beside you." He mused, looking at the next building. He laid on the couch, falling asleep a bit. Sehun came in not long after, smiling as he saw Kai on the couch. He went to tuck him in, when Kai sprang off of the couch, screaming: "Hyung! I missed you!" as he gave him a giant bear hug.

Sehun laughed. "I missed you, too." He said, hugging him back. "How was your flight, Jongin?"He asked, using his regular name, something only close friends would do. 

"It was good, great, actually, but you know what isn't good? The size of this TV! I mean, look at it! Barcelona is supposed to be having a game on tonight, how can I watch it on such a small screen?" He asked, pointing to the television. Sehun chuckled. 

"I am not buying another television."

Kai pouted, nodding in understanding. "Ok, good night, hyung." He said, before laying back on the couch. After Sehun left, Kai kept getting this feeling that someone was watching him...


Kyungsoo woke up the next morning, and the first thing he did was check on Curly. Oh, he hoped he was ok! He grabbed his binoculars and going to the window. He scanned the house, seeing Curly run around happily. He sighed in relief, smiling a bit. His smile quickly fell as he saw the man from last night", in a bear hat, standing at the window, glaring at him. He gasped, closing the curtains quickly, trying to find a place to hide. He jumped, hearing a knock on the door. "He couldn't be here already, could he?

"Apartment 234? I just wanted to tell you that today is your day to lead the protest. We are moving towards a better building


"I knew I felt someone staring at me last night. Number 234, you're dead."  Kai said, grabbing a coat and heading out the door. He rushed over to the next apartment building, muttering obscenities under his breath about erts, and how they should all be punished.


Chanyeol opened the door, grabbing his milk and completing the daily routine of putting a note on Kyungsoo's milk container. As he walked back to his apartment, he saw a note on the door. He grabbed it, seeing it was 'addressed' to "The people in apartment 233."

He went inside, opening the note. 


-Reuse the water to lower your water bill

-Try not to flush so frequently, use a bucket to refill the tank

-Unplug what appliances you aren't using, leaving them plugged in wastes electricity

-The rice cooker should only be used to cook rice, not keep it warm.

-Boil your water on the stove, not in the electric kettle

-Don't turn the heat on, walk around in winter coats, and carry a hot water bottle

P.S. Can you take

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Chapter 2: Hehe~~ why oh why I feel like this is kyungsooxeveryone?? When's just kaisoo...*giggling*
_chanchan #2
Chapter 1: I love this!! I'm just a bit confused with it... so chanyeol knows kyungsoo right? Kyungsoo is the writer, Chanyeol's boss (the chick) knows about kai's work that's why she said about the plagiarizing? And at the end when it says kyungsoo trying to catch Sehun....kyungsoo knows who sehun is?