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home cheatsheet review updates credit jan 22 Hello there everyone!! Thank you all for being interested in this, Kim and I really appreciate it. We're both so grateful to everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been on much this week, I just started back to college so I was focusing on school but we're both here and getting all of the reviews ready to post. Keep applying everyone!  Lots of love! <3 jan 31 Hey everyone!! We finally have almost all of the reviews finished, just one more to go! Kim hasn't been able to work on some because she's been extremely busy with school so you guys please show her a ton of love!
If your review is pending, please feel free to edit it and let us know when you're finished so we can accept your oc. anyone is welcome and we haven't decided a deadline date yet so please feel free to apply! Thank you guys for being interested and supporting us! remember that no one is officially chosen (besides kim's oc) until after the deadline so everyone has an equal chance until then. if you have any questions please let us know! <3 Feb 9 Hey GUYS!! CAUSE I CHECK IN, HELL YEAH I CHECK IN!!
OMG I SWEAR I'M NOT DEAD. I'm so freaking sorry I haven't been on. I now have a part-time job and it's honestly killer. I promise you guys kim and I will make regular updates on this, so you don't have to worry. I'm finally used to balancing school and work, so i can get back to you all and get some updates out for youth. We'll be posting the second
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Thank you to all of the subs we're so grateful!! :D


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Chapter 3: You know that one moment when you realise that "Oh damn I forgot to subscribe since I was part of the writing crew before" so I end up finding out about this really late so. Yeah :" ) Thank you for the amazing review! I love how you get all angsty and stuff because hey, that's what my character actually is! I'll make sure to update it soon and I'll notify you guys! Thank you once again!
MinjiJu #2
Chapter 3: aww you make me cry with tears of happiness <3333
thank you sooooo much for enojying my app
cuz like you're the only one THIS kind to me omg <33
thank you for noticing sarang T^T
and ugh im not brilliant at all... you're making me blush <3
you make me sound like i'm a genius but i'm nOT <333
i cant stress how much i want to thank you!!
YOU'RE the kind one omg <33 thank youuuuu so muchhhhh <33333

p.s. sorry for bombarding you with hearts ;333
Chapter 3: thank you for the kind review ;////; you're way too sweet! i'm very glad you like yeoreum, even after the minor changes! honestly i was going to apply with another character but i just couldn't let yeoreum go ahaha again, thank you for accepting yeoreum! just a quick heads up, i won't be very active for the next few weeks. i will try to leave a comment when i get the chance to o_o;
Chapter 3: Oh my god thank you for accepting and liking Gyoori again!! I'm so sorry for the late comment, I've been busy T^T BUT I'm so glad for this super nice review and all the love you've given out!
Chapter 3: Thank you so much for the review!! I'm so glad you understand Yesol!!! And thank you for liking her again!!!
does the dormitory has curfews? and is it one person per dormitory?
Chapter 6: This teaser again!!! I love it so much! It's so beautifully written~ ^.^
MinjiJu #8
Chapter 6: omg i've had no time since the 23rd but
i'm like tt!!!!!!!!!!!! you reminded me of how beautiful the teaser is </3333333
heartbroken r/n like ;;A;;;;;;; <33333
Chapter 3: thanks for the review!
glad you guys enjoyed haebin as much as the first time :)