The Truth
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      According to the time table, gym class was right after English. Yoojung and Yerin immediately left the class after greeting the teacher through the back door and walked to the furthest washroom to avoid the crowd. 


      "To be honest, I don't really like our gym teacher this year." Yerin frowned. "Why not? At least they're still better than Mr Han." Yoojung said. Yerin couldn't help but agree. "Well, Mr Han is still your favorite teacher." Yerin wriggled her brows. 


      Yerin ran away before Yoojung could smack her on the head. "YAH! WHO SAID SO??" She screamed as the chase began. 


      Jungkook who was waiting for his clique at the end of the corridor, caught a glimpse of the two girls who were bickering and having fun by themselves. He chuckled at the way they bickered and thought to himself, "Cute." 


     "Thinking about your girlfriend?" Yoongi smirked as he placed his arm on Jungkook's shoulder. "What girlfriend?" Jungkook rolled his eyes. 


      Yoongi pointed at a figure who was at the other side of the corridor. Jungkook quickly slapped his arm away, making sure she didn't see anything. "You wanna die?" Jungkook hissed.


      On the other hand, Yoojung actually saw what happened at the other end where the guys were. "I think.. they're talking about us.." Yoojung leaned on the wall beside the water dispenser. "What made you say so?" Yerin's head popped out which fortunately missed Yoojung's head by an inch.


      "Yoongi was pointing towards us a second ago and Jungkook made sure we didn't see anything by hitting his hand away." She said. "You're just being paranoid." Yerin shrugged. "Yeah right, you're gonna think about it for the next 24 hours." Yoojung shrugged. 


       As the class assembled in the indoor sports hall, Mr Kim and Mr Park were briefing the class on their expectations and whatever they could thought of. For those who loved physical education, it was hell for them. They wished that they would stop talking so that lesson could start already. While the others, hoped that they would go on for the next hour since they hated running and sports. 


      "Okay, 4 laps around the hall! After that, do some warm ups before reporting to me." Mr Kim announced. 


      Everyone ran at their own pace, some cheated by cutting corners while half of the class girls stopped when the guys were already done. Pretty sure, they failed at counting. 


      The guys took the initiative to lead the warm ups w

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MinAhRa #1
I like the story plot
Looking forward to it^_^
yurisistible #2
I love the story so far, your writing style is smooth and clean.
Keep up the good work. I just wish that you'd make longer chapters or merge the 1st and 2nd chapters into one.