

Jaehwan was never a tidy person. He also had a bad habit of leaving his dirty clothes scattered around his room before going to take a shower, not quite ashamed of his body as he walked through the living room in only his underwear or even less. He was all for freedom in his own place, and for all some of his band mates made displeased sounds at the sight of his (almost) bare , he caught them staring on more than one occasion. Who could blame them, really.

But back to the point.

He was returning into his bedroom from his long shower during which he used Hakyeon's vanilla scented, organic, bio, vegan and cruelty-free shower gel, the scent lingering on his skin like he had smeared cake topping all over his body. When he pushed the cracked door even more open, he found Hongbin there, which wasn’t quite an unusual sight, especially at night, when Hongbin's neat freak self came to life and started picking up the members’ laundry to place them into their shared laundry basket. What was unusual was that Hongbin was standing in the middle of the room and wearing Jaehwan's previously shed white turtleneck sweater. He was pulling the collar up to his face and over his nose, his eyes closing slowly as he inhaled.

It would have looked pretty, like something out of a movie scene—Hongbin was handsome enough to look like he came out of a movie himself—but there’s also something inherently wrong about finding someone in your bedroom, smelling your stuff.

“What are you doing?” Jaehwan asked, trying to sound less creeped out than he felt.

Hongbin dropped the collar so fast Jaehwan could have thought he had been imagining him smelling it, though Hongbin's blush that spread over the bridge of his nose was a tell-tale sign that he got caught red-handed.

“Oh, I just, I just,” Hongbin was jabbering, turning left and right like he was looking for somewhere to hide. “Can I wear it? It looks cool.”

“Where… do you want to wear it at one in the morning?” Jaehwan asked tentatively.

“I-I… I mean, not now,” he let out a laugh, trying to sound sarcastic when he next spoke, “where would I were it now? Hah. No, I mean, once. Out. You know, when we go… somewhere. Or… I go somewhere. Like, out. For dinner or something, or—or shopping or something. I just tried it on, because it looks good, so I was like, I should try it on and see if it fits me and then maybe, if you let me, maybe, I’ll borrow it once. So. Can I?”

“Um, sure,” Jaehwan replied and now he felt almost as nervous as Hongbin seemed. He stepped into the bedroom. “I’d like to put on my pyjamas, if you excuse me.”

“Oh!” Hongbin cried out way too loudly. “Of course, sorry, I’ll just… I’ll put this in the laundry.”

“Yeah,” Jaehwan said. “Thanks.”

“Yeah,” Hongbin grinned with the corners of his mouth shaking wildly. “Good night.”

Jaehwan hummed in response, and when Hongbin left the room and closed the door after himself, Jaehwan took a moment to reflect on everything that had just happened.

And, he thought, he also had some reflecting to do on the fate of his other dirty clothes that Hongbin had taken to the laundry in the past.

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SnowWhite_Queen #1
Haha this is hilarious and truly good!!
hanistar99 #2
Chapter 6: Oh my, I really laugh so hard XD right now I can't even sleep XD
Chapter 6: Haha ... really that's precious ❤ Jaehwanie is so cute even when scolding them and their reactions were just gold ❤ it's my first time reading vixx fics and I am definitely happy to read this ❤
Chapter 1: Omg that's treasure :) so cute fluffy and sweet aaww ❤
Chapter 6: lmao this is golden. I loved everything, the shameless hyuk flirting in the first chapter to creepy stalker hongbin to taek calling bull, hakyeon's morning wood and wonsik being flustered and gay all thru out. Gosh why does ken have them all wrapped around his finger so effortlessly.
Starlight_liar #6
Chapter 3: this is too good
GavrieLagusty #7
Chapter 6: Let's talk abt my canon head, like, IT'S HYUKEN ISN'T IT? HYUKEN WITH SLIGHT OBV GAY WONSHIK AND ANOTHER GAYS ISN'T IT?!!
Like, when Jaehwan said that Wonshik almost kissed him and saw Hyuk frowned bc of that and get all flustered and- agddkdpdksla why ;-;
And i can imagine how Hakyeon sounds like when he said "i feel hurt." Why.
And that last scene got me bawling......
GavrieLagusty #8
Chapter 4: HyuKen there and i'm ashdjslsoeslbdbdqlla-ed ;;-;;
Taekwoon ia cute tho, and when Jaehwan said "yes, dad?" Why did i think abt another kink, ow
But naaahhh HyuKen there adjdksospspspnxdmsl
JJ1106 #9
Is this implied HyuKen though? He kissed Jaehwan on the lips and the latter just accepted it, unlike what he did with Wonsik. Also even during Taekwoon's part where he's resting on Hyuk again. Then during the confrontation when Hyuk found out that Wonsik tried kiss Ken, the magnae frowned and it made Ken flustered.
I don't mind regardless, I am however curious and wanted a confirmation for that. It was a good read anyway and I enjoy Kenharem a lot.
GavrieLagusty #10
Chapter 3: So, Wonshik is obviously gay for Jaehwan, and Hobnbobngbin is so GAY for Jaehwan's dirty clothes, that's the points!
Omg i'm laughing more than i should, why ;;-;;