I made him cry?

Opposites attract

Soonyoung was...crying? Was it because of the kiss? Or was it cuz he regretted it? I went to get up to go see what was wrong but held myself back. He'll be fine in a bit. I'll just leave him and let him get it all out. Yeah that's the best idea, just leave him to sort out his emotions while I sort out mine. I flop back onto my bed and scream into my pillow. If I really hated it so much why do I feel so...weird. I slap myself across the face. "Snap out of it!" I bet I'm only thinking this way because I still have some alcohol in my system. Just one glass of water will wash it down but can I bare to see Hoshi like this? Fudge it! I'm going to get some water! 

I open my door to find Soonyoung still crying his eyes out with Seungkwan and Vernon both comforting him. I avoid looking at him and go straight towards the kitchen. I didn't realise it at first but an angry Seungkwan was following me. I proceeded to poor myself a glass of water and as I went to drink it-

"JIHOON!" He was so loud that he made me jump and spill the water down me. 

"Oh great" I went to walk back to my room but Seungkwan grabbed my arm. 

"Where the hell do you think your going?!" I looked down at my arm and tried to free myself. 

"My room. Now if you would just let me go-"

"What your gonna go hide in your room and leave Hoshi like that?!" He tightened his grip, the anger in his eyes getting more noticeable. 

"It's non of my business!" He let out a sarcastic laugh. 

"You really are heartless..." and just like that he was back at Soonyoung's side, patting his back telling him over and over that it was okay. 

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" The sound of Soonyoung's voice took me by surprice. He's usually so nice but I could hear the anger and sadness in his voice. He walked into his room and slammed the door. Was this because of me? Did I make him cry?

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Chapter 13: I found this story and its really good >< fighting jihoonie. Soon will back you ><
kamoi_mac #2
Chapter 13: Hoonie Fighting!!!
Chapter 11: O___O Jihoon....FIGHTING!!!
chunsa1001 #4
Chapter 9: It's sooo good!!!!! Keep up the good work Author-nim!!!!!