
Just Kiss the Boy

Title:Just Kiss The Boy 
Pairing(s): Chanyeol / Jongin (featuring YOI side pairings viktuuri & otayuri)
Rating: PG-13
Warning excessive amounts of fluff and cheese, mild pining, chankai (well chanyeol, anyway) are oblivious, foul-tempered waiter Yurio, ninja otayuri and not-so-ninja viktuuri, the occasional f-bomb, (seriously) lame attempts at humor, boys making out
Length: 8,323 words 
Summary:  Roommates!AU. Chanyeol hates exercise of any kind. In fact, he hates moving, period. Yet his crush somehow manages to convince him that hiking up a mountain at the crack of dawn is a good idea. Throw in some characters from Yuri!!! On Ice and it's way too much excitement for Chanyeol to deal with on a Sunday morning.
Author's note: written for caterplina in the yeolliepopday exchange

It’s not like Chanyeol’s never seen Jongin without his shirt on. They’ve been sharing an apartment for almost a year, after all. But today, the circumstances are different and all of a sudden, it’s six thousand times harder for Chanyeol to breathe.

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Chapter 1: it was so good.... So sweet and ughhh my morning feels like super romantic..... I wish I could have a boyfriend like that too.... Ahhh my poor lonely heart...
Thank you for writing this beautiful story authornim...
I read and commented on AO3 this time, but I wanted to let you know here as well that I really enjoyed this fic!
It was super funny and Chankai was absolutely adorable.
Huh... I guess I forgot to mention in my comment before how much I enjoyed how intimate and honest they were with each other - also emotionally.
So it might be a good thing that I leave a short comment here after all :D
Chapter 1: Ah I was wondering why it wasn't marked completed. Can't wait for smexy times xD