✰⋆ ELFSonal Pick Up ✰⋆

✰⋆ A Whole New World ✰⋆ || Wallpaper/Home-Screen Graphicsshop || OPEN AND HIRING ONE DESIGNER!
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I have many things to say. First of all thank you for requesting from me. This took a lot of thinking and I'm sure I was about to cry at a moment too. I just wanted you to like this so much. Anyway my explanation for the pictures is you said masculine side. I wanted to add that of course, and I really liked Kyuhyun and Siwon's Mr. Simple pictures. I didn't favor the ones for Donghae and Eunhyuk though and they didn't have pngs which was very essential as you can tell. I had seen Eunhyuk's picture and pretty much fell in love with it, because when else would I use it? So that's what I did. I used Donghae's picture from the same era. Hope this is good enough. 

The palette you gave, though a little challenging, I'm still satisfied with how I incorporated it. Especially since Siwon and Kyuhyun's pictures made sense. As well as, next time you request could you please give the pngs? Because Super Junior has been out for a long time, finding pngs was easy, but for other groups it won't be that easy. As well as please link the page with the palette next time. I was able to find it through the name but linking would be easier. 

I'm sorry this message is so long! I just wanted to say all of that and I hope in final that you like it. Tell me what you think, and hope the paper edges and fulffy snow is nice since it matches the palette. Let me know what you think an
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Come request for wallpapers and home screens~!


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I applied sorry o forgot to comment when i did x-x
Requested ♡♡ looking forward to see the graphic masterpiece ^.^ your art is so creative omg ~
How do we know if your wonderful work is done? (It is not to push. Take all the time you want, I just wanted to know^^)
I didn't understand rule number 4 and T^T plz explain I can't sleep at night if I don't fullfil this please
Chapter 3: ohmigosh this is so freaking cute! the colors are super nice as well~
thank you so much ^^
Chapter 4: So...
It's awesome! It really is! I'm really satisfied with the pictures especially Siwon and Kyuhyun. I love those Mr.Simple pictures so I'm happy that you actually chose them. And you used the colors pretty well.
And, I'll make sure to provide you the pngs and the link to the palette next time which I think is going to be pretty soon since I change my wallpaper very frequently.
Thanks for the wallpaper!
I have requested!
This is very cool ^^
It's interesting that you work in this area
A big success for you and your sister <3
Chapter 1: Can I request if I want a wallpaper for my laptop?