Wanna bet?

My trouble maker

Hyuna was looking out the window still wondering about what happened yesterday

She touched her lips and smiled

"Huh? Yah! Kim Hyuna do you have a boyfriend?" Hyorin poked Hyuna

"BO?! aniiyooo!!" Hyuna shook her head 

Hyorin grinned

"Its him isnt it?" Hyorin smiled

"Bo? W-what are you talking about?" Hyuna started to get nervous

"I KNEW IT!" Hyorin clapped right after she stopped the car infront of the school

"Boya unnie!! I dont get you at all! hehe bye bye then!" Hyuna qaved and got out

"AISH! am I that obvious?" Hyuna pouted as she walked to the gate


"Hyunseung! Your early today" Yoseob gave him a ahigh five and DooJoon followed

"Nahh... Mrs. Jung said I'll get suspended if I get late again" Hyunseung rubbed his eyes

"You look horrible!" DooJoon muttered receiving a glare form Hyunseung

"I mean you look like you didnt sleep last night! look at those dark circles" DooJoon looked at Hyunseung eyes

"Where? Ohhh there" Yoseob touched his eyes 

"YAH!" Hyunseung quickly slapped his hand off 

"Ouch! Mmm why didnt you sleep last night?" Yosoeb asked as they walked on the hall

Hyunseung shrugged adn looked down

"AHA! I know I know!" DooJoon started to jump up and down like a kid

"It was yesterday isnt it?! WOAH!!! admit it! HAHA YOUR BLUSHING AHHH!!!" Yoseob and DooJoon finished each others sentencesas they screamed like little girls

"RIGHT RIGHT?" Yoseob looked at Hyunseung but he was gone

"Oh? Where'd he go?" DooJoon looked around 

They found him near the lockers and saw Hyuna and the girls 

They quickly ran to Hyunseung

"Look who's coming" DooJoon tapped Hyunseung's shoulder

Hyunseung was stuffing his books in his locker and getting other ones

Hyuna was busy texting that she didnt even notice they were about the pass the boys

"Amber!" Yoseob quickly hugged Amber

"Let go man! GOSH!" Amber pushed him away but his grips were too tight

"Hey Ji Yoon!" DooJoon waved

"DooJoon Hi!!" Ji Yoon gae him a quick hug

Everyone was greeting each other and talking baout yesterday except for Hyuna and Hyunseung

They would only exchanged glances but they dont say anything 

The others noticed this 

"Yah!! Arent you gonna greet each other?" Amber put her arm around them

Hyuna looked at Hyunseung 

"No thanks" Hyunseung went in the class room without even looking at Hyuna

"HARSH MUCH?" Hyuna pouted

"Anyway... annyeong Unnie! annyeong Oppa! Bye yoseob! gotta get to class" Hyuna waved as she linked arms with Amber

As they got in most of the seats were taken infront so they had no other choice but to pick ones at the back of the class

"Aish... looks like were sitting next to ice prince over there" Amber pointed at yunseung who was listening to music while look out the window

Hyuna was about to sit one chair away from Hyunseung but Amber took that spot 

"Yah!" Hyuna crossed her arms

"Sorry no choice Hyun! sit here" Amber patted the empty seat beside Hyunseung

Hyuna sighed and put her bag down as she sat

Hyunseung looked at her and She waed at him but he had no expression on his face

Hyuna looked at Amber

"This is gonna take long....." Hyuna sighed

The teacher then came in and gretted everyone

As everyone was busy gretting the teacher Hyunseung was still looking out the window

Soon after just a few mins of discussion Hyuna became uniterested 

Amber was fast asleep and the only person she could talk to was Hyunseung

Luckily he took of his headphones

"Boring isnt it?" Hyunseung said

"Huh? Yeah I know right?" Hyuna replied

Hyunseung chuckled

"Soo.. Uhmm... have you ever disturbed a calls before?" Hyuna asked to start a conversation

"Huh? sorta random but yes I have" Hyunseung smiled

"Boya? you seem happy about it!! tsk tsk why would you do that anyway!!!" Hyuna titled her head

"Molla! I just tuned 14 that time I skipped classes and just started to disturb other classes.... It was fun!" Hyunseung laughed at the old memory

Hyuna smiled

"That's crazy! Haha you look so much cuter when you smile!!! your cheeks go chubbier!" Hyuna giggled as she poked her cheeks

Hyunseung cant help but smile back

"Ohhh! there it is again! heheh smile Seungiieeee!" Hyuna pinched his cheeks

"Ok ok I think that's enough...." Hyunseung suddenly felt awkward

"Hmm I bet I can do the same thing! I can disturb a class and if I win YOU have to tell the whole school I'm the prettiest girl in our class!" Hyuna laughed

Hyunsueng smirked

"Arasso! BUT if I win YOU have to serve as a maid in my house" Hyunseung took his hand out


"DEAL!!!!" Hyuna shook hands with him 


"You had a bet?!?!?! with Hyunseung?!?!?! oh my gosh!!!" Ji Yoon almost choked on her food

"YUP! right seungie?" Hyuna smiled at him 

He nodded

"You hae to disturb Mrs. Kang's class right after lunch!" Hyunseung said as he drank his juice

"BO?!?!?!?!??!" Everyone else in the table reacted

"Mrs.Kang????" Amber's jaw dropped

"SHE IS THE MEANEST TEACHER IN THE WHOLE SCHOOL!" Ji Yoon and Yoseob said in unison

"We're having a test after lunch you cannot disturb that! You'll get skinned alive!!!" DooJoon stood up and shook Hyuna

"Bo?? JANG HYUNSEUNG you bastard!" Hyuna stood up 

Hyunseung just chuckled

"It's already a deal you cant back out now... unless your a COWARD" Hyunseung smirked

Hyuna just sighed and everyone continued eating

"Oh.. Hyuna where's your food?" DooJoon asked

"I-I couldnt buy any... I left my wallet in the classroom and Mrs.Jung and Mr.Lee are in there... I wouldnt want to disturb" Hyuna eyed Hyunseung 

Hyunseung nodded in agreement

"Huh? is there something you guys know that we dont?" Yoseob looked at them again and again

"Nothing!" Hyuna said as her tummy grumbled

"Ahhh Shh tummy!  Ottoke I'm starving" Hyuna whined

Suddenly Hyunseung stood up with his tray

Hyuna was busy looking down to her tummy when a tray of food appeared infront of her

"Oh?" She looked behind and Hyunseung smiled at her just before he left

"G-GOMAWO!" Hyuna shouted at Hyunseung

Ji Yoon and Amber then started to giggle

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! HOW SWEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!" Yoseob and DooJoon hugged each other as they screamed 

Hyuna just laughed as she started to eat 

Hyuna left some food for Hyunseung just incase he was hungry 

"I didnt see him eat at all! he didnt even touch his food... where is he anyway?" Hyuna asked her friends

They all shook their heads

Hyuna left  them for awhile to go look for Hyunseung

"Uhm excuse me have you seen Hyunseung anywhere?" Hyuna asked on the students passing by

"I think I saw him by the lockers" The girl pointed at the lockers near their classroom

"Ahhh gomawo" She bowed and ran towards the lockers

She saw Hyunseung infront of his locker and she poked him

"Ahh... Hyunseungie... I saved you some food back at the cafeteria. Thanks by the way that was really-" Hyuna was cutt off

Hyunseung turned around and he was so pale and he was out of balance

"Hyunseung are you-" Hyuna was cut off again

Hyunseung fell on her and his weight was sending Hyuna down with him 

"Hyunsueng? Yah! this is not funny yahhh!" Hyuna put his head on her lap as she shook him lightly 

Suddenly the teachers came out of the room 

"Songseangnim!!!!!!!!!!! Hyunseung fainted HELLPPP!!!!" Hyuna screamed becuase of panic"

"Omo omo omo!!!" Mr.Lee came running in and he help Hyuna carry him to the infirmary


OTTOKE!?!?!? What happened to Hyunseung!?! O.O why'd he faint all of a sudden!? find out in the next chap! >.< I'll update tomorrow! I promiseeeee

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hyerajung #1
Chapter 8: so cute, so sweet,, update soon please.. *pout
Chapter 8: i hope u are update this story.. huhuhu
Chapter 7: aww aww aww please dont do that to hyuna.. >\\\<
Chapter 6: he fainted bcause he's thought about kissing with hyuna.. kkkkk how so sweet~~ lol
Chapter 5: omg... <3 please get married .. they are kissed.. kyaaaaaaa i cant
Chapter 4: uhuuukkkk why so cute huh <3 i like it
Chapter 3: dog vs cat... kkkk lovey dovey moments <3
Chapter 2: kkkk i thought hyunseung will fallin love with her.. kkkk
Chapter 1: kkkkkk cute cute chapter!!! i love it ~~
reading this story.. that foreword made me want to read this.. :')