And they said detention was boring

The new kid in town

[Chung-Ho's POV]

Today will be another day, I hope it will be better than yesterday, but how could it be better?

Everything was perfect yesterday, I just wish today will even be more exciting.

I prepared for school, getting ready to go to the bus.

The bus stopped. Now I got inside.

I quickly found a seat there.

I noticed that many people were staring at me and whispering, I felt uncomfortable looking at them back.

The bus stopped at school, and I immediately looked for Sunny before class started but the bell rang before I could even get to think about it.

The first period started. 

We had a new seating chart, and ironically, I was seating beside Sunny.


Mr. Park: Today, we will be discussing about trigonometry and calculus.


I don't think either me or Sunny was listening to Mr. Park. We were busy whispering.


Me: Hey Sunny!

Sunny: Hey Chung-Chung!

Me: Is that a new nickname?

Sunny: I guess it is.

Me: Do you know the lessons we are having right now?

Sunny: Not at all. I just hope that--

Mr. Park:  Do we have a problem here Mr. and Ms. Lee?

Me and Sunny: No Sir, sorry.

Mr. Park: Good, now if you excuse me, I have a lesson to teach

Me: Yes sir.

Sunny: *mocking sir* Now if you excuse me, I have a lesson to teach.


I couldn't hold in my laughter because she was also making a face while doing the acting.


Me: Hahahaha!!!!

Sunny: Hahahaha!!!

Mr. Park: Chung-Ho and Sunny!!!!

Me and Sunny: Sorry sir

Mr. Park: You know what, I'm giving both of you detention for the next week.

Me: But sir-

Mr. Park: NO BUTS! Detention starts tonight at 5

Me and Sunny: Yes sir.... *feeling regretful*


Well, after that it was lunch time. We sat at the same table as usual.


Taeyeon: Hey, what is this I hear about you guys getting detention!?!

Sunny: Oh, it was nothing.

Tiffany: Really? Making fun of the teacher and laughing hysterically is nothing?

Me: Hm... Yeah.

Yuri: In just one day, you have already changed our innocent baby Sunny!

Me: Oh, sorry :(

Sunny: Yuri! It's not his fault, don't shout at him.

Yuri: Sorry, Chung-Ho, I'm just not used to Sunny this way.

Me: You're right, it really is my fault.

Sunny: No, it's not!!! It's my fault.

Me: It's not your fault!

Sunny: Okay, let's not argue about who's fault this is.

Me: Right.

Sunny...Because it's my fault!!!

Me: Uhh!

Sunny: I always have the last word, kekekeke!

Me: Let's just eat already.


We eat and then we have the rest of the periods but now, it's time for dreaded detention!!!


[Sunny's POV]

I hope my parents don't get mad at me for getting detention, but that's a wish that can never happen! 

My parents will kill me!

But at least I have Chung-Ho will suffer together with me. 

I guess this will be the most boring moment between us. 


Our teacher calls us in, wait, only both of us in detention!?!

This really ! Just two people in there.


Mr. Park: Good to see you two are at least punctual.

Me and Sunny: Thank you sir.

Mr. Park: You'll be here for two hours of no talking with each other, am I clear??

Me and Sunny: Yes sir, crystal clear.


[Chung-Ho's POV]

Now it's passed only half an hour and Sunny and I are barely awake but a good thing is that Mr. Park fell asleep.

Now Sunny and I can talk.


Me: Sunny, are you bored?

Sunny: I am bored to the bone.

Me: Me too, I hope that time flies faster.


Now Mr. Park actually woke up!


Mr. Park: Excuse me, I have to go out for a while, I'll be back when detention is over, and oh, don't talk!

Me and Sunny: Yes sir.


Of course, what kind of person would actually listen to that???


Me: Wanna play something?

Sunny: Yes, I really do!!!

Me: Do you know how to play Hangman?

Sunny: Yeah

Me: Okay, try this. I'll write on the blackboard

Sunny: Hm... there are 18 spaces, what could that be? 

Me: Try one letter

Sunny: Z

Me: Nope. *draws head*

Sunny: E

Me: Nope *draws body

Sunny: B

Me: No. *draws an arm*


This continues until I almost finish it until a shocker happened.


Sunny: Mr. Park is no fun.

Me: You knew that the whole time didn't you??

Sunny: Yup

Me: You little devious girl.

Sunny: Why thank you.


Oops, we forgot to erase the hangman on the board and it would later bite us in the .


Me: Haha, tag, you're it

Sunny: Tag, you're it.

Me: Let's rest, this is really tiring.

Sunny: Agreed.


We sat down leaning on the wall, beside each other.


Me: Hey Sunny, why are you so friendly to me?

Sunny: I don't know, you just seem nice.

Me: Haha, thanks.

Sunny: Hey, don't ever mind any of my friends, they just like teasing people, okay?

Me: Yeah, I like your friends actually.


We heard a slam on the door and we knew Mr. Park is coming back

We sat on our desks and pretended to sleep.


Mr. Park: Okay Chung-Ho and Sunny, you are free to go.

Me and Sunny: *noticed we forgot to erase the hangman drawing* Thank you sir.


We hurriedly got out and in about 4 seconds after we got out, Mr. Park noticed the hangman.


Mr. Park: Chung-Ho!!!! Sunny!!!!

Sunny: Run!!!


We ran as fast as we could as Sunny was ahead and pulling my wrist.

We were panting hard


Me: *panting*

Sunny:*panting* Yeah....rea...lly.....was. Well, I...have...

Me: I'll walk you home, I would never let you walk alone by yourself especially now that it's late.

Sunny: Aww, okay then.


We were walking together and we arrived at her house. 


Me: Wow, nice house

Sunny: *giggles* Thanks.

Me: Well, Good Night then.

Sunny: Good night too!!!

Me: See you next time!!!

Sunny: Can't wait. 


Then I start walking, but then I hear her running behind me.


Sunny: Good night *pecks on my cheeck*

Me: **blushes** Good....Night....


I walked home smiling and dancing around while people stared at me.

I arrived home awaiting what was gonna be the scolding of a lifetime.


Mom: You got detention!?!?!

Me: *still dazed at what had happened* It was fun

Mom: What?

Me: Good NIght mom.

Mom: Hey, where are you going?

Me: Heaven.


-------------End of chapter two













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i'll bookmark this first!
I Can't help but agree(ok except the thing about Key)
Aaaawwww~~~ I kept screaming whenever Key's name appeared~~!!!! He's so adorable~ And Minho is soo. . . Aaahh~~~ <br />
Yes, Ae sook is a . Let her die in hell. <br />
(sorry for the language~^^ I'm innocent, I swear~^^)
and you missed one and it still says Taemin
Oh my gosh poor Kyoung-Mi. . .
-_FireRocks_- #6
I had nothing to say so yeah, veggies popped in first and ooh, don't get into fights
Haha! LOL Siomai~! XD hahaha! Nice update :)
But I hate veggies. . . :( Hahahaha~^^ Nice update, oppa~ Update moreeee!!!!
haha yeah~ cat fight~!!
-_FireRocks_- #10
Haha, you like it?