Are we? still strung together

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A crack at the string soulmate au (and a rather depressing one I admit). first time writer so don't flame me. constructive criticism appreciated! 

also super unedited (tense issues, I know).


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exquisitemyoui #1
Chapter 2: So fluffy :"> Mina with her red scarf reminds me of Goblin asdfg Their chemistry is the best, right author- nim? :')
Chapter 1: My heart is shattered :''
No why, this is going to have a second chapter right author nim??
exquisitemyoui #3
Chapter 1: So Chaeyoung and Mina will break- up? Erm. But at the end tho! :3 So many deep words right there and my mind still confused, eh? Lol. Just kidding. Continue to write fanfics author- nim. Good work!