Sneak Peek

I'm not stalking you, I promise!

Jungkook was--to put it simply--freaking out. His sketchbook. It was the one thing he didn't share with anyone. His sketchbook was full of his personal drawings. More than half of them were of his longtime crush Min Yoongi. 

Min Yoongi was a grumpy, sleepy-eyed senior. There were rumors that he and his friend Namjoon were underground rappers. No one had confirmed it though. Yoongi was known for not being someone to mess with. The last kid who had tried to start something with him had been left with a black-eye and his locker glued shut. That was in Yoongi’s freshman year. 

No one had messed with him since. 

Now normally have drawings of Yoongi wouldn't matter because they were in Jungkook’s sketchbook and Jungkook’s sketchbook was always in his bag. Only now it wasn't. His bag had been in a pile with others when he stopped by the popular coffee shop by the school. 

He saw Yoongi in line and quickly shoved the sketchbook into his bag. Or what he had thought was his bag. After ordering his coffee, Jungkook had considered grabbing it so he could draw some of the people in the shop. He started to get up and go grab it when he saw The Event.

The bag that he had accidentally put his sketchbook in was now in the hands of Min Yoongi. Who was on his way out of the shop. With the bag. That had the sketchbook. Full of drawings. Drawings of him. 

Oh no.

Jungkook shot up from his seat and ran to the door. He grabbed his bag and shot out of the shop. And that was how he found himself in this situation. Crouching behind a potted plant. 

Stalking Min Yoongi.

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Average_gaki #2
Chapter 1: This sneak peek was really good and I hope you update a chapter soon cause I'd love to read your fanfic!