It's you {Chapter One}

It's you


Wrapping her jacket tighter around her body, Bokyon sat down on a park bench it was one of many, but she was tired from walking. It was autumn. Golden leaves were falling, it was beautiful. She smiled, taking a moment to look around; the ground was covered with leaves of the golden brown variety. The wind was blowing, not harshly, but enough to make her shiver.


She looked to her left when she heard leaves crunching under someone’s feet.

It was her boyfriend, Jang Hyunseung.


Oh, how she loved him, Oh, how unbelievably gorgeous he was.

But she couldn’t help but to frown at the look he was giving her. As he walked closer, the sadder it seemed. She tilted her head slightly at him, observing his body language.


She was going to stand, but his stare paralyzed her.

She opened to speak but no words came.


Hyunseung took a deep breath before speaking, in that soothing cheerful voice Bokyon loved so much. But it wasn’t smooth and cheerful this time, but cracked and sad instead.


“I got accepted… I’m leaving the day after tomorrow” he looked down avoiding her eyes.


Bokyon’s face opened in a grin. But on the inside, however, her heart sank.


You see, Hyunseung has been working on getting accepted into a company to become a trainee for sometime now. She always knew he’d get accepted somewhere, she always said she would support him 100% no matter what.


“That’s so great, Hyunseung!” she smiled, standing up and kissing his cheek, “I always knew you’d make it.” She smiled as happily as she could muster, without showing how sad she really was on the inside.


“Thanks, babe” he looked emptily at her, she frowned.


“You should sound happier. It’s not like we’ll never see each other again.” But she knew their relationship would never be the same. He nodded slowly.


“I love you, Bokyon” He leaned over to kiss her, but she stopped him by putting her fingers over his lips.


“D-Don’t make this harder than it already is” She choked back tears. Ones visible in his.


He breathed her name, breaking down, shoving his face in her shoulder and hugging her tightly.


Bokyon dared not cry, she was going to stay strong for him.
She held him back tightly as the wind blew harder causing the leaves on the ground to take flight. But before long, they had said their goodbyes. Seeing him the day after tomorrow would be too hard for her…






Looking back on that memory, a sad smile grew on her face.

She was packing her things.



She was on her way to Seoul. To dance for ‘Open World Entertainment.’  (Well… a backup dancer. Nonetheless she was excited)


All her life she’s always wanted to dance. She didn’t care what, where or when, just as long as she could dance.

Three months ago she gathered up the courage to audition. When she got accepted she almost fainted, good thing she was sitting down at the time.


She shoved her last few items in her suit case, Toothbrush, couple of socks and a picture of her father. Closing the suit case, resting her hands on her hips, and sighing heavily, causing her bangs to fly upwards.


She looked around her empty room.


The unmade bed, the bare walls and shelves. The window out looking the front yard.


Oddly, she wouldn’t miss this room.

All it reminded her of was loneliness. She always spent all her time in this room. This bright pink and blue, disaster of a room. Her mom made it, of course a little girls would like pink. But not Bokyon, she was more of a fan for orange.  She would just cover the walls with posters of her favorite bands anyway.


She was an only child; her mother never cared, nor supported her. Her father loved her, but he was always working, to earn a living.


She was always alone.


When she met Hyunseung, he paid attention to her, he listened. He looked at her, not like she was a mouth breathing dummy, but a woman. She loved him. But now he was seven hours away, on the other side of Korea, living his dream, and she was proud of him. But she missed him. Horribly.


Maybe she would meet him again; she was, after all, going to Seoul. She chuckled and shook her head at her thoughts. Even if she did meet him again, it would be too awkward, and he’d probably found another girlfriend. One who was prettier than her, and with a better personality.


But she was over it, after all, it was over a two years a go. Hyunseung  didn’t know she auditioned, much less was moving to Seoul. She saw no point in calling him and telling him, they hadn’t been speaking for over a year.


She picked up her suit case, and wrapped her large duffle bag around her shoulder.

Not bothering too look back before she shut her bed room door, heading out the front, where her mother was waiting by her car.


“You’re leaving now?” She asked. Bokyon rolled her eyes.


“No, going for a quick stroll in this beautiful weather.” She opened her trunk, stuffing her duffle back and suit case inside.


“Don’t be smart with me.” Her mother frowned, following her around to the diver’s side.


“I just want to tell you I’m very proud of you, Bokyon.” She smiled softly. Bokyon looked up at her mother with a surprised look coming across her face.


“You are?” her eyes wide. This mother… her mother, was proud of her? Words she’d had never once recalled ever hearing.


“I’ am, now go get em’ honey.” she gave her a kiss on the cheek, and a hug.


“Thanks, mom.” She hugged her mother back, only after a brief hesitation.


“Be safe.” were the last words she said before heading back to the front door, waving slightly, going inside, and shutting the door behind her.



Bokyon stood there, slightly stupefied by what just happened. She never thought her mother would say she was proud of her, much less that she approved of her moving to the other side of the country to dance.


Running her fingers threw her hair; she got in her car, and turned the on ignition. Grunting slightly at the old country style song that was play, she hurriedly turned it to a rock station. 


‘Well Seoul… here I come.’ She thought to her self, before putting the car in gear, and heading for the airport.

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m0zarts0nata-- #1
iskk..isk..pls update sooooooooon~
Huskylicious #2
@pinkypn sorry OTL i didn't think people would want to keep reading o____e
pinkypn #3
wow u finally updated
Huskylicious #4
hi jeannever LOL i see you reading my fics XD
i like this ^^<br />
and DGNA will be here too ♥♥♥<br />
please update soon :))
pinkypn #6
i hope u update soon
Siliyis #7
aww nice ^_^
Msaprilfools #8
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