

Donghae has 2 great friends, Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk is more than a friend, so when he dies, Donghae is distraught. He stands at the grave long after the funeral has ended, believing himself to be alone. But as Kyuhyun wraps a comforting arm around him, he realises he is not alone. He may have lost his lover, but he still had his friend, Kyuhyun. 


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LollieLover #1
NOOOOOOOOOOO!! I hated this! D": <br />
Why did it have to be sad?! </3 <br />
Very beautiful story. Short, bud full of feeling. I envy your great writing skills. I really liked the way you´ve written this story. It was kinda poetic. I wish, I could write as good as you :D