
Our story





“Sorry, it’s pretty simple but we weren’t really sure what you’d like so we had to keep it basic”


Jungkook’s eyes scanned the room, an impressed look on his face. In Taehyung’s opinion the room wasn’t much. It was the size of his room but unlike his which was clustered with all sorts of things, this one was pretty much empty, only containing a queen sized bed and a desk. The colours were quite bland too, the only colours in the room being black and white.


“You can customize it later after you’ve settled in” He added. Jungkook shook his head.


“No it’s nice.” Was all he said and Taehyung shrugged, guessing the other was just one of those simple people.


“Glad you like it.” He replied, watching the taller as he moved to set his bags by the closet.


“Should I help you unpack?” He asked and Jungkook shook his head.


“It’s okay, I don’t think I’ll start till tomorrow, it’s getting late and I’m kinda tired.”


Taehyung nodded with a simple “I see”


“So” He began again, taking a seat at the desk.


“How was Busan?”


Jungkook blinked at the question, not really sure how to reply.


“Good I guess” He answered and Taehyung nodded as if the other had given the best answer possible.


“I’ve been to Busan before. A friend of mine’s from there and so we went there for the summer once. It was nice, I liked it.”


Jungkook nodded silently, obviously not very good at making conversation. Taehyung chuckled.


“You’re really quiet” He noted, a small smile forming on his lips.


“We’ll have to fix that.” He added thoughtfully and Jungkook furrowed his brows. The taller looked like he had something to say, but wasn’t given the chance as a quiet melody began to waft through the room.


“Ooh” Taehyung chirped.


“Phone call.” He added, pulling his cell phone out of his pocket.


“Welp, it was nice talking with you. See you in a bit for dinner?” He asked.


“Ya..” Jungkook mumbled, stepping away cautiously as Taehyung excused himself.




Taehyung stared down at his phone, a curious brow arched as he saw the caller id.


“Weird. He never calls.” He mumbled to himself, bringing the device to his ear as he answered the call.


“Done with your stupid date?” Were the first words he uttered into his phone.


“You know the Jeons are here now and cause of your gross romance life I had to ask freaking Yoongi for advice. Ugh, you owe me something for being such a crappy friend.” He finished, huffing as he waited for a snarky reply from his friend. The other line however, remained silent and Taehyung frowned.


“Jimin? You there? I swear if this was an accidental call I’m going to-”




Taehyung froze mid sentence, immediately noticing that something was off.

“Jimin?” He spoke carefully into the line. A silent sob was the only answer he got back and that alone was enough of a confirmation.






“I’m moving.”


Those were the only words Jimin needed to hear to know that this night wasn’t going to end well. He could have guessed already, judging by how distant Chanyeol had been all night something was bound to go wrong. But still…..he hadn’t expected this.




Chanyeol let out a loud exhale, a small gush of mist escaping his lips. Jimin unconsciously hugged himself, sure it was chilly already, but the night just seemed to be getting colder.


“I wasn’t sure how to tell you and I know this isn’t the best timing..but ya, I’m moving.”


Jimin frowned.


“Where?” He asked, jaw clenching as he noticed the nervous look on the taller’s face. He obviously had more to say. Chanyeol looked away.


“Ulsan” He answered.


“Oh.” Jimin mumbled.


“That’s far.” He added.


“Ya” Chanyeol agreed.


“So when are you leaving?” Jimin continued, fumbling with the hem of his sweater. Chanyeol hesitated and he gulped, knowing that that wasn’t a good sign.


“In two days”


Jimin’s eyes widened, lips parting with surprise. Chanyeol, noticing the expression, cringed.


“I’m sorry, I know I should have told you earlier but I just couldn’t bring myself to. The time just never seemed right.” He appealed. JImin didn’t answer and as a result an awkward silence fell between the two. The silence seemed to last for forever before the shorter finally decided to speak.


“So what does that mean?” He asked, voice barely above a whisper.


“Are we gonna be in a long distance relationship from now?” He added and Chanyeol gulped, avoiding his gaze.


“Ya..that’s the thing. I..”


Jimin would have been lying if he’d said that he hadn’t seen it coming. He wasn’t an idiot, he’d noticed how distant Chanyeol had been for the past few weeks, had been ware of just how hard the taller seemed to find just looking him in the eyes. But still, that didn’t make it hurt any less.


“I don’t think it’s going to work.”


Those words alone were enough for Jimin’s world to come crashing down. Chanyeol continued to speak, probably justifying himself or giving reasons, but at this point Jimin couldn’t hear anything anymore. He could see the taller’s lips moving, knew they were forming words, but somehow he found himself stuck in a silent trance.


“I’m sorry Jimin.”


Those were the only words that managed to reach his ears and somehow they hurt more than the taller’s previous statement. The words were enough to pull him out of his shock and a stuttered reply was all he could manage.


“Oh.” It sounded lame to his ears, but it was the only thing out of the storm in his mind that managed to slip past his lips.


“Jimin” Chanyeol’s voice was incredibly soft and with a start he realised that he must be crying- that would most definitely explain the wetness on his cheeks and the guilt ridden look on the taller’s face.


“Jimin look I-”


“It’s okay.” Jimin cut him off. He didn’t think he wanted to hear any more.


“It’s okay.” He repeated, more to himself than to the other.


“I understand.” He lied, having not heard any of Chanyeol’s explanation. He wiped furiously at his eyes, forcing a smile.


“If it’s what you want then it’s fine with me.” He added, letting out a weak chuckle. Chanyeol didn’t look convinced, if anything he looked sorry and pity was the last thing Jimin wanted.




“I’m gonna go home now. I had fun tonight.” He quickly added, looking away.


“I can drop you off.” Chanyeol immediately offered. Jimin shook his head.


“No. I-it’s fine. I’ll just take the bus or something.”


“Are you sure? I don’t mind. I’ll-”


“Chanyeol.” Jimin cut the taller off for the third time that night.


“Please.” He added and Chanyeol, having gotten the message, gulped, scratching the back of his head.


“Oh, okay.” He mumbled, unsure of what to do next.


“You should get back home. It’s getting late.” Jimin advised and the taller, obviously at a loss for both words and actions, nodded.


“Alright. You’ll be okay right?” He asked, sounding genuinely worried. Jimin nodded, managing a weak smile. Chanyeol still stood there, letting out a nervous cough.


“I hope this doesn’t change anything. We’re still friends right?”


The question felt like a punch to the face and Jimin had to hold back a whine. He looked away, unable to answer. Chanyeol didn’t push for an answer and instead bit his lips, slipping his hands into his pocket as he mumbled quietly


“Alright, see you tomorrow.”


Jimin nodded but still didn’t look up. He felt dizzy and he knew for a fact that one more word out of his lip would be enough to break  the dam that was holding back his tears. It felt like forever before the taller was finally gone and once that was the case, everything seemed to dawn on him at once. A small gasp escaped his lips as he leaned back against the cool metal of the lamp post beside him. There was a bench a couple meters away and with some resolve he managed to walk over, plopping himself unto it. Everything felt too much and judging by the small droplets that were starting to accumulate on his jeans, his dam wasn’t going to last for much longer. So he did the only thing he knew might help. With some difficulty he managed to pull out his phone from his pocket, mind in a haze as his fingers worked their way through the device. In a matter of seconds a steady set of rings were going off as the device was pressed against his ear.


He was glad that Taehyung never delayed picking up his calls. The brief rant that the other boy began with wasn’t what he’d expected, but that didn’t matter as his tears were now beginning to flow more freely.


“Tae..” He interrupted his friend’s rant, and just as he’d expected, Taehyung seemed to pick up on his tone immediately.

“Jimin?” Taehyung carefully spoke and for some reason, his name alone was enough to break the dam.







“I’m sorry. You know I’m not very good at this.”


Jungkook held back a snort as Mr. Kim struggled with the dishes- of ordered chinese cause apparently none of the Kim’s could cook- in his hands. His mother giggled, taking them from him.


“How did you two even survive for this long?” She joked and Mr. Kim let out a weak laugh.


“Sometimes I wonder the same thing.” He answered and just as Jungkook was about to start his internal gagging, Taehyung marched into the dining room.


“I’m going out for a second.” He simply said, eyeing the table and grabbing a handful fortune cookie before walking back out. His father blinked in confusion before his son’s words sank in.


“Ya, where are you going?” He asked, poking his head out of the door.


“It’s an emergency! I won’t be gone for long!” Taehyung called back.


“But dinner!” His father answered.


“I’ll eaff wheff I get baff!” Came the muffled reply and Jungkook could only guess that the other boy had stuffed a fortune cookie in his mouth. An exasperated sigh escaped Mr. Kim’s lips and Jungkook thought it was over till Taehyung added a much clearer.


“Oh and I’m taking the car! The black one!”


The loud bang that followed was enough to signify that the blonde had left the house.


“Ugh this kid.” Mr. Kim mumbled and Jungkook almost felt bad for him. Taehyung sure did seem like a handful.


“I see he’s as energized as ever.” His mother joked, chuckling at no one in particular.


“ Perhaps he could lend you some energy.” She added, the comment whispered just quietly enough for only her son to hear. Jungkook scoffed.


“Oh please. That much energy is suicidal.” He mumbled to himself, now examining a fortune cookie.


“So!” Mr. Kim chirped excitedly.


“I guess it’s just us three then.” He said, taking his seat with a huge grin on his face- as if he wasn’t just about to feed take out chinese to tired guests- well technically they weren’t guests, but whatever.


“Yay.” He mumbled back, well aware that the rest of the dinner would just be the two adults conversing about boring adult stuff. He huffed, breaking the cookie with which he’d been toying with, in half. He pulled out the paper, a small scoff leaving his lips as he read it.



You’re in for one hell of a ride.


Ya, no .



Welp, here's chapter two. Comments are appreciated

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ahivmab #1
Chapter 5: I feel so sad that Jimin can't express his true self to Jungkookie ㅠㅠ
bluebird17 #2
Chapter 4: Your doing well author nim ~ ^^
cypherjemo #3
Chapter 2: i like, cant wait for next chap :3
Chapter 2: I love thissseeessses
__A__U__ #5
Chapter 2: Can't wait for the update~
bluebird17 #6
Chapter 2: Poor Jimin Q-Q
This is great so far, I can't wait for the next chapters!!! >-<