Adopted Sister

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how they meet and the end of blablabla


btw this is my first fanfiction . sorry for my bad English


chaeng pov

today their school had a party . she always feel alone even though her friends always beside she . at the moment , a group of girl walk in the hall , her eyes look at the cutie girl , she know one of the member of the group name momo, she ask who is the cute girl .momo answered her questions playfully then momo tell the girl that chaeng tell she cute , the girl make a cute face at chaeng then chaeng become blushing . the girl answered that her name is mina. their conversation end after that. chaeng didn't feel to talk to her again after the party.  chaeng is knowing the antisocial people and didn't care over everything .

after a few month , suddenly chaeng feel like want to know the girl better . she ask her friend what is her number. her friend didn't know . she ask almost everyone that she know . she feel shame to ask that to momo . she keep searching it until she had a idea. she ask a random person who she always see with mina . the girl give mina number easily without asking a question . at the night chaeng is ready to sent a message to her . she feel so nervous. 


                                                                  hi , who are u?

im chaeng and you're mina? 

                                                                  yes i'm 

their conversation endless until one of them fall asleep . tomorrow morning minari search the girl who text her last night but didn't found it . she text the girl again. chaeng send to her a sweet message . their relationship become a adopted sister which chaeng is the younger one . day by day their relationship almost the end because of their ego and jealousy . them fight almost every small thing. chaeng the younger one are always the one ask to forgiveness . 

​​​​​​a year already passed , even though their ages added. they always fight and almost end the relationship again . chaeng meet a new person . they become a close friend.  mina who with chaeng a year become jealous . chaeng didn't even know until she say that her new friends is her new adopted sister.  chaeng become angry when hear that statement but chaeng love her too much . at home she send a text and tell everything . after that their relationship become good again . 

they rarely chat with each other.  its not because they don't want but to denying the useless fight. they only meet when had a event.  after even the oldest one will always walk with her after the event end . they happy the way the are . 

​​​​​​suddenly , this year mina moved out to other school. chaeng feel so sad . she cant hold her tears . she crying at her table at school . her friends wondering why she cry.  chaeng also known as the heartless person . she cant stop her cry . after a few hours. she smile again cause she know it useless . by the way chaeng buy something to remember their relationship . chaeng promises to wish her minari goodnight everyday . even though they are far away from each other they believe that they will meet again . 





kekekekekekeke sorry for bad english . asdfghjkl it actually about my story tho . hahahaha newbie


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