❦Knightmare Island❦ | GRAND OPENING! 1/14/2017 | Facebook RP | All Orientations | Open & Accepting


An Island unknown to society. Humans and Kitsune are brought here to serve their masters. 





about us

This island is unknown to society mainly because when people come they can never leave. They don’t even know how they get here, they are being drugged and brought here for whatever reason. The HUMANS and KITSUNES that are brought here, come from different backgrounds and different races but one thing they have in common: DANGER of being  SLAVES to God knows who. From VAMPIRES to WEREWOLVES, ANGELS to DEMONS, INCUBUS TO SUCCUBUS, the HUMANS and KITSUNES live in FEAR but some get quite close to these creatures. It will just depend on whether or not you have what it takes to survive. 


one.favorite is a must. Upvote is appreciated.
two. STAY ACTIVE! there will be activity checks. Semi-Hiatus 1 month. Hiatus 2 months. If you're going on Hiatus, Please contact one of the admin!
three. IC drama is loved. OOC drama will not be tolerated. Let admins know if there is a problem so we can solve it immediately. We dont believe in kicking people out but getting to the bottom of the issue. 
four. talk to everyone of Knightmare. Nobody likes roleplayers who face chases.
five.  preg/mpreg is allowed after a month of dating. Couple listing is banned for at least one week. It takes out the fun if you tie yourself down the first week you are here. [ has no limits] We do Accept moving couples!
six. all orientations are allowed.
seven. first and third pov is allowed.
eight. everyone is welcome. kpop, jrock, krock, co-op [if its a thing] and crock, all actors, models, and anyone else.
nine. comment below for the character you want. check the masterlist first to make sure the desired character is available.
ten.  please make a bio and put up a display picture after you are accepted. send a pm to an admin if you want help with your display picture or application. 

eleven. Only add those who have been officially announced by an admin! Please also keep your friends list as updated as possible since this is a closed rp (to avoiding mixed roleplaying with other group). Easiest way, make new account ^^ 

twelve. and the most important rule HAVE FUN!!!

how to join

One: Subscribe. Upvote appreciated.


Two: Please check Masterlist to make sure your desired character is available.


Three: Apply with the following application: 






Available Creatures: Humans, Kitsune, Incubus, Succubus, Demon, Angel, Hybrid, Witch, Vampire, Werewolf, Siren


Four: You have 3 days to create or recycle an old account and add ALL the admins once you have been accepted: 


 Vin. Zelo. DonghaeHanbin


Five: This is a closed roleplay. So please make sure to set your 'Alt Name' to 'KMI - Species' If your name isn't in English, please put your 'Alt Name' in the following layout. 'KMI - Species - Name'




01.14.17 Facebook Grand Opening!!

01.15.17 IU has joined the island!

01.16.17 CL has joined the island!

01.17.17 Lisa has Arrived!

01.17.17 Taehyung has arrived!

Date: Update

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Group: BTS
Name: Jimin
Species: Angel
NandaLin #2
I can make a new account to join but I have no experience :0
KnightmareIsland #3
| | U P D A T E D ||

KnightmareIsland #4
Hiro has been reserved for 3 days.

KnightmareIsland #5
Red Velvet Seulgi has been reserved.
Group: Bts
Name: Taehyung
Species: Demon