Marshmallow with Hot Chocolate

Churros Fairy

Sehun stands still in front of the counter.

"Sir, may I take your order?"

No answer.

"Sir?" A hand wave infront of the high schooler. "Sir? May I help you?"

A soft touches on Sehun hand sparkes him. "Huh?" Sehun shrieks. "Can... Can I take you order, Sir?"

The high schooler leaves the counter even without giving his order. The action makes the cashier questions himself. 'Did I do something wrong?' He thought.




Sehun returns back with his right hand is clasped in front of his chest. He seems to be chanting on something but Kai and SooJung could not catch what he said. "HEHOLDSMYHANDS. HEHOLDSMYHANDS. HE. HOLDS. MY. HANDS. KIM JONGIN! HE ING HOLDS MY HANDS!" Sehun's eyes watches over Kai's shoulder but he is talking to his friend. The tanned is confused and look over his shoulder but sees nothing interesting at the wall. Kai tries to shake his friend but got slapped from touching Sehun's right hand. "DON"T TOUCH IT! IT IS TOO HOLY FOR YOU TO HOLD."

Sehun is talking nonsense and Kai's not amused with his . "Whatever Oh Sehun. Did you place our order or not?" The latter shakes his head. and Kai slaps his own forehead. "Knuckle head!" Kai gets up and goes to the line. Done with the order, finally three of them manage to get decent food to eat. Both Kai and SooJung ignore the boy whom fanboying over the cashier. They admit the cashier is cute but they swear they never thought Sehun could sway to that side.

Kai knocks Sehun's head few times so he can finish his food quickly. They still need to buy some materials for their class and Sehun being strucked with his little crush will drag their time. "Come on Sehun. It's time to leave." The fairest among the three pouts. Kai doesn't hide his facial expression and rolls his eyes. "Hello Mister Lover Boy, we need to leave. SooJung needs to go back before 7 p.m, remember?"

Sehun glares at his classmate but his friend fast enough to convince him to come again tomorrow. Sehun's face brighten at that words and take a quick sip of his chocolate milk. "Promise me?" Sehun is being childish again. "You can come alone, Oh Sehun." Kai clicks his tongue.

"Come on Sehun. You can call me if you want. There is a ton of things we need to buy right now." SooJung pulls the boy from his seat and walks away from the table with Sehun tails at the back. He almost scolds Soojung for holding his hand remembers it was his other that the cutie pootie cashier boy touches him.



Since then, Sehun frequently visits the churros shop.






"One ice chocolate milk and a bag of churros stick for Mr. Oh Sehun." the cute cashier looks at the packaging while calling Sehun's name.

"Well, you call me Sehun, though." He gets a perfect heart shaped smile after his reply. "Sorry sir, it is a rule to be polite with the customer. The price is 15 000 won. Do you have any coupon to be stamped?" Sehun pulls out the coupon out from his pocket together with 30 000 won in hand. "Here. One serious question. Which high school do you attend?"

The cashier chuckles. "Me? I don't attend it anymore."

"You don't?!" the high schooler chokes. The churros shop woker counts the change and gives them to Sehun. "Here your change. Yes sir. I don't. Enjoy your meal!"


The cashier attends the other customer whom stoods behind Sehun. The 17 years old boy is really shocked to hear the reply.  He really thought that the cashier was in his age range or probably someone younger. It is not a strange thing for a student to do a part time. But then Sehun remembers that the boy usually work for evening shift which starts from 3 pm until 10 pm. It is impossible for a highschooler to finish the school before 3 p.m. Even it is possible, the cashier would not have enough time to come to the work on time.

"So if he is not a high schooler, who he is?" Sehun scratches his head. Strange, he thinks.




But Sehun's effort doesn't stop there. Everyday, he will come to the shop and looks for Do Kyungsoo schedule. He finally gets his name after a few times budging over the other cashier and also the barista there. "His name is Do Kyungsoo. And if you're blind enough with his cute face, all of us wear nametag on our uniform. Can you see that, you high school student?" Jongdae seriously rolls his eyes and put an uninterested face without caring about the rule Kyungsoo told Sehun before. "Sorry sir, it is a rule to be polite with the customer."

He is so cute, he thinks again.


Sehun pouts when he see Jongdae is again behind the counter. "What are you doing here?" He frowns. "Well, excuse me? I'm working here." The second cashier feels offended with the tall guy responds. "Ugh, why are you here? Where is Kyungsoo hyung?" Sehun also learns that Kyungsoo was older by few years from him. Kyungsoo already in his second year of university while he only the 3rd year of high school.

"He's taking a leave. Got program to attend at his university. Andddddd! I will not tell you where he is studying. Please, don't disturb him. He is working diligently and you are distracting him." Jongdae warns.

Sehun sighs. "Then what I am supposed to do? Told Kyungsoo hyung not to be cute? I could die if I didn't see his face everyday." Lucikly the shop isn't full with customers so the argument does not disturb the others.

"Then, die now! Come on. I gave other things to do rather than entertaining you. Shush shush!" Jongdae tells the boy to go away together with a hand gesture. He really doesn't have all the time in world to let Sehun pasters him about Kyungsoo. 

"Hey! I'm your customer! How dare you say to me to go die? I'm gonna report you to your manager!" Sehun really creating a nuisance at the cafe. 

With Jongdae never back up from their little argument, the cafe owner comes out from his office.

"What's wrong Jongdae? I can hear your voice clearly from my room." 

"Hyung, this kid is being nonsense.. I told him Kyungso is taking a leave today and he doesn't wanna leave him alone." 

"I am not! I just asking where he is. You could be lying since you told me to go die right?!" Sehun retorts. 

Minseok's eye bulging to almost the same size as Kyungsoo when he was surprised. "What did you say Kim Jongdae?!" 

Jongdae tries to protect himself "I - I just -" but was cut by the boss.

"I JUST WHAT? Oh my god! Did you forget about our policy?" The oldest among the three now is fuming in anger. "I told you to be nice to our customer! Not to tell them to go die?! Are you crazy?!"

Sehun watches the scene without saying anything. He is too shocked with Minseok's reaction. He never now a cute looking manager of the cafe could be this fierce. Sehun reminds himself not to get to the bad side of the manager.

"Hyung~" Jongdae whines

"I'm sorry Mr. Oh. My worker is the one who being nonsense here. I apologize on his behalf. Anything that we can do to recover his fault?" Minseok already pinches the cashier's waist. Jongdae tries to flinch. He knows Sehun os enjoying his misery.

Sehun let a smirk plastered on his face. 

"Actually, you can make up rude cashier behaviour with one thing." 

Jongdae facepalms at Sehun;s smug face. He knows the high schooler is mentally celebrating his own victory. Jongdae swears he can see the boy is air his hand. 










"Are you crazy hyung?! How can you easily give him Kyungsoo university address? In our "so-called policy" told us not to expose any personal information to other people. It is private and confidential. You know that!" The cashier on duty exhilarates at his own brother. 

Minseok only sighes. "I know that. But if you don't act recklessly in front of him, I don't have to do that." 

The younger brother snortes. "Now it is my fault? You don't even know what happened in the first place. He keeps pastering on Kyungsoo, hyung. Can you see your own worker is being disturbed by a stranger? And the stranger is a high schooler! That boy should focus on studying rather than stalking on our Kyungsoo!"

"Wow, our Kyungsoo, Dae? Really?" the older brother snickers. "I know Kyungsoo was disturbed by that boy but Mr. Oh is cute anyway. I don't care. He always buy something from our cafe. He almost a level to regular customer. Our first regular customer. We should get a benefit on him, though."

"Really bro, that's what you think?" Jongdae rolls his eyes for the second time today. 

"You own me a buckt of churros and hot coffee for embarrassing me in front of a high schooler!" Jongdae sulks and stomps his legs. "And pinching my fat!!!" he screams out loud and slams the door.

Minseok chuckles at Jongdae childish behaviour.






When he arrived at Kyungsoo's university, Sehun wants to smack himself for being stupid. He forgets to ask which department Kyungsoo belongs to. Sehun resorts on asking the students whom walk through the gate but he feels like he need a real smack on his head because that university space was huge! Bet there hundreds of students name after Kyungsoo. 

Using his long body and legs, he tries to peek over from the fence. Not long after that, he gets caught by the security. "Hey kid! What are you doing there? You're not coming in??"

"I can come in??" Sehun flusters after the guard asks the question. He wants to smack his head for the third time because Minseok did mention that Kyungsoo is taking a leave because he involves in a festival at the university. He never know that outsiders are invited too.

"Of course. It's the university Open Day after all. I heard they wanna recruit new students for new intake. I hope you wanna join this university since you're peeking from the wall?" the guard raises an eyebrow, questioning Sehun's action. 

Sehun scratches his nape, tries to act innocent. "Uhm, I guess I will just enter the gate." He smiles sheepishly and walks into the university compound. 




As he walks into the university, he was greeted by the students there. Most of them try to get his attention in joining the courses they are in but today, his mission is not looking for the suitable course for himself. But his mission today is finding this guy name Kyungsoo at the festival. He still have fe months to think about his university life. Scratch that. He doesn't know if his father will allow him to go to public university again after he graduated from the high school. He protests few times before his father could allow him to enroll in his school right now. 

Sehun carefully eyes the booths if he could see any familiar face that he is dying to meet today. Luckily there are not many booths available so Sehun hopes he would not have any problem in finding his sweet little crush.

After a few rounds at the courses and societies booth, he moves to the food stalls. He is hungry since he didn't get to eat his churros this morning. All because of that stupid, cat looking face and curly hair cashier in charge at the churro cafe just now. Thinking about how persistent the guy tries to get rid him from approaching Kyungsoo makes his stomach growls. 

"I should get some food and drink. Kyungsoo can wait a bit." 

He scans through the stalls. There are some foodtrucks selling the street foods. Sehun suddenly craving for tteokbokki after he tries some with Jongin last month. His father will kill him if he knows Sehun was eating something from the food vendor. His father can get a little bit protective sometimes over trivial matters. Sehun hopes his father can loosen a bit and live a normal life.

After filling his stomach with the street food (he orders two bowls of the rice cake since he thought the potion was too little for his big stomach), he goes to find for something sweets. Churros maybe because he misses Kyungsoo and churros reminds Sehun of his cute crush. The high schooler blushes as he thinks about Kyungsoo deep voice calling for his name after his order is done.

He heard a sound of bell and a person shouted for free ice-cream. Sehun tries to search for the sound and once he found it, he screams a loud "Yes" and jumps a little higher than normal people do. The visitors look at him as if he was retard or something but honestly the boy was in joy so he didn't the judging stares people give to him. 









"Kyungsoo hyung!!!"


















#Here goes an updated after idk how many weeks I left the fic alone. I'm slowly getting my pace in writing. Hope u can bear with me okay? 

## Comment, subscribe and upvote are all welcome!

###I know my grammar jumped all over the place but i will try to fix it in other time^^ thanks for spending time to read this crap~

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Chapter 4: Author maybe u can put other tag on the list.. so u can get more reader. Like jongdae minseok..
i like ur update..
Chapter 3: Finally.. ur update!!
Chapter 2: Waiting ur update author.. not many story about sesoo.
Risa04 #4
sesoo and churros seems about right. also Sesoo matching haircuts <3
sesoo and churros XD
Looking forward to this ^*^ Sehun sending that truck with the 'I love you' this week gave me life.