
2 Heart from Block B's

You: So...what's up? " 

B-Bomb: Nothing much really.. Tired of practicing.. 

You: Hey you were the one who want to be in this career, you have to work hard to stay on top 

B-Bomb: I know that silly. Im just tired, not that I want to quit or something

You: Then why are you here meeting me?

B-Bomb: Cause I miss you ~


You: Funny.

B-Bomb: Im not joking, Im serious. I bet you didn't miss me at all. 


You: Oh my god! How did you know I didn't miss you? You're a good guesser.

B-Bomb: Jeez.. 


You: Hi hi hing. I was joking you derph!

B-Bomb: So you did miss me ?!


You: *bowed head* *blushing*

B-Bomb: Thought so too *grin*


You: Whatever. So, how is Block B now? 

B-Bomb: Well, P.O is completely happy with your sister. JaeHyo and SunMee seems to get along really well, thanks to me. The others is derph as usual.


You: What about.. Kyung ?

B-Bomb: He's ok. He've changed I think. He pretty much not sad or stressed anymore. He's happy like the way when he dated you. I don't why but that's good for him. 


You: Oh, really...

B-Bomb: What about you? Moving on? New guy in life? 


You: I've been busy with work.. Moving on, yes. New guy in life, no. 

B-Bomb: Oh great. Michelle, I actually have something to say to you. 


You: About what?

B-Bomb: About me...and uhm... 


You: What, you get yourself a new girlfriend? *giggles*

B-Bomb: I want to, but.. Im not sure how she felt about me. 


You: Look, in this case. All you have to do is tell her oppa! Don't waste your time just by thinking it. What if she got someone else? It's your waste. Brave yourself up! Even if she doesn't like you back, you still have chances with other girls. You're great guy, I bet every girls would die to be with you. I know I do

B-Bomb: *Sigh* Okay, tomorrow I will see her, brave myself up and tell her. Thanks Michelle


You: For sure.. But who's the girl? 

B-Bomb: You'll see. 


Your POV:

So.. He got someone that he likes. Im pretty sure it's not me.. It's funny how I told him to be brave enough to confess to the girl he likes. But I don't even have the courage to tell him my feelings towards him. Silly me. I will lost him.


Normal POV:

" Take care, I'll see you later " You're waving at MinHyuk as he drove his car off to his place. This would probably the last time I see you


" What?! " You were surprise by the news that you heard. " JaeKyung with Zico? Seriously?! The cat and dog are together? " You still can't believe what you heard from Chrsitina.

" Yupp. They hook up yesterday. Infront of my eyes. Now Melinda with P.O, Lisa and YuKwon, SunMee with JaeHyo and JaeKyung with Zico. All of my friends dating a celebrity. Should I be happy or what? " Christina comes to you house and told you everything. But she didn't tell her about she's hanging out with Kyung too. She feels awkward to talk about that to you, even she feels that is the right thing to do. 

" So, what are you doing yesterday? " Christina asked. 

" Im uh.. MinHyuk oppa come here last night. We're just hanging out. " You tell her.

" Okay.. So, are you with him? Or no? Cause it's like fate you know, we're meeting Block B members. " Christina teased you, but your expression changed. 

" Maybe me and you are the only one that doesn't have fate with them.. I guess. " 

" Hey, Im going to stay at your place until 11pm. Let's go have dinner at out fav restaurant?" Christina asked you. 

You replied, " Sure, Let's go! " 

You both leave the house and went to the Italian Restaurant nearby. It was both of your favourite restaurant. You love Italian food. You ordered a plate of lasagna with carrot milk, and Christina ordered a plate of pasta with grape juice. After you're done eating, Christina is trying to tell you something. 

Christina: Hey.. You know that day when you broke up with Kyung?

You: Yeah, why ?


Christina: That night.. I met him at the streets where I always have gig, he's drunk. 

You: What? Really?


Christina:Yeap, I don't know how to help, at last I ask my friends to take him to my home. The next morning he didn't tell me anything but ask me not to tell anyone about that night. Until that day you told me and the rest that you broke up with him, then I know the reason why he's  drunk. 

You: How come you tell me now? 


Christina: That is because he ask me to. Actually, there's more.

You: There's more? Okay tell everything as you please. 


Christina: First of all Im sorry for not telling you in the first place, but.. I've broken up with Dave. 

You: You what?! How many things that you keep from me? 


Christina: That night.. I was crying my tears out at the same street I met Kyung drunk. Suddenly, Kyung appeared in front of me. He ask me what's wrong and everything. At first I didn't tell him. But he sort of saw everything, when I was fighting with Dave. So I had to tell him. Then, he take me to get revenge on Dave.

You: He's been so sweet isn't he?


Christina: Why would I care? And, yesterday.. Actually I was hanging out with JaeKyung, then we met Zico and Kyung. That was the momment where Zico and Jaekyung fought but then hook at the end. ZIco ask Kyung to sent me home. I've been great with Kyung.. He's a great friend I guess..

You: Oh really.. Im not mad at you, no worries.


Christina: I want to tell you at the first place but I thought it was awkward talking about your ex. So, I waited for the right time. Now, it's all cleared. Phew!

You: No wonder MinHyuk oppa said he's been good recently. 


Christina: Huh?

You: I mean.. who wouldn't be happy having you around. Keke


Christina: Whatever. Let's get out of here.

You: Okay, let me pay the bills first. You wait in the car. 


You pay the bills and leave the restaurant. You didn't really care about Christina just told you. But you're happy if Kyung are. But.. You seems to be saddened about MinHyuk..

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Infinitely4k #1
Chapter 26: Thank you!!!
Infinitely4k #2
Chapter 25: Go Bbomb! Man up and tell her!!
Chapter 24: this is the best story aout block b!!!!
UpDaTe SoOn!!
Infinitely4k #4
Chapter 24: Kekeke! They are finally a couple! Thank you for this chapter!!!
Infinitely4k #5
Chapter 25: I just found your story again! Not long ago, I wanted to read it again and couldn't find it ;__; so please continue it!!
BlockBC #6
Chapter 25: Continue this story!!it's really good!^^
JonzkMaalum #7
Update jebal....
Unni update soon please!!!!!
merrylchoi #9
please continue updating this fic!! i'm currently reading the chap 10 and i like it!! XDD