In Exchange for a Sorcerer's Soul

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..what would you give? Donghae does not know, but slowly finds out.


This story is for the Solar Eclipse fanfic fest. My giftee was TheNarratress ^^ It is only the first chapter so far, but I am planning on continuing it. I will apologize beforehand though as I'm so busy with school. I'll graduate this spring and I'll keep you updated about my situation :) I seriously didn't plan on starting another ongoing story (especially with fantasy) but I really couldn't fit my ideas into an oneshot... I was also very scared on publishing this because I know it will take me a while to continue but.. yeah. I hope I didn't disappoint my giftee with the starting of it and I hope I can make this story a great one.


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Chapter 1: This is interesting ~~~ so the later mean hae won't leave so soon or they will meet again.... Wow!! Can't wait to read next chapter....
Chapter 1: "later" aksdjlaskdjsd... i hope you can continue it one day ^^ looking forward to seeing how much more they can surprise each other~
Chapter 1: Wow. I'm hooked!
Can't wait for next chapter!! <3
Chapter 1: I'm so Happy that you are going to continue with this story :) I thought it was GREAT!
MeinAltire #5
Chapter 1: Interesting, this is great. I'm looking forward for the next chaps
So glad you uploaded here too! I really love this sort of magical AU and you wrote in a way that made it so atmospheric. I really wanted to be there too in the quiet mysterious forest! Then when the two met, it was such a ridiculous situation and I loved the casual use of magic and the flashbacks with other suju members too. Looking forward to this continuing one day when you have time!