°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° [ 1 ]

Perks of Being Oh Sehun's Best Friend
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Jongin had to stop himself from facepalming and slapping his best friend on the head. Oh Sehun, Kim Jongin's Lisp Boy Extraordinaire best friend, was once again staring like a lovesick puppy with stars and glitters in his eyes at his 'soulmate'.


So called soulmate was none other than the school's pretty boy slash deer slash student council secretary slash junior, Lu Han, who was busy opening a cup of yogurt.


“Look at him failing at opening his dessert, Jongin. doesn't he look lovely?” Sehun sighed dreamily, making Jongin roll his eyes.


Another sigh escaped Sehun's lips when he tore his attention away from his crush. Jongin stared at his best friend blankly, resisting the urge to hit his best friend once again.


“When will senpai notice me...” Sehun pouted, his voice sounding so sad and depressing.


Jongin decides that it's best to just ignore him.




Jongin was staring at his books as he stood in front of his open locker, thinking if he should bring home a book or two so he can actually study for the upcoming math and english exams. He was about to reach out and pull the said books out when he heard someone screech somewhere, said someone threw himself onto Jongin and the next thing Jongin knows, he's lying down on the floor with his best friend on top of him, mumbling a million incoherent words a second, and everyone around them staring with wide eyes.


“What the hell is wrong with you!” Jongin hissed as he pushed Sehun off from him, the latter ended up sitting in the center of the hallway with his arms flailing about. In times like these, Jongin would always ask him how the hell did he end up being best friends with this weirdo.


“Sjgdhdgdjshdasbvd” came Sehun's reply.


Jongin stood up, an embarrassed smile on his lips, and apologized to the people around for his best friend's weirdness.


“Deep breathes, man. Breathe!” Jongin said as he crouched down to Sehun's level. “What happened?”


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Chapter 1: haha ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ Sehun is lovesick.... but we'll be patient and wait for the Sekai action to arrive ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) muahaha . I wonder who's going to notice the other first...
teufelchen_netty #2
Chapter 1: I love sehun in here, but poor jongin xd
hope it ends with sekai, even sehun lusts over han
parvin1006 #3
Chapter 1: This chapter was cute!!!
But which is the main pairing?sekai or hunhan