chapter 1

Where'd you go, Chan?

I've never really written fanfictions like this (one shots) but I offered to as a challenge to myself so here you go! Oh, Jeonghan is a girl btw ahah ive never written gender bender before so please excuse my awful writing.


Well, there was nothing else to sum this up to: Chan was lost. 

It all started when Jeonghan went outside to retrieve the mail from the mailbox down the street, and Jisoo went to go ask his mother, who lived upstairs, if he could borrow some sugar for the cookies he was planning on making for his wife and son. As a supprise to Chan, he got dinosour shaped cookie cutters. 

The neighborhood they lived in was pretty well managed, so Jeonghan never bothered to lock the door during the day, which was a choice he would later learn to regret.

Chan, being at the age of 'terrible twos' was very sneaky and liked to fool his parents by pretending he was asleep, so when he realized his parents left the house without him, his automatic assumption was 'they're getting cake and didn't bring me with them!'

Chan wasn't going to let his parents eat cake without him, so he put his slip-on shoes on and climbed onto a table to reach his jacket before running out the door.

Chan had never been outside by himself before, so only after two minutes of running around the area, looking for this mom or dad, did he realize that he was lost and had no idea how to get home. 

He felt tears start to come up as he started to bawl on the ground, wondering why his parents went to go get dessert and leave him.

A few moments later, he heard footsteps running towards him. Chan picked up his little head and saw two guys looking at him with concerned faces. 

Chan expected to see his mom or dad, so he began to cry even more now that his hopes had been brought down.

"Are you okay?" One of the guys asked, taking a tissue out of his pocket and wiping his face of tears.

"Wonwoo, of course he's not okay" The other guy said, pushing Wonwoo to the side and getting down to Chan's level

"Are you lost?" He asked. Chan nodded.

"Whats your name?" He asked, trying to get closer to Chan so he would trust him more. 

"Dino" He said, "Dino Hong"

"Dino?" Wonwoo asked, eyeing Mingyu.

"Yes. My mommy and daddy went to go get dessert without me so I went to go chase them but now i'm lost" He said, forming new tears that were quickly wiped away. 

"Ohh...Well, come. We will help you find your parents" Mingyu said, holding his hand out for Chan to take, which he did reluctantly, but once he did, he squeezed it very tight, nervous Mingyu was going to dissapear, and even held his hand out for Wonwoo to take.

They began to walk over to their landlords house, Seungcheol, to see what they can do.

"So, Dino, whats your favorite color?" Wonwoo asked, engaging the two year old to help him forget the situation that they were in.

"Red!" He said, smiling.

"Ohh. I like Black and Mingyu likes Green" Wonwoo said.

"What is your favorite animal?" Mingyu asked.

"Dinosours!" He said, jumping up and down, making Wonwoo's and Mingyu's arms raise up with him.

"Is it because of your name?' Wonwoo asked.

Chan nodded, smiling up at them. 

"What is you're favorite animal, Mingyu?" Chan asked.

"I like Tigers. How about you, Wonwoo?"

"I like Cats.' 

"I like cats too! And dogs, and birds,and and ferrets too!" Chan said.

"Do you like all animals?" Mingyu asked, recieveing a big jump form Chan before nodding at him.

"Very nice..." Mingyu said before pausing at one of the apartments.

"Okay, Dino, we are gonna try and find you parents here, okay?" Mingyu said

Chan nodded, gripping Wonwoo and Mingyus hand tight.

They knocked on the door and was greeted with Jihoon, Seungcheols very, very , very close friend, who let them in once they explained the situation. 

"Whats his name?" Seungcheol asked, looking down at Chan, who was looking at Seungcheols desk that had a 'golf for work' set on it.

"He said his name was Dino, Dino Hong." Mingyu said.

"Dino?" Seungcheol asked, going through all of the names with the last name of Hong.

After a few moments of going through the names, he sighed, turning towards Mingyu and Wonwoo with a worried expression.

"Theres nobody here named Dino..." 

Everybody turned to Chan, who was now looking at the bookcase in Seungcheols office.

"Dino..." Mingyu said "Do you have another name?" 

"Another name?" Chan asked. "My mommy and daddy call me Dino, so i'm Dino!"

"uhh..." Seungcheol said. "What is your mommy's name?" 

Before Chan could respond, there as a knock at the door. 

Jihoon got up from his chair to get the door and was greeted by worried parents, looking for their two year old son, Hong Chan.

Jihoon led them into the office, where they ran right up to Chan an picked him up.

"Channie, we were to worried about you!" Jeonghan said, squeezing his little body tight to hers.

"Why did you leave the house?"Jisoo asked. 

Dino pouted at them "you guys went and got dessert without me!"

Jeonghan and Jisoo gave each other weird looks before turning back to Dino, who was still pouting.

"Dino, I went to go get the mail and your dad went to go get sugar from grandma." Jeonghan said, crouching down to meet Chans height.

Dino used the tissue that Wonwoo gave him to wipe away his tears.

"So you guys didn't go get cake?"

Jisoo shook his head, holding out his hand for Dino to take.

"Why would we do that?"

Dino smiled before letting to of his hand to to give Mingyu and Wonwoo a hug. 

Jisoo and Jeonghan were so worried, they didn't even realized there were two other people in the room.

"You should thank these two," Jisoo said, pointing to Mingyu and Wonwoo "They were the ones who found 'Dino' and brought him here."

Jeonghan quickly hugged them both, thanking them for being so generous and patient to Chan.

Jisool even got their apartment number, promising to drop off cookies to them.

Dino walked back with his parents with a smile on his face, glad that he was found.


                                                              Oh, terrible twos. What are you gonna do with them? 


I really hope you like it! I might start doing these more lol :-)

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Simple-J #1
Chapter 1: this was kinda sweet!
Chapter 1: Jeongcheol?
gemini_94 #3
Chapter 1: Why there is jeongcheol tag when it is jihan..?
Chapter 1: i am just curious why is there jeongcheol tag