
Sanghyuk finds Jaehwan in the reading room just by the window where he always sits, and he plops down next to him on the floor, leaning back against his thigh. He feels Jaehwan freeze above him, but doesn’t budge, taking a thick paperback out of his bag.

“What are you… reading?” Jaehwan asks carefully.

Sanghyuk peeks up at him.

“Oh, this?” he asks, showing Jaehwan the cover. “It’s called The Grimoire, written by a certain nameless author.”

“That’s… that’s mine,” Jaehwan replies meekly. “I wrote that.”

“Did you?” Sanghyuk says casually like he doesn’t have a list of all the titles he managed to remember from Jaehwan's bookshelf in the pocket of his jeans. “Then hopefully it’ll be at least as good as Straight Line was.”

“You haven’t even finished that one…”

“I did, last night.”

“What?” Jaehwan asks, confused. “How?”

“There are these shops you can buy books at, you know,” Sanghyuk answers. “Bookshops, they are called, if I’m not mistaken. I bought it at one of those.”

“You bought my book?”

“Five of your books, to be exact. I’m kind of broke right now, but I guess that’ll only make you richer.”


“Shh, I’m trying to read.”

There’s a half-oppressive silence as Sanghyuk starts to read from where he left off last night, having to re-read every other sentence as he tries to will his heart to calm down. Jaehwan is tense above him, his hand cold as he cups Sanghyuk's cheek.

“Hey,” he says, and Sanghyuk can hear the smile in his voice, “did you really like it that much?”

There it is: the ache in his sternum as his heart starts pounding, those stupid butterflies squirming around in his stomach. He reaches up to place his palm on Jaehwan's hand, attempting to heat it up, though the skin of his face must be doing a much better job at it.

“I’m not the one who underestimates you.” Sanghyuk closes the book and places it on the carpet, turning around and taking Jaehwan's hand off his face, holding it tight in his own as he looks up at Jaehwan. “I meant that it was amazing and I literally can’t wait to re-read it after I’m done with this one, and I’m only twenty pages in, but I already know I’ll want to re-read this one as well. And I’m sorry about what I said back at your place, it was just really a lot to process and I really do think you’re wonderful, because—”

Jaehwan's free hand is on Sanghyuk's neck in an instant and he’s leaning down, pressing his lips to Sanghyuk's mouth. The kiss is soft and slow and sweet and so warm compared to how cold Jaehwan's fingers are, and Sanghyuk finds himself standing up from the floor to give Jaehwan better access, eventually having to bend down himself. He hears the book Jaehwan was reading fall to the ground with a thud, his nose nudging the lens of Jaehwan's glasses and it’s going to get dirty, but Jaehwan doesn’t seem to mind. They kiss like that until Sanghyuk needs to support himself by the backrest of Jaehwan's chair because his legs become wobbly, his hand that holds Jaehwan's shaking with the happiness that wants to burst out of even his fingertips.

When he pulls back, Jaehwan's eyes are shinier than they have ever been when he looked at Sanghyuk, patches of grease smeared over the lens of his glasses, that cute flush making his face bloom like a small wild flower.

“Let me have my cliffhanger,” Jaehwan says and a wide smile spreads over his lips.

Sanghyuk can’t help but kiss his smile again.

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yeojayeoja #1
Chapter 6: Damn this is too beautiful ^^
hanistar99 #2
Chapter 6: Oh my this is soooooooo cuuutteee (//><//) I like ♡.♡
Velzonly #3
Chapter 6: Uh oh a happy ending! And no cliffhanger thx god haha well i was hoping to see more of jaehwan n sanghyuk's future after jaehwan accepted hyuk's confession but... anw im glad I found and read this story /I don't usually read hyuken/ and it was beautiful and very well written~ thankyou so much for writing and sharing this beautiful masterpiece w/ us ^^ have a good day/night dear author.
EatJinsAss #4
I've never been so in love with a story in my whole life. Thank you so much for this..
Chapter 6: This is so beautiful beyond words. Your stories always find a way to pull at my heart strings and this one is no exception. Thank you for this story author-nim, you are truly amazing! <33
Karenkitty1092 #6
Chapter 6: Whoa this was super adorable and amazing.
Chapter 6: Ahh this is so cute and lovely!! Thanks a lot for writing this ♡
Chapter 6: I dunno why this story doesn't have comments here yet cos this is good >< I legit have tears in my eyes rn cos I never knew I needed a lit nerd Jaehwan in my life. I know you didn't end with a cliffhanger but it feels like you did because I want more