Chapter 11

Undercover // VKook

"Oh my god, Jimin I'm so sorry!"

Jimin lifted his head at the sound of Jungkook's - Nayeon's - voice.

"Nayeon? Oh, uh, it's fine. I'm not hurt or anything."

He brought his hand away from his face and stood up. His eye looked bloodshot and blotchy and the corner of his mouth was lifted up in a pained wince.

"You're definitely not okay."

"No, really, I'm totally fine." He gasped out, his uninjured eye twitching creepily.

"Jimin, your eye is all yucky, like someone squirted ketchup in it. Please, let me take you to the infirmary." Jungkook begged, taking Jimin's arm and dragging him back to the castle. "I'm really sorry, I should look where I'm throwing my sticks next time."

"Next time? Is chucking sticks a hobby of yours."

"Yeah," Jungkook swallowed nervously. "It helps relieve stress."

"I should try it sometime, I've got a quidditch match coming up soon."


"What happened here?" Asked Madam Pomfrey when they reached the infirmary.

"I, uh, threw a stick at his face - but I didn't know he was there! I swear I didn't know." Jungkook hurriedly explained.

"Okay," she said slowly. "Well, it's not much so it shouldn't take too long. Come sit down over here Mr Park, a very simple spell should sort out your eye."

She led Jimin over to an empty bed and peered down into his eye.

Jungkook stood awkwardly in the centre of the room, not really sure what to do.

His eyes skimmed over the other patients in the hospital.

A bored looking Ravenclaw with broken spectacles reached over for his glass of water and it smashed at his touch, Mina and Momo were sniffling beside a pretty Hufflepuff girl with alarmingly green hair that he guessed was the result of a hex. In the corner was a handsome Slytherin with a lumpy purple bruise on his cheek and hunched over him (holding his hand) was...

"Jaebum?" He blurted out.

The boy looked up, confirming Jungkook's suspicions.

He blushed and stood up quickly, knocking over his chair. The other boy smiled softly and gave Jungkook a weak little wave.

He waved back.

"What are you doing here, Nayeon?" Jaebum asked nervously.

"I threw a stick at Jimin, what are you doing here?"

"Jinyoung got hit by a bludger in quidditch practice, I just came to see if he was okay.

Jungkook smirked, "Sure."

"What's with that face?" Snapped Jaebum. "We're just friends."


"It's true. Anyway, what about you and Taehyung? You trying to kill Jimin to get rid of competition?"

Jungkook snorted. "As if."

Jaebum turned serious. "Jungkook," his voice was quiet and deep. "You need to find the elder wand. Falling in love, with Taehyung of all people, is not going to help."

"I don't see your problem with him Jaebum. Besides, you've been here for like six years, why couldn't you find it? And Yoona, what about her? You're just trying to put everything on me." He folded his arms crossly.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I'm just really stressed. I got a letter from father this morning. Apparently other deatheaters think he's just winding them up and they're really angry at him for thinking he's found the elder wand, they're worried he might keep it for himself if we do find it."

"I'm sorry too," Jungkook said. Jimin was walking towards him with normal coloured eyes and he quickly stepped away from Jaebum. "See you at dinner."

A/N: check out my DaeJae fanfic 'Wrong Number' on my writing Wattpad account SeonhosSocks

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Chapter 9: Update soon~~
crowbrainz #2
Chapter 8: This is amazing cant wait for the next update!
BtsSlay0613 #3
Chapter 6: Ikr!! B.A.P and Day6 slay
Chapter 3: WOOO YEAH RED VELVET!! <3
Chapter 6: Update soon! I love this so much already. Excited for the next chapter! Good luck! ;)
Fanyeol #6
Chapter 3: Im looking forward to the story. .hope u update soon