


"You're not gonna die," she grunted, pulling the girl up from where she was dangling above the ice cold, rushing river that would no doubt have killed her had she fallen into it. "Listen to me, Mina – you're not gonna die, not while I'm still here."  


Chaeyoung couldn't remember how many times she had saved Mina from it. Commiting suicide. 


"Get down from that rooftop!" she screamed, glaring at Mina, who was standing at the edge of the roof. "I swear to god, Mina, you fall and I'll go right behind you. You'll be stuck with me in hell." 


Five times? Ten times? 


"Drop the knife," she said calmly, slowly approaching Mina, who was holding a knife up to her neck. "Drop the knife, okay? Everything's going to be fine. Everything is going to be just fine." 


More like fifty, if she was being honest.  


But it's not like that mattered. After all, they promised each other that they'd always stay together. Chaeyoung was just fulfilling her part of the promise by making sure Mina would never leave her. And she knew that if she was in Mina's place, Mina would never let her leave either. They'd never leave each other. There was no way. 


...Funny, how despite the several promises they had made, Mina left Chaeyoung. 


At first, Chaeyoung couldn't think. How was one supposed to react when in the middle of class, they were called up to the office to be told that their best friend had been in an accident and was currently in the hospital? Of course, Chaeyoung was concerned. Of course, the promises never came to mind – what mattered was Mina. Was Mina okay? How many injuries had she suffered? Would she recover soon? Would she return soon? 


However, that soon changed, when Chaeyoung was informed five minutes later that Mina had gone into a coma. 


The promises were all that mattered. Did Mina even remember how she promised Chaeyoung she'd never leave? Because if she did, then she must have been painfully aware of how she completely broke that promise. She had left Chaeyoung. Left her for a whole decade, based on what the doctors predicted. 


She had left Chaeyoung. She was gone. And Chaeyoung was alone.  


For 10 years. 


10 years without Myoui Mina, her best friend, the girl she thought she'd be with forever, no matter what happened. 


Well, she apparently thought wrong. 

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dakbaljokbal #1
Chapter 4: we need an updateee thank you for writing this!
Chapter 4: I wish you could continue this authornim. I mean, it's just too frustrating that they met in a kinda horrible situation. But, knowing that Chaeng was able to remember Mina, then I guess it ends well.
MiChaeng32 #3
Chapter 4: For a second I really thought it was going to end with Mina thinking that.... thank god Chaeyoung remembered. Now I want a follow up chapter lol TT~TT but thank you for writing this :3
Chapter 4: I cried
We need a chapter 5!! This is so good
Chapter 4: Plsss update this story it is so amazing!!!
Chapter 4: UPDATEEE :((
212imyours #8
Chapter 4: Go get her back.. T.T
Twice_trash03 #9
Chapter 3: Wow, its amazing.I like this story already!